Can It Be Rooted?

I have an LG G4 on the Sprint network on Marshmallow. Is it possible to root, or did I fuck up when I updated my phone to Android M?

Nevermind, I did my own research and found out that I have indeed fucked myself.
Shit. I just want Xposed, and I don't have an upgrade until Next November.

Was going to grab an iPhone and jailbreak it, but even iOS is in a transitional phase with no jailbreak. fucking awful that they're patching all this shit.

Android M made shit difficult.

You should be able to temp root. Try KingRoot, it's a chink app

Will check that, but I have my doubts. Will post results. Thanks in advance for the suggestion even if it doesn't work.

christ, I was thinking of buying a G4, how do I avoid this bullshit? I am NOT dealing with another S4/knox root undermining issue.

No such luck, friend.
Damn it all.

I don't know, man. I wish I hadn't have upgraded. I'm sure they're upgraded from the factory at this point so there's no escaping it. Maybe grab a OnePlus, or a Nexus device instead.

Just reflash lollipop firmware, fucktard!

shoulda got a oneplus or a memeorola Sup Forumsphone

Is that possible?

I'm trying that now, any way it could fuck my phone and brick it to hell and back?

AT&T Galaxy S5 with Lollipop reporting.

Welcome to the club. I'm not giving up yet. Maybe a root tool will be developed from the recently discovered quadroot vulnerabilities.

AT&T Galaxy S5 with Lollipop reporting.

Welcome to the club. I'm not giving up yet. Maybe a root tool will be developed from the recently discovered quadroot vulnerabilities.

That is what I was hoping, I'm currently trying to flash Lollipop, but LGUP isn't recognizing my phone. Why everything has to be such a pain in the ass is beyond me. If I own something I should be able to do what I want with it.

I completely agree. It's advanced cell carrier jewry trying to sell me services I will never, ever buy. If anything, it makes me want to jump ship.

>burger mobile carriers
lmao how do you fat shits put up with their practices?

It's unfortunate really... but Sprint did enable the ability to use the FM radio on the G4... so we have that going for us. lel.

If people started buying their own phones and not supporting their locked bs and absurd fees things will change
I still can't believe locked phones are a thing

>AT&T Galaxy S5 with Lollipop reporting.
>Welcome to the club. I'm not giving up yet. Maybe a root tool will be developed from the recently discovered quadroot vulnerabilities.

I got a Galaxy S5 Active and it's rooted. Bought it off eBay where it had 4.4 installed. I had actually bought an S7 edge and returned it due to it not having a 'proper' root (engboot has lots of issues).

Update: Wasn't showing up in LGUP because my dumb ass wasn't putting it into download mode.

Worked for me on my TMo Note 3. Now running KitKat stock with Xposed.

The latest Marshmallow update for the G4 killed the ability to flash back to v5.