Why does Sup Forums hate tripcodes

why does Sup Forums hate tripcodes

It's not just Sup Forums, everyone does. Adding a tripcode is dwindling the place to reddit-tier style community, which means people think they're so important that they need to make a name for themselves. I can see the OP with a question making one then never using it after the thread is pruned, but putting a fucking tripcode on because you genuinely think you're some special snowflake that needs to be remembered is textbook egotistic 10 year old syndrome. Personally I just have all tripcode blocked and any replies to them blocked as well. It makes literally no difference in content but at least I can't immediately judge someone

tl;dr fuck off tripfag we have all of you

The only reason to have one is to gain attention

thats quite autistic

Because no one uses them like they are supposed to be used; a TEMPORARY identity for one or two threads in a discussion where consistent identity would be valuable. Instead, they use them as a LOOK AT ME I AM xXxMeGaHaX0Rxxx KNOW ME WHEN I POST IN EVERY THREAD against everything Sup Forums is about.


Because they are jealous or something and they feel it's important to point it out in a whiny way instead of just filtering them

everytime i read a post on Sup Forums i glance at the name feild if i see a trip i dont read that post

Because tripfags abuse them. It's meant to be used to identify you for a specific thread, not to be your secret Sup Forums identify.

Plus some of them like pissphone are just obnoxious

>attention whoring on an anonymous image board

Everyone with any amount of sanity and/or decency hates tripcodes.

Kill yourself.

haha wow haha that was ironic, I get it. I love our tripfags, this is why we love you guys here

Because Anony-Moose.

>Because no one uses them like they are supposed to be used; a TEMPORARY identity for one or two threads in a discussion where consistent identity would be valuable

But I do exactly that, mainly on creative boards where it makes sense for people to link their work to a name.
For instance, hating on tripfags on /p/ or /diy/ is doesn't make sense, since it's often easy to see what was made by whom anyway. And on a board like /fit/ where everyone boasts about themselves I imagine anonymity is even less relevant.

Tripcodes have become the least of Sup Forums's issues.
Generals and "daily threads" are "dwindling the place to reddit-tier style community" much more than that.

That and shills/consumerism threads

That ain't called tripfagging user, it's called "using a tripcode properly".
I do so too.

What did you meme by this?

dumb phoneposter

I don't and I think tripfriends like falcon are a net positive but there muppets on the other side, like be awesome, who are just trolls.

If one needs to identify himself he is by definition an attention whore. I simply hid all not-anons.

Well that and the fact that 90% of the people on this board are legitimately retarded. I want a Sup Forums without all the retards.

Trip codes are great. They are an easy way for me to filter irrelevant posts.

because they're all attention whoring fat pedophile neckbeard weeaboo faggots that need to die in a chemical fire

The answer is that they don't :]

I like trips :^)

>uniq snowflake XXD so ironically edgy

Nice projection faggot