OC'ed AIO RX480 rapes OC'ed 1060

OC'ed AIO RX480 rapes OC'ed 1060


Where are you nvidiots?

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I play games other than Ashes of Singularity

interesting. maybe this will shut up nvidiots

put the same cooler on 1060 and see it go

I'm sitting on my 1070

AMD can't even compete

rx480 beats gtx 1080

You paid 200$ more for what exactly? Increase in 6fps?

Interesting that it didn't blew up as the VRM now has no airflow over its toke heatsink unlike with the original cooler


Something I have noticed as a trend through these benchmarks is that AMD tends to have a larger gap between the average and minimum framerates while Nvidia seems to be tighter.

There were several cases where while the 480 had much higher average frame rates the minimum framerate was around or below the 1060.
I see this as an issue.

what were the temps?

do i return my 1060 now ?

Would this be a possible GPU + Cooler combo for someone in Europe?

Does anyone know the prices? Would this cost lower that 1060 cards?

Even if it seems like this guy won the silicon lottery, it's still hilarious to see the RX480 BTFO'ing the 1060.

I have r9 280x
should I upgrade to 470 or 480?

I don't think the 470 would be much of an upgrade and the minor performance bump you'd get from the 480 probably wouldn't be worth the price unless you also care about temperatures and noise levels.

soooo.... where are all the nvidiots? are they shut ?

Its funny that AMD needs an unfair scenario to win in benchmarks

>Overclocking is unfair when nvidia loses

Cool story, bro! Nvidia for lyfe!


call me when you actually can BUY one. this shit has been """"""released""""" two months ago and still nobody is delivering it

>doesnt put the same or similar cooler on the 1060
The OCed 480 without the water cooler was getting beaten most of the time by the OCed 1060. While it is interesting what the 480 is capable of when not limited by temperature, it wasn't like the 1060 was also tested with such limitations removed or that anyone would seriously consider buying a 480 for this.

nvidiots continuing to claim nobody has an rx480 because its sold out, its been sold out, and it still is because PEOPLE ARE ORDERING THEM SO THEY GET SHIPPED OUT THE MOMENT THEY GET THEM.

Unironically wait for Vega.

>custom hybrid
>just to make a midrange gpu perform better than another midrange gpu
get a life ffs

>sold out
and still nobody has one. have fun waiting 2+ months to get your product you preordered

Why didnt he slap this cooler on 1060? Or 1060 isnt limited by temp?

If I remember correctly, gamer nexus did a custom water-cooled 1060 and it didn't overcloock that well

Yes, you probably should.

In a practical sense it is useless to OC both cards. Minor noticeable boost in games.

>amd niggers still lying to themselves


it's just pathetic at this point

what resolution was that test run at?

literally only read that its sold out. My brother ordered one, he got it, he didn't have to wait long. anhero you fucking cancerous human being.

Fire Strike is 1080p, extreme and ultra are just an increase in resolution.

OP, everyone has known for a long time that in OC conditions the RX480 wrecks the 1060. Compare HWBot data.


Why would that stop you? For the purposes of comparison you don't use someone else's data.

>buy an expensive AIO card

might as well buy the next tier up if you're spending so much on a 'mid range' card

Get back to me when there is a one-off Frankensteined 1060 pushed to limits.


>wanting poo on your gpu

>nvidia hasnt received its optimizations for vulkan in doom yet

doesn't matter it more or less cant get past 2 ghz


Try a huge improvement over the other one


wew lad is this a joke

Where's the 480?


>im poor

for that matter, where's the 6600k or any other current gen cpu

>i use userbenchmark to make buying decisions

Compare HWBot data.

>custom cooler vs retail aib cooler
>still can't oc over 1.5ghz

no i use my brain literally 90% of the benchmarks ive seen show 1060>>>>

260x user here. I'm waiting for the next generation of cards. But then, I'm pretty poor.

what like this one

how about this one

what about this one

FUN FACT: when you overclock the coreo n an Nvidia card you are only changing the frequency the shaders run at, not any other sub systems. Overclocking on a GCN card is one frequency to rule them all which is a massive factor into why GCN scales far more linearly than anything Nvidia has.

or this one

>interesting. maybe this will shut up nvidiots
>maybe this will shut up nvidiots

You must be new here.

how about this one then

I'm not going to buy a RX 480 for 320 EUR and an AIO for 100 EUR.

dis one?


Pascal can't oc that much more anyway. I look at the water-cooled hybrid 1070/1080. None of them can click better than a ref.

Now what the guy in the video should have done was stick that cooler on a 480 with an 8pin card. That would probably give some more oc headroom. Still tho it's a bad ass card. Clock for clock amd is way faster than Nvidia. Whish they could tap into that tho.

no one cares yuropoor


No it can't because it's not made to.

>let me pull out my list of the 3 benchmarks AMD wins out. You're sure to be seeing these again, and again, and again, because I have nothing else. That will surely prove that AMD doesn't lose the next 100, because I've pulled them out again!

I'm thinking of getting a 460

there is also a 470 but meh not a gamer

the 460 is available from asus and saphire - which one is better overall?

an AIO doesn't magically mean better OCs. This guy just has a golden chip, either that or he just falsified it, because he's (literally) the only person to get >1400mhz that didn't destroy their card with lots of voltage and ln2.

Why do you spend so much time and effort making excuses on an anonymous message board for a card you don't even own?

its a bit more than 3 family


why are you mad when amd is better

Now post the rest.

>home made hybrid
>literally attaching a GPU AIO to a GPU
Seems about right for AMD. Claiming they did or can do something that's not actually some amazing feat.


sure thing :^)

>I can't even compare it against the card under discussion!

>I can't even compare it to the card under discussion!

I know AMD doesn't care for money, that's why they are losing it. I just need to keep pointing it out because the message doesn't seem to hit home enough.


>put expensive cooler on """"budget"""" card
AMDrones might as well go LN setup.

>people actually go through the effort of saving benchmarks just so they can win arguments on Sup Forums
get a fucking life you fat freak rofl

Satan has spoken.


cherry picking at its finest

People acually posting facts to back their arguments? LOL DUMB NERDS

Sup Forums thrives on lies and memes. Hell Sup Forums is actually the better board to discuss pc hardware than Sup Forums is.

The 480 is literally 4 generations ahead of that piece of trash 260x

It would be more than double the performance gain, why are you waiting when the 480 is the best priced card to come out in years?

>why are you waiting when the 480 is the best priced card to come out in years?

480 isn't best priced at all. you either get the 470 if you're a poorfag or you get a 1060 if you want a step up in the $250 range.

Do you faggots double check before posting useless crap or are you just too stupid?

Slow down. Buying the 1060 is the gayest thing anyone can do at this point. So ask yourself this? Are you Gay?

>aio 480

Congrats, you're only $60 away from a guy 1070 now.

>GTX 1060 losing in a gimpworks game

Sapphire has been very lackluster this gen. Currently Powercolor or MSI have the best rx 480's.

Really? Which one ocs the highest? I'm still undecided on which one to get.

Just wait, the 280x is still good.

I thought the ASUS card actually ended up being the best card despite being the shittiest looking one.

Lol who cares about some bottom of the barrel poorfag card. Seriously people would bother water cooling that? Im waiting on the water blocks for my new Titan XP cards. AMD has nothing to compete with this. I'll support the company which actually pushes the envelope.

Rx 480 might be good, but at least aib 1060 was available to buy 2 weeks ago in my country and cost me less than reference 480. So fuck AMD and their failed launch.

Still no aib rx 480 in sight too btw.