Want to order pizza through the phone

>want to order pizza through the phone
>they ask for my name, address and phone number
>tfw the botnet wants me to starve

Other urls found in this thread:



but phone is open source


Have you tried looking at it from their perspective? How are they supposed to deliver it if they don't know where to deliver it to? How do they know if you aren't a prank caller if they don't have your name? How are they supposed to call you if you live in an apartment building with a security door and need you to buzz in the delivery driver?

how did you manage to crop with the crop selection box still inside the image

i'm legitimately impressed

Fake name, they already have your phone number since you called. If you live in an apartment, give them a nonexistent number and meet them out front.

Or better yet go pick it up yourself.

is this a new general?

It's been a thing for a year and a half.

i mean you are not wrong but it seems like lately its becoming like 2 per 2 hours

It's a glitch in the screenshot tool because linux is so shit

Pizza delivery for... I.C. Wiener?

>not telling them you're Chad Thundercock at 69 Boink St.

Why was she crying in the anime?


She wanted to fuck the mc really badly

The name is used to mark the tickets for whose pizza is whose. If you order in the store, they'll still ask for a name for the order. If you really want to, you can use a nickname or pseudonym.

How do you expect them to deliver a pizza to you if they don't have an address to deliver to?

They need a number to call back if there is something wrong with your pizza. If they're asking, it's because they don't have caller ID.

There is no botnet. This is just normal business.

This fucking thread again


>>they ask for my name,

Misspell it.


Pick it up and stop paying delivery tips.

>phone number

Be off by one.

user lied

She's Inaba from Kokoro Connect, and she's crying because she though MC was kill, but he wasn't kill


>look mom, I posted it again!!! xDDDDD
Sage, filter and hide

Fuck off

I work for pizza and we don't deliver. You come pick it up. But we do ask for your name, you can just say "Richard" or something.
Then again you'd have to leave the house to come get it.

is nonfree.pizza still up>

damn don't blame me that autists couldn't control themselves and wrote up entire episode synopses

Thank you.

>The girls' exchange is interrupted by the arrival of Heartseed who possesses Iori and warns Inaba that while the phenomenon is now over, Taichi has suffered an accident. Not understanding what he means, a horrified Inaba assumes that Taichi fell off of the trash dump cliff and frantically sprints back to camp. Upon returning, she finds that Taichi was merely hurt falling from a tree to rescue a kitten. Taichi apologizes for making Inaba worry and she responds by bashing him in the stomach. Her emotions a complete mess, Inaba breaks down into a hysterical sob, crying tears of relief that Taichi is safe as her friends look on.


Why is Inaba so best?

Can have this thread everyday but desktop threads get deleted.

>People are taking this bait seriously

Maybe I'm in the upper 50th percentile of Sup Forums after all.

The person to find on the apartment's buzzer list.
Where the fuck is your fat face?
>phone number
Pizza Hut burns down and they can't deliver. How would they contact you?

Tell them your number is 867-5309.

Did you respond unironically or are you just being a wise ass

>my name
your mom's name
>my address
your mom's address + basement
>your phone number
your mom's phone number

Then stop being a disgusting weeb and go pick it up yourself.

This changes everything