Internet Browser General

>There isn't a single good browser
Currently on Chromium but it's RAM hogging a bit. Why can't there be just one good browser?

Tempted to hop on to Opera but are there any Sup Forums-approved lightweight browsers?

Unused RAM is wasted RAM

Also just want to add that I've been on Chromium for 2-ish years and I've been spoiled by uBlock Origin.

How's the adblocking on Opera or other browsers?

>tfw Opera died three years ago
Where my Opera bros at (not you Chropera niggers)


pic related is great fuck you
it's the internet itself that is broken
the state of most modern wobsites is a disgusting depressing tragedy

Midori you cunt.

I really liked the original Opera..and I kinda liked Chropera as well

But the chinese purchase of Opera Software put me off Opera forever.

I am now on Firefox, but I don't like it like I liked Opera, you know..

Because browsers are usually free
So good programmers can't be bothered

Until Mozilla has implemented electrolysis properly in Firefox, Iridium (based on Chromium) is your best bet for a functional browser

Opera is chrome without Google shit and ads, so it will run faster than chrome.


>Not using Opera with built in adblock and vpn

>using Chropera

> muh privacy

Where the fuck is a non-laggy browser with tree-style tabs?

>tfw the last time you used Opera was on XP

How's the adblocking?

GNU Icecat; firefox without botnet and fast

Mozilla® Firefox© Nightly™

Edge isn't terrible now it has extension support. Can even use uBlock Origin. Only real problem stopping me from using it is the lack of VP8 support for webms.

If I was on Windows I'd check out Edge but running Mint right now. I heard Edge wasn't shit.


Comfy t b q h

I'll check it out later today

is luakit good or just a meme
I heard it has security problems

Just use dwb or IceCat with either vimperator or pentadactyl.

I had I in Windows98 and I loved it

>tfw still using it

been using Opera for 15 years...
still stuck on 12.17...
nowhere to go...

"The application is built on the same kernel as Mozilla Firefox, which is why it resembles this browser not only regarding the functions it offers, but also the interface."

At least you've got 12.17, I'm stuck on 12.16

12.18 is the latests btw

I use Vivaldi, i like it for most things but it has some issues. I'm pretty sure it has a memory leak or something, because the longer you run it the more RAM i wants.

I know, but post 12.16 is Windows-only.

I use Maxthon, pretty confy but chinese botnet.

Still on Opera 12.18. Even wrote an extension a while back, 2 if counting the one that I had to fix.

IE 8 best browser ever. Thank me later.

how do I make my browser run on my gpu

I'm quite happy using Chromium.

write browser shader

otter browser

Edge is unintuitive and shit.


memory consumption system
"Not the botnet" botnet
Chink botnet
>Otter Browser
We're Opera 12 only better! As soon as we fix everything at least. Please download our browser.
I'm a lean, mean, memory sipping mach- *crashes*
I'm Midori without less crashing.
Look at me! I'm so liberal I hate myself! Please let me be popular
>Forks of firefox
We're based off firefox but we hate firefox. You're still getting the same SJW infested codebase but in a new reskinned package!
>Opera 12
Too much JS. Piss off.

>I'm Midory without less crashing
Do you mean with less crashing as in it crashes less?

I meant not shit compared to IE