Who /20000mAh+/ here?

Who /20000mAh+/ here?

Other urls found in this thread:


26Ah here
learn your units

I know, that's why I put the + on the end user :^)

And it's 23.2Ah fyi

You can use 18650's for vape devices

Small time


i use the same cells in my vapouriser

>durr what is an inverter

i dont vape

Using those cells in a vape. I hope its a low amperage device user. The max discharge on those is 10 amps or less.

24Ah here


especially when I use them as Butt plugs

Who else using recycled cells here?

where i can get one of those?

>mfw I've actually stuck an 18650 up my butt

Ebay, AliExpress, got one for like $4.
Just search usb 8 18650 bank

thanks user

Will it explode? Are they safe?

Top kekkles


30000mAh here. 10 18650's

See my link here: amazon.com/dp/B01BR15PSM/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_LW-Rxb6R1W06R

is the link wrong? you said you use one with 10 18650's and the link posted says it only accepts a maximum of 8

Well I have used ones that house 4 and it still works.
I don't know why the x8 would explode, possibly shitty charging circuit/process?

Nothing to worry about user


ah, that explains it, what batteries do you use? eneloops?

Thats not me. Im just giving the guy a link.

not him, but ebay has some mystery brand chink shits which claim bullshit 5k mAh
but they actually are 2k and great quality

and they are dirt cheap
they have a decent amount sold so they should pop up somehwere in "best results" filter

I'm It's an Intocircuit thing that LinusShillTips recommended
It performs great, but the thing has something weird inside that vibrates like a goddamn doorstop when you knock on it the right way. Any idea what it is?

Op here
Panasonic's are perhaps the best 18650 cells you can use.
The green/yellow ones are 2900 mAh IMR's (also can be bought for in 3400mAh but be wary of fakes) and have can support up to a 10 (15 unofficially) Amp discharge rate, making them more suitable for power intensive tasks (hence all the vaping discussion)

I recommend the gray Panasonic 18650's. They are a bit more ideal for charging phones and such with a 3-4A discharge rate.

Hold your horses m8, those ultrafire (Chinese) batteries are not good at all.
Many reviewers have tested them and while they are decent and good for the price, they are actually between 800 to
1.5k mAh, only sometimes these Chinese knockoffs be close to 2k.
Be careful, user.
I would spend the extra buck or two to know what i m getting.

It is 8, I have yet to see a portable bank that can hold 10 18650's

Where do I buy 18650 cells, and how do I solder them safely as I dont have a spot welder.

Ebay, Chinese sites, amazon, your local recycling centers.

It's hard to solder them together properly, you can put some flux on the end and a copper why and pray to God that the solder sticks the the end

Copper wire*

>descreasing voltage

>Being this illiterate

Sanyo has just overtaken Panasonic with the sanyo NCR18650GA (3500mAh, max. 10A discharge) and the LG Chem 18650 MJ1 (also 3.5Ah, 10A discharge rate)

If you have QC capable, 3amp+ out or variable DC output (5~19~21V) power banks it will have a difference.

Mouth fedora users tend to drift toward the Sony 2100mah 30A discharge batteries.
if you use a quadcopter or a high discharge item then they're much better for that

overall quality and reliability should be the same for all of them, since they are all being made by the industry's leading manufacturers, however, as you said, Ultrafire and no name brands are a no go, they're filled with flour or are actually different batteries.

i found one, but i think the circuit seems cheap, dunno if it is reliable or not


Got it for $10 on sale, and the flashlight is damn good. Makes Pokemon Go last for hours

Ultrafires age like shit, my 3500mAh ultrafires were only 1300mAh and after a year they'd dropped down to 600mAh.

Trustfire is good though, but you gotta be wary of fakes. I've got a pair of 2400mAh trustfires for my torch and they're both fantastic

That must feel energetic



vapers need to be tortured

we get it, you make vape jokes

Fuck off, pissphone.


Shill and a retard, move along.

But user,
Vaping is healthier than smoking, r-right?

>implying switching DC to AC is good for charging DC devices
You are beyond retarded

I don't know what mine's capacity is, bought a generic one on eBay just because it has a solar panel

>he doesn't play pokemon go from his home by faking gps locations

Who 72wh effective with USB and notebook charging ports here?

One or two 18650 and a Miler ML-102 and that's all I need for hiking.

Shit is multi-use: charging phone, charging camera, using them for timelapses, or putting the 18650 in the torchlight

I love 'em

You fucking told him!!!!

>Mouth fedora users tend to drift toward the Sony 2100mah 30A discharge batteries.
No the most common are LG 3k mAh and Panasonics. Samsung is quite popular as well.

Recent ban waves and draconian measures are killing the game ATM. RIP to users in smallville. Full Pidgeot teams inc.


If you gonna use Ah, please also specify the voltage. Or just use Wh.

they're single li-ion cells, the voltage is known/the same

If you're going to mention capacity, at least specify charging inefficiencies.

>Mouth fedora users tend to drift toward the Sony 2100mah 30A discharge batteries.
>if you use a quadcopter or a high discharge item then they're much better for that

>18650 for a quadcopter


Soldering 18650s drops their lifetime significantly I've heard

No batteries included senpai.

literally this so hard. all these 2938729387Ah devices but the dcdc converter is just shit tier.

only usable at say 1A. at 2A it burns out and at 500mA the efficiency is so bad you lose half your capacity.
