Why are so many people in tech morbidly obese?
I mean I understand it's a sedentary hobby but a low calorie diet and a simple exercise routine are not massive burdens.
Why are so many people in tech morbidly obese?
I mean I understand it's a sedentary hobby but a low calorie diet and a simple exercise routine are not massive burdens.
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>not massive burdens
they are a burden to your mass and therefore ARE massive burdens.
because they dump massive amounts of sugar into their bodies regularly.
they drink their calories. they're never full because the only calories they consume are sugar.
reminder that sugar is a drug and has the same effects on the brain as cocaine.
I'm honestly sickened when i see a fat person, and it's not because they disgust me outright, but because I'm so empathetic that I imagine how painful - emotionally, and physically - that it is to be obese.
That said, I don't pity them. They have the ability to get the facts about nutrition just like everyone else does.
You don't see any obese Olympic running, or swimming champions.
Fatties are delusional
Was this witty in your head before you typed it out?
being thin wouldn't make them better at their hobby, so why bother?
Warren Buffet drinks 5 cans of full sugar Cherry Coke everyday. I want to be like him.
>why bother
because it will actually make them better at their hobby by not dying. you can't be good at your hobby if your dead, or have your limbs chopped off due to preventable complications arising from preventable diabetes, the most deadly, yet most preventable disease in modern human history.
I heard that story before and it sounds like such bullshit from an 85-year-old
Depends on stress.
Routines can even do this to people on diets. You can see the same in accounting and clerical positions.
Basically, just sitting all day, worrying and stressing, never getting up.
It doesn't matter how well you think you are eating.
Also: Don't forget BPA in plastic containers - if its sitting under fluorescent light, whatever it contains is getting a solid dose of it. You might as well put yourself on estrogen...
>Basically, just sitting all day, worrying and stressing, never getting up.
so, basically being gay?
I'm fat because why not be fat? I don't have much else going on. I like eating.
Because thyroids.
>irrelevant, poorly timed '90s insult.
Go kill yourself.
>Basically, just sitting all day, worrying and stressing, never getting up.
>Also: Don't forget BPA in plastic containers - if its sitting under fluorescent light, whatever it contains is getting a solid dose of it. You might as well put yourself on estrogen...
tell that to michael phelps, used to be suicidal, now he's the greatest olympic athlete OF ALL TIME with 23 gold medals.
>so, basically being gay?
all of that will happen in the far future, and modern medicine negates a large chunk of the risk anyway. People not really caring about risks they may or may not face in a few decades time is common in all sorts of fields, why wouldn't it be prevalent in this one?
you're a fat loser and it's all your own fault. you can blame it on plastic bottles, or photons coming from fluorescent light bulbs, but none of that is forcing the sugar into your mouth, or holding you back from playing team sports 4x a week
Why are so many people in any fucking field (except sports) morbidly obese?
quit being a faggot, you giant baby. please continue to kill yourself
I was a fattie so I know how it feels to be fat. Fat people havr this mentality of not doing anything like being lazy and shit and the eating never stops. its hard to get fit alone. thankdully i had friends who forced ma haha
>don't have much else going on
so why not exercise
IMO, people in tech are obese because of anxiety or something
that depends on how much activity you have in a day
exactly. they're too weak willed to overcome vice. they do more work justifying it to themselves than it takes to just do it
>that depends on how much activity you have in a day
but this doesn't depend on the activity.
each 12 oz can of cola has 190 calories. that's 1 hour's worth of full court pickup basketball to burn off.
that's only one can, too. most people who unironically drink soda, drink several cans a day.
3 cans is 20% of your daily calories, 570 calories - an entire meal. the more cans you drink, statistically the less you move, so you get into a cycle of drinking more and moving less, making you blimp up to unnatural proportions.
so you're actually getting around 2500 calories a day, when you only need about 1800 (2000 if you're doing manual labor ).
elementary arithmetic shows that over the course of a week you're getting an extra 49,000 calories per week. every 3,900 calories = one pound of fat. you will gain about 1.3 pounds of fat per week by drinking 3 cans of soda a day.
That sound like bullshit, user.
daily reminder that cola is candy. it's liquid, but it is candy.
>low calorie diet
>good and/or effective long term
"I have no idea what I'm talking about" the post
lol fatties: experts on nutrition - The Second Posting
I'm just gonna leave this here
please show me one olympian who looks kind of like you, i'll wait
daily reminder that a ounce of protein has the same number of calories as an ounce of sugar.
i eat 3000-3500 calories a day and still maintain a perfect bmi. don't project your obesity onto me bud; there are easier ways to lose weight than by starving yourself
daily reminder that you're a retard if you think calories is the only thing that matters.
sugar has no amino acids at all. sugar has zero nutritional value. sugar does nothing positive for you, metabolically, it's only a burden on your metabolism.
Why exercise?
nah, you fat. u fat. you just think you're fit because you're surrounded by superfats.
i'm never hungry, i always stay full. don't project your dehydrated appetite on me, keep scarfing it down
sugar is a quickly available source of energy, but a low-energy person such as yourself would have a hard time with that concept.
Its more fun than some 60 dollar games
>you will gain over 1 pound a week by drinking 2-3 cans of soda per day.
lol dang you got me
That climbing exercise looks fun
i play semi-pro basketball as a hobby when i'm not writing embedded C and assembly for aircraft.
But it takes significantly less effort to play a $60 game.
>all these fat fa/g/gots trying to talk nutrition
Most of the people in strongman competitions are obese.
>wanting to put in "significantly less effort" when it comes to health
>fatties gonna fat
Are the SHP9500 the best to buy for 60$
Honestly no it isn't depending on a variety of factors. It's not hard to walk outside and run for 25 minutes. Stop being so damn pathetic.
>implying you have the muscle mass of an olympian weight lifter, let alone a strongman to justify the million calories hanging off of your pathetic frame
>mfw fatties fatting
You need all the energy you can get to pull those all-night coding sessions, and you ain't gonna get that from eating fruit.
>I understand it's a sedentary hobby
Then why even ask?
Well yeah. Why try when I can live a slow, delicious suicide with no effort?
It is for some of us, and not just because of the weight.
>all-night coding sessions,
This kills programmer dead before 50.
yes you will. you'll get more because fructose is a "slow" energy source. if you eat a few pieces of fruit early in the evening, and drink water instead of sugar you will have a logarithmic distribution of energy thorough out the night.
if you drink dextrose, you will have multiple exponential spikes, followed by the corresponding plunge in energy.
>implying implications
Just saying. Not everyone in the Olympics/other sporting competitions is svelte, just those who need to be. Wrestling is another one that comes to mind. Also, the stationary ones like clay shooting and archery.
Deep depression. I'm by no means morbidly obese, but food is a comfort thing for sad times.
Well with no kids or a spouse to worry about that's the ideal age for them to checkout.
>good looking
pick one. search your feelings, fatty. you know this to be true.
ok, then check out of politics and stop trying to influence society too. no one is going to help make your self-inflicted, choice for a death spiral of a life more comfortable.
>fat acceptance
Explain how it's difficult for you to get off your fat ass and make an effort toward something positive.
uh, yeah you can? what is glucose?
If there's anywhere the education system has failed us it's in the topic of nutrition
Fructose is a simple carbohydrate and so it is ackchyually a fast energy source.
>good looking
I didn't say anything about that.
Never mentioned myself either. Stop projecting.
He's talking about the glycemic index.
my gf has a Ph.D. in human metabolism, so i'm gonna trust her when she says fructose is a slow source of energy because it has to be metabolised before it is turned into dextrose
Not that I don't agree about fat acceptance being a load of shit, but Jesus kid take your SJW boogeyman fearmongering back to where it belongs before you claim other people are trying to influence politics.
>Broscience: the post
Okay, but my dad works for Nintendo so your opinion is invalid.
I'm a former competitive power lifter who's been laughed out of three different gyms three different times by women when trying to get back into shape.
I've given up. There's various other problems with my brain that have exacerbated this (look up "lamigdol" and note that I'm not an epileptic), and along with the fact that my family disowned me years back, I don't have anyone that cares about me and I'm getting closer and closer to thinking no one ever will.
"Durr stop being sad and do something about it" - you
If it worked that way, it'd be easy.
>Ph.D. in human metabolism
lel, and I'm a Ph.D in graphics card comparisoning.
it's easy to mindlessly munch on garbage all day
metabolism and natural sleep schedule and basic human phsyiological functions are fucked from sitting in front of artificial light for most of their lives
and then more trash meals for the 'convenience' so you can eat while at your desk
That's your problem you fucking pussy. As someone who has been actively suffering from depression and social anxiety disorder for the past decade I can guarantee you you're at fault here for not wanting to better yourself, not your mental illnesses. Stop making excuses. Getting outside and running makes me happy and clears my mind. If being around other people who bully you for being a fat piece of shit triggers you so much then work out indoors. You shouldn't be going to gyms regardless, they're fucking cancer.
tl;dr either better yourself or kill yourself
1 word 4 syllables
also sugar, but go do some research
Didn't I say I am killing myself? I'm just taking it nice and easy, and enjoying my way down.
Don't 'malt' if I do!
Well don't take it nice and easy. Just jump off your balcony. With how fat you are I'm sure you'll fall fast enough you won't feel a thing.
i...i dont understand the joke....
The elites have medical technology far beyond what us common peons have access to. Notice how actors don't appear to age?
Because we're all going to have to pay for your medical care through our social services you entitled, irresponsible, selfish fuck.
Everything falls at the same rate.
Why would I do that? That sounds awful. The drugs I take make sure I don't want to die, so I've decided that I just don't mind if I die. So I'll just eat myself to death, nice and slow. That way, if things do change, then at least I'm not dead yet. Who knows, maybe I'll eventually become one of those people who laughed at me before in the gym.
As for you, you should probably take yourself a lot less seriously.
Why are you asking the obvious, if you sit in front of your computer 8 hs a day and eat shit, you'll get fat, that's all it is.
it's actually science science. she's in the top lab in a research institute that is consistently ranked within the top 3 in terms of publishing in the highest impact factor journals from year to year.
>don't appear to age
LOL, they just have better genetics than you, famalam.
Actors are the master race :^)
You'll have to pay either way. Rather than shouting at fat depressed strangers on a chinese drawn porn site why not take it up with city hall you lazy faggot.
>posting about how things should be
>trying to influence society which influences politics
gotta remember that i'm more knowledgable on things than most people are, so i need to really spell out things that are obvious to me
>can lead a horse to water but can't make it drink
i can lead a fatty to science but can't make them stop fatting
well your gf should know that fructose cannot be converted into dextrose as they are derived from two entirely different compounds.
we may pay, but we'll never pay as much as you fat fucks will, because we'll have our fingers by the time we're 80
dude she's the expert not me. i'm just trying to convey the facts as best i can.
the gist is that fructose is leagues better than dextrose. and that dextrose is basically a poison and a drug as far as your metabolism and mind are concerned
Nah you'll still have to pay for my little fatty kids. Gonna raise them on nothing but high fructose corn syrup and gluten so they'll carry on my legacy of diabetes for generations to come.
>feathers and anchors fall at the same rate
nice meme
lol some people can be so intelligent and skilled in areas like software architecture, yet so unknowledgeable in areas like nutrition.
why is there such a disconnect?
let's have holistic intelligence.
>implying fat is from genetics and not from regular intake of excess calories in the form of sugar.
it's literally impossible to eat so much food that you get so fat that you can't move anymore. the only way this is possible is with the introduction of sugar.
sugar is so calorie dense gram for gram, that it is literally the only substance you can pack into your body to get enough calories to blimp up to the average superfatty we see today - gut hanging down, knees touching, ass unwipable.
it's like rocks, sand and water in a jar. the vegetables are the rocks, the meat is the sand, but the sugar, the sugar is the water that fills up every last bit. when you constantly do that, duh, you get extremely fat.
The only difference is air resistance you cuck. A fat person and a skinny person there probably isn't too much difference. Probably the skinny person will hit the ground first :^)
Get the fuck out.
That was really a good post until that horrid analogy of diet and a beach in a jar.
Not genetics, but being taught poor eating habits from a young age that will pack on enough fat so that whatever effort they may make to undo the damage is incredibly demanding.