Why are you buying expensive battle stations, graphics cards, and cellphones...

Why are you buying expensive battle stations, graphics cards, and cellphones, yet still live at home because you're "poor"?

You can't explain that.

Why aren't you working on your independence, user?

just waiting for my inheritance money first

Where the fuck else would I live if not my home? On the street?

You mean that inheritance money that you're going to burn through within a month tops?

It's about 7 million buckaroos.

Sure it is. I bet you won't even make it a year before you're out on the streets.

Assuming you upgrade every 3 years, then a $2000 PC is still only $30 per month.

Go look up the price of rent



>owns a house

Hue... :(

i only upgrade when something breaks.

misread “owns a horse”, spent ages staring at the screenshot

Best savings accounts out there top out at just an epsilon over 1% - amounts spent on hardware make for insignificant contributions.

Investing is a joke unless you can afford to throw at least $1000 a month into an IRA.

401ks are completely fucking worthless, no matter how much your employer contributes.

dont be mad poorfag hahahaha

enjoy going to work tomorrow :^)

It's still shitposting even if you're being ironic

>>Why aren't you working on your independence, user?
Why would I? The only thing that's needed for is for persuading women to sleep with you, and they're unlikely to want me even if I was independent. It's a very poor cost-benefit ratio.

What's the point of this """""independence"""""? It's the same thing we have now for free, except we have to pay for it. Who in their right mind would go for such a thing?

Your mom still washes your underwear. That makes you a loser.

you're still poor either way :^)

That last point is so incorrect that i want to die

Please stop shitposting user

>mfw I became independent of my parents by becoming dependent on my rich boyfriend
Why fend for yourself when other people are more than happy to take care of you?

stop being poor first :^)

My mom never did my laundry or cooked when I was a kid.

also you're no more free when you're ""independent"". Sure, in theory you can do whatever you please. But in reality your only choice is to go to work every day, because you need the paycheck to keep a roof over your head and food on the table.

your options are just as narrow when you're independent as they are when you're a neet - the person with the money tells you what you may do. You just change who that person is from a parent to a boss.

As long as you aren't on welfare, that's whats important.

He fucks prettier bitches on the side. I guarantee it.

you depending on people is the least of your problems faggot

you're being misled, OP is not a girl

Go to bed, Kevin.

I live by myself. $2,400/mo rent, I'm fine.

By being a NEET you are interrupting not only your parents' life, but their sexy time. Both are incredibly selfish. A that point you are a burden, and a waste of oxygen.

its funny as hell seeing the 'battlestation' threads and 90% of them still live with their parents

I don't care if some faggot is a NEET as long as they aren't on welfare.

Btards only care about that op

t, salty poorfag


Independance is an illusion. Even with your own place and money you are dependant.

Seeing as how this has become a n33t thread...

My immediate family lives in one house.

Rent out there is crazy. Spent $2k/month on an apartment in Irvine for a year, so I can say this. Not worth it to an introvert (plus Californians are fucking nuts).

I don't feel like buying some greedy assfuck landlord another BMW. I managed to land a remote position that will allow me to move back later this year.

Independence is a matter of agreement among family members. We mind our own shit, but also keep one another sane.

You seem to have a poor grasp on exactly where you are right now.

liv'd on my lonesom since 17 user

overrated at first

but then worth it

also people are sissy fags in north america don't project your worthlessness all over, it's a you problem

That's pretty nihilistic of you user. If you have your own place, your own income, and are not being an idiot getting into insane debt you're independent.

>Non American
>not worthless


Its a lot harder to save money if you live on your own.

If you still lived with your parents you could save like 90% of your income and buy pretty much whatever the fuck you want.

My stepmother was putting 12% into hers for 10 years (that's all she could afford). Including another shitty pension plan from a previous employer, she gets to squeak by on less than $1000 a month in a shithole middle-of-nowhere town until she dies.

Exploit or be exploited. Hard work is not rewarded.

look at your leaders and tell me you are not ashamed

this is the best you people can offer? get a life

no, i have a 3 bedroom apartment.

>dependent on your employer for currency which you need to exchange for food, water, and shelter
Only those living off of the land in the middle of Siberia off are independent.

>implying our leaders aren't your leaders


im sorry buy if your parents don't expect anything of you you will achieve so little

i guess it's your mom and pops fault for being losers and raising a retard

They're coming for you next, user.

We have lost our grip...

>Rent out there is crazy. Spent $2k/month on an apartment in Irvine for a year, so I can say this. Not worth it to an introvert (plus Californians are fucking nuts).
I was considering a job out in Irvine (was a contractor back in those days, RF engineering). Still not sure if it would have been worth it. Cost of living was astronomical but so was the pay.

So you rather live in a shithole than a stable first world nation with healthcare? Move there my friend, I think you'll like it there.

>america mattering outside of keeping contested trade routes open


you should see how you people live even compared to a second world country

im really sorry for citizens of the united states especially


Lease renewals increase by a MINIMUM of 5%.

You will not find more than 600sqft for less than $1800 in the Irvine area. I shit you not.

Houses here are an average $1M for a tool shed and some dead grass.

It will not get better. They will do everything they can to put you on a rent treadmill.

President Trump will fix any problems america is going through.

lol, trailing by what? 9%? better luck next life

>can only afford trips to 2nd world countries


Thank you for correcting the record

If you aren't starting your own family why would you move out unless your family hated you?

You are just punishing yourself.

So you are purposely limiting your options for employment to just locations that happen to be within a reasonable driving distance of your parent's home? Well if you can only work at McDonald's then you won't have any problem.

If you have to cart yourself off to an office every day, you've lost the game. Go get sick with your coworkers and spend 8 hours or more per day finding ways to look productive.

If you cant into remote while being dev (and the position doesn't require a security clearance), you are a bigger piece of shit than any n33t.

>100k a year
>free house provided by work
>only child, parents worth a few million in cash and assets

Not a problem if you live in a major metropolitan area.

Impressive. Very nice.

Of course. Every major metropolitan area has a McDonald's every couple of miles.

>117k a year
>40k goes to taxes because singlefag
>apartment costs 33k/yr
>sales taxes, having to drive everywhere, and whole-foods prices at costco

its the second week of being at my own appartment, been living off of canned chili and rice and tv dinners

Are you a "HIRED", normalfag, or some dumbfuck grad student who's starting to come to terms with never being able to escape debt?

Guy working at McDonalds in Seattle part time living with his parents is going to have $1500 to blow on whatever every month.

Not him, but debt is easy to avoid.

Everyone on here acts like they hate their folks but I like mine fine. I moved out living alone 4 months ago, and I miss them. Being completely alone at home everyday, without parents to talk to, and obviously without friends, has made me miserable. Buying things doesn't help.

And I have around $8000 to blow on whatever every month.

My girlfriend and I were looking for apartments in the OC since she worked in Irvine.

She got another job in Ontario and we found a very nice place for $1300/mo, 700sqft

Will never move to Irvine. Irvine is shit.

Yeah but you probably work over 60 hours a week.

disabled neet. not too proud to say but just playing the cards god dealt

Congrats on that.

Standing on my shitty soapbox for a moment: If you can manage, get yourself a house. The more people we have buying into this idiotic rent market, the higher prices will go. Renting is not OK, no matter how much you make, IMO.

Prices in SoCal are high for absolutely no reason - it isn't Long Island where land is at a premium (just look at the stretch of perfectly good nothing between Irvine and San Diego ffs).

No. I work 9:30 to 5 every day. And I also live a 5 minute walk from the office. So I save another hour every day compared to the person who works at McDonalds and needs to drive 20 miles from his parent's McMansion in the suburbs every day.

> "Why are you buying..."
> implying Sup Forums isn't full of toddlers

Well damn good deal then, thats a pretty nice salary.

my boyfriend lets me live in their guest room

That makes him smart, senpai.

Life's nothing but pointless shit, and I have nothing against those on welfare.

I suspect most of my taxes are being directed to more delightful DoD projects the future will see used when martial law kicks in.

That, or some congressman's growing collection of Bentleys.

Why should I care?


It's not bait. President trump is going to fix america, you actually think clinton is going to fix this? Fuck no, she'll declare war with russia.

Get some sort of a hobby to occupy yourself. Nobody is stopping you from going outside, even by yourself. Are you co-workers so boring, that you don't even bother talking to them?

Love your freedom, bro! Visit your family once in a while, when you are able, get a hug from your momma, then go back to your own life.

*insert the "world is your oyster" meme*

Trump is a nincompoop or very good at acting like one (Putin likes him, I guess that's worth something).

I don't see how Trump, a realestate tycoon, will help to fix rent issues in high-population areas.

Clinton is a mobster and needs to die.

IMO, we're so fucked its not even funny.

>buying expensive battle stations, graphics cards, and cellphones
Nope, though I might maybe pick up a RX480. Maybe.

>yet still live at home
Technically yes, but I own the home. Outright. No mortgage.

>working on your independence
No need, I already have it.

#feelthebern XD

He's a billionaire that he made himself. He's one of the most successful people in america right now. He has the right people to fix americas problems. I have faith in president trump

> No mortgage

Congrats user. Keep it that way!

Because gaymers are fucking stupid. They'll spend their net worth on a graphics card that fucking NASA wouldn't even need, for games that don't even take advantage of the cards abilities.

My build:
4gb DDR2 RAM
Intel Core 2 Duo 2.5ghz
On board graphics
Gentoo with Gnome

Laptop is an MBA 2015

No need for any gaymer shit, when all you do is re-post memes and code (because I have a fucking job)

Bernie never struck me as a leader.

I'm apolitical - stopped voting after dubya made it in.

Not trying to make this into a Sup Forums thread, but voting here accomplishes nothing (they are fixed - why else would we have any issue counting ballots?).

Do you know the difference in price between an expensive battlestation and a house, underage user?

Trump built his fortune upon is father's.

He's about as "self-made" as any other trust fund baby.

He started with a million dollars and made it a billion. That's self made. He also wouldn't have gotten the money if his father didn't trust him.

You father probably makes a decent coin. Can you borrow $50k from him, and turn it into 5 million? Why not? I thought that everyone can do it! :^)

PC Gayming is the only thing I have left to live for.

I dont have any talents or pursuits that can keep me driven.

Going into full "independent" wageslave mode is almost like looking forward to a prison sentence.

You're a waste of oxygen even here. Learn to be less worthless by learning a skill like programming.

Its not about learning, I dont like programming. Taking something you dont like as a career is a one way road to misery.