Why aren't you using Linux Lite OS Sup Forums?

Why aren't you using Linux Lite OS Sup Forums?

It's basically xubuntu without all the bloat, Also has a nice theme and some custom programs for system maitenence.

Also when you log in it plays sounds.

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Because I like professional standard software

>Why aren't you using Linux Lite OS Sup Forums?
It's non-free software.

I don't want to use Terminal.

i like xubuntu already.

Because Linux sucks dick and you cant do anything on it


I like highly configurable systems, so I either use Arch, Gentoo or LFS depending on what I'm going to use the system for and how much time I have to set it up.

It used to be good but it's horribly bloated now, It even ships with that stupid gnome software program. You should try Lite, If you like xubuntu you will love lite.

Could you give us more information more than "it's looks nice" ?

What would you like to know about it?

Is it free as in freedom?

Yes because unlike trisquel and devaun it ships with the freedom to actually use the hardware on your computer.

>it ships with the freedom to actually use the hardware on your computer.
Being free to choose your master doesn't mean you aren't a slave.

I understand that but until hardware manufacturers start writing FS drivers you aren't doing yourself any favors by gimping your computer trying to make a political statement.

You are essentially the self immolating protestors of software, You might set yourself on fire for the cause but in the end no one watching cares and you acheived nothing but hurting yourself.

If FSF folks really want to do something to help the community they should learn C and start writing those drivers or shutup.

>It's basically xubuntu without all the bloat
But it ships with the same kernel, desktop environment, browser, mail client and office suite. And if Wikipedia is to be believed, it ships with VLC which would require Qt support.

All in all it looks like a pointless re-skin of Xubuntu or Linux Mint XFCE.

I tried both mint xfce and xubuntu and lite is faster than both, Im not sure what all tweaks the developer did but it runs with less ram on my machine.

Probably has a lot to do with gnome-software bloat being removed, I think he also removed a lot of automatic reporting bloat shit too, You know when a program crashes or you have to force quit on ubuntu it throws a message asking you to report this and that.

>I understand that
>but in the end no one watching cares and you acheived nothing but hurting yourself.
People run Trisquel/Guix/Debian because they want their computing to be free. Your inability to grasp that people want freedom to be free rather than to make a political point illustrates that you do not actually understand.

>you aren't doing yourself any favors by gimping your computer trying to make a political statement.
Why would I have to gimp my computer? I have a job. Hardware that runs on free drivers has been around for years and it is always better supported than proprietary equivalents that depend on proprietary microcode. It's pretty fucking simple - Intel GPU and Atheros Wireless. 100% support with no proprietary software.

>Probably has a lot to do with gnome-software bloat being removed
>I think he also removed a lot of automatic reporting bloat shit too
Neither of these things impact system performance. gnome-software is just a front-end for packagekit, which does a single check for updated packages every few hours.

Are you sure he didn't just turn off the default window compositor or something?

Or you can just install xubuntu core.

Because i don't use Linux on the desktop

>xubuntu without all the bloat
I thought xubuntu was ubuntu without all the bloat?

Because of this .

>Package name: lite-info
>We do not use the GPL on Lite Info. Lite Info is offered as a binary to protect how the software talks to our web server. Revealing this method would put a good portion of the project in jeopardy.


You're an idiot who has no idea what he's talking about. Enjoy lying and parroting myths you saw on here or elsewhere to feel superior.

>Intel GPU
Since you're using an Intel GPU, you're also using their CPU. You're using proprietary blobs with the Intel microcode for their CPU, and possibly GPU. That's not entirely free. It's close to acceptable (driver wise), but stop pointing out the freeness of Intel hardware.

Xubuntu is Ubuntu with a different desktop environment pre-installed. See this xubuntu.org/about/.

That's all it is. Stop getting your knowledge from g meme posts and try to form your own opinion backed by facts.

>some custom programs for system maitenence
isn't that called a Terminal in all Linux distros?

Is not pointless you idiot. You can do everything with point and click, perfect for new users coming from windows.

Also this is a shill

>tfw I thought I would get a response in some decent thread, yet I get a notification about your shitty reply of all things

Not wanting to use terminal means I'm a shill now? Are you retarded? I've been using GUIs for as long as I've been alive. Why do you think it's so outlandish that some people might not want to memorize how to use terminal commands 'just because'.

Oh what's the use. I guess you caught me.

I am a shill for the non-Linux company, which is a joint venture by Apple, Microsoft and what have you. You really are ahead of the curve, detective. Proceed to off yourself, freetard.

In this day and age you don't need to use the terminal to use Linux. And in Linux Lite even advanced things you do it with point and click.

You are a piece of shit who wants to confuse people on thinking they need to use the terminal when in Linux Lite clearly you don't.

Fuck off.

You are severely limiting yourself when you use Linux without terminal, regardless of which distro you use, idiot.

You are locking yourself into a very narrow selection of available programs, and good luck getting all the Linux-compatible software via a package manager and not using the terminal.

Ain't that much different from ElementaryOS.

>Linux Lite
Uses the same amount of ram as my bloated gnome 3 install, how the fuck is this "lite"?

>It's basically xubuntu without all the bloat,
sudo apt remove, or synaptic if the terminal is so scary
>Also has a nice theme
install it from a ppa
>and some custom programs for system maitenence.
install your favorite, i like the one in cinnamon. or learn2terminal

i don't understand why people bother making these distros. They can just make a script that removes unwanted programs and downloads a gtk theme, then make a debian package with the settings tweaker program. this could be done by ONE person, if he has enough time to waste on this.

You are still here?

Windows users do less with all their graphical shit than Linux Lite with all their graphical shit.

Linux Lite has better usability than windows, and that without the terminal.

And the fact you say all that about the terminal and still defend windows over Linux proves your shilling.


>You can do everything with point and click, perfect for new users coming from windows.
Is that what you're trying to show in your screenshot? Because it looks like a shit knockoff the Linux Mint and Ubuntu Mate welcome screens.

>Why aren't you using Linux Lite OS Sup Forums?
For the same reason I don't use any of the other thousand distributions on Distrowatch - they are derivative shit with a different theme. I don't need to wipe my hard drive just to install the Arc GTK theme and Faenza icon pack.

>Windows users do less with all their graphical shit than Linux Lite with all their graphical shit.
Such as?
>better usability
Wew lad, you're reaching
>And the fact you say all that about the terminal and still defend windows over Linux proves your shilling.

I say that all about terminal BECAUSE it's extremely impractical to use Linux without the terminal. It's basically locking yourself in a single distro's ecosystem. You can't customize shit.

Either way, your distro is shit and you probably won't be using it in 3 weeks time, so why are you shilling it here of all places? Try some linux forums or whatnot.

>>Package name: lite-info
>>We do not use the GPL on Lite Info. Lite Info is offered as a binary to protect how the software talks to our web server. Revealing this method would put a good portion of the project in jeopardy.
That actually is disgusting. Why is something like that even existent?

Windows is shit, your excuse of "wew lad" is shit.

Linux Lite is even more easy than windows, to maintain and to upgrade. You first said you didn't wanted to use the terminal, and with this you don't.

The pictures show enough. Go fuck yourself.

fuck off with your rebranded nonfree xubuntu, fucking shill

They do host a minimal Xubuntu installed named "Xubuntu Core." Installed it on an old laptop at some point and it was actually pretty comfy.

All you shills talking about the way Linux Lite talks to the web server are hiding the fact that you shit on Mint when it was popular.

You are the same shit who post against Mint because their website was hacked.

Go suck Microdick's cock.

>autism tier os
>10 years old cpu
>resolution smaller than 1600x900
Nobody uses linux because we got modern hardware that is being massively wasted on your toy OS.
Windows 10 FTW.

>offered as a binary to protect how the software talks to our web server. Revealing this method would put a good portion of the project in jeopardy.
literally botnet

according to your retarded logic everything is botnet, since it's connected to the internet

You are mistaking Linux with Windows

Is for new users idiots. It doesn't matter if is a fork.

because it's MATE with different theme

ITT: Autism

>xubuntu without the bloat
>but with all this badly designed useless crap on top
nigga that's not how 'light' works

>warning: do not share your local ip address and gateway online

pls don't hack me mr roboto

>over 1700 packages
>without bloat
thats just as bloated as any deb distro

>installing an altered version of a distro that has extra nonfree "secret" binary blobs


linux lite is ubuntu?

>xubuntu without all the bloat
They have that. It's called Xubuntu Core

It's xubuntu with an extra botnet
I recommend Lubuntu

Yeah, keep telling yourself that your shitty ubuntu distro will run as efficient as lfs/gentoo/arch on embedded devices, or systems with very limited memory, fucking pleb. Also if I want my system to be bloated with bullshit I will never need I'll install windows.

This is a terrible thread and you should be ashamed.
>...when you log in it plays sounds
Into the garbage.

Yea 2% marketshare pOS is so good sure lol

I have a VM with uber riced linux just for screenfetch threads on Sup Forums but I only use win7 because of my mmo stuff.

You're still an idiot. THere's something called minimal (net) installers for Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora or any other distribution too. You'd know that if you weren't a try-hard, poser, who's lying on the internet.

>tfw i may be the only one here that has only linux installed
i dont have dual boot on any of my computers.

You are not the only one.

And I don't have Linux Lite but nonetheless I recommend this for new users.

Well, I like MATE more than XFCE.

Shit, I meant to quote OP. Anyways, here's my opinion about Terminal:
Terminal removes the limits between computer and user. There wouldn't be any difference between Windows and Linux without Terminal.

because I can't do Linux without KMS anymore (thx Gentoo) and it doesn't handle hdmi properly.

yeah I have the freedom to fix it myself but ffffffffuck that