Where can I find something like pic related? I really miss the old school computers.
Where can I find something like pic related? I really miss the old school computers
Other urls found in this thread:
Marketpro Computer Show and Sale
maybe craigslist
computer recycling places (not very common unfortunately)
sometimes schools auction or throwaway old hardware (not common either)
they usually try to sell them all though
good luck
hey i have that exact same pc
it's all yellowed and corroded now though
There is a retro(old computer thread already, why didn't you search and ask there instead of making a new thread?
gee, I dunno maybe try micronpc.com you advertising shill.
>tfw remember going to these as a kid
>so many boxes of $5 OEM mice that would break 2 days after you started using them
i fell for the free after rebate keyboard meme. they would stop working and i'd smash them in the dorm hallway in 2001 and buy another.
I remember paying $10 for a copy of Hardball on floppies at these shows, then getting hope to discover they sold me shareware.
You jelly?
Sorry for the potato pic
All that filthy yellowing plastic. That mis-matching DVD drive. Glorious.
>what is retr0bright
i know you have trips but
alright thanks for playing see you next time on OP IS A RETARDED
Have you tried the internet?
Also thrift shops and craigslist are guaranteed to have classic and outdated tech for cheap. The thrift stores and weirdos on craigslist are forced to price their products at their actual market value, instead of being able to mark it up 200% by adding "RETRO COMPUTER" to their ebay listing and selling it to the first retard to click Buy It Now.
can someone translate this?
>mfw people fucking pay $100+ on jewbay for these pieces of shit
I have a shitload of old computers. I'm trying to sell them, but nobody wants them.
Care to list any of them?
i have one sitting in my room
win xp sp3 with
1gb ram 120gb hard drive and 128mb vga
how much will u buy it user (monitor not included)?
i could ship dat shit to you.
dont waste your money on an old PC
buy just the peripherials and a CRT if you want
a lot of old keyboards feel actually pretty good for typing, and the CRTs have some real benefits compared to LCDs (better color, big range of refresh rates to choose from, can accept literally every resolution you throw at it as long as its above 640x480 and scale it perfectly since it doesnt have a fixed amount of pixels, so to speak (you can do 320x240 or other tiny resolutions with a refresh rate of 120 Hz on most screens too )
>since it doesnt have a fixed amount of pixels
da faq?
a 1080p LCD for example usually has 1920x1080 pixels
in a CRT the electrom beam shoots the image directly on the screen
also skipping the scaler makes the CRT have effectively no display lag
CRT's have a native resolution, it depends on the mesh behind the glass.