I really enjoy programming and the theory behind algorithms, but I don't care about computers

I really enjoy programming and the theory behind algorithms, but I don't care about computers.
I know how they work of course, because this is essential to being a good programmer, but I don't care about computer hardware.
I couldn't even tell you off the top of my head which graphics card or processor I have in my machine.
I've never built my own computer either. I've always had hand-me-down computers from tech-savvy friends and family.

Anyone else like this? I feel like I'm in the minority.

I use my computer constantly, but I don't like computers. I like information - and computers are currently the best tools for accessing information.

Such is the plight of an INTP.

OP here. INTP as well. I really hope this graph isn't real.

I think it takes into account all the perpetually NEET INTPs. INTPs who manage to hold down a job seem to do okay for themselves.

look at these fucking gentiles

Those who have unusual interest in hardware are just buyfags ("consumers","sheeple")

When you see a buyfag thread, hide it and move on.

You aren't really in a minority; I doubt Sup Forums really has a majority group.

you are just among a specific group.

Even though the Briggs mode is a shit, I'm "INTP" and ADHD, probably Asperger's, but married and making $90k/yr.

INTPs can make it.

Thanks family. Do you think she married you for the cheddar?

Sup Forums is overrun with gamer retards these days, but there are still people like us left here

Any discussion of hardware is an enormous red flag desu.

do you care about CPU internals, EE, and other low-level hardware theory?

Not that much desu
Maybe if I took a closer look at it though

It sounds like you're a normal computer scientist

>believes in personality types

They're just horoscopes for atheists.

hardware specs are literally the lowest hanging fruit of computers. any retard can look at FLOP/s and identify the larger number. that's kind of the point of specs. to allow instant identification of the superior device by a barmaid.

what takes understanding is WHY certain circuits are more effective than others at specific tasks

Really really funny post. I will have to remember that one.

tfw you did the test and got istp and its not even on the list.

Yes, switch to higher abstractions like FP (Haskell)

you never counted anyway

>that's kind of the point of specs. to allow instant identification of the superior device by a barmaid.
no, specs are supposed to be hard numbers to specify what the hardware can do
would you rather have
"our gpu does 40 fps in withcer 3 at [detailed description of their setup]" than "20 gigaflops"?
Note how the first can change with updates to the game, the graphics driver, etc. while the latter one is unlikely to change (significantly).
They're objective and easily verified most of the time.

The majority prefer your views (at least at the uni I go to)
I prefer the hardware side and I think im in the minority lol.

kind of the same in that I don't get excited by technology, like new phones and hardware and shit. I also don't care about shit like what OS/distro/desktop environment to use, just whatever lets me get my work done.

as an intp, i wonder how many people on Sup Forums are intps

Who is this dilf?

It depends on what level you are programming on. If you're programming close to the hardware, then it's C and Assembler and so on...

Me, I'm not even interested in dicking around with various compilers. I just want a simple install file for an IDE. The best configuration is the one I don't have to do.

me too. I actually built a computer before, but since ~2011 i just use a mac haha.

More like gilf but I also want to know

This describes me too very well.
What do you do?

You mean horoscopes for slightly less gullible people. Religion has nothing to do with horoscopes.

I feel like that is actually the majority. It's the majority that I see at work.