Try out C# for first time in my life

>try out C# for first time in my life
>spawn 100 threads that sleep 1000ms and do nothing forever
>memory usage keeps going up every second by 1Mb

>so this is what it feels like to be a Pajeet

Maybe you are shit at coding or an autist.

Nah, that's just JIT compiler doing it's allocations and shit. It will gradually slow down and stop after a minute or two (for me on 27 MB)

>spawn 100 threads
>memory usage keeps going up by 1Mb
It just so happens that the default stack size on Windows/.NET is exactly 1Mb.

Then all of that mem would be allocated when I spawned them not continuously, have you ever actually coded anything?

Did you use a thread pool?
If not then it might just be the GC doing some shit.

Or post screenshot of memory graph after running it for 10+ minutes

>what is garbage collection

If C# had garbage collection mosr programs would just delete themselves.


If C# had garbage collection Microsoft wouldn't exist

nice meme

>using recursion for a function that will run forever
Enjoy overflowing your stack.


Nah, tail call optimization

Oh well, since it's a c# thread.
Would you recommend c# for multiplatform projects?
I tried lots of languages, but i'm looking for a good one to learn well.
As of now c++ with qt looks very appealing, so does java with javafx, but c# looks easier than c++ and faster than java, so i'm very interested.
Some things bother me, however: java and c++ have lots of open source libraries and i will rarely run into licensing issues ( i will release most of my crappy programs with gpl anyway), what about c#? Also how good is multiplatform support? Is mono reliable? Or am i supposed to use dotnet core? Should i really bother using it for programs that are not meant to run on windows?

Mono is good enough, although you will run into some restrictions (however it's still has more features than java). Not sure about the libraries tho.

it's slower than java
it's not multiplatform by itself
what kinf of project do you want to do anyway?

Dunno, some small stuff, i just want to learn a language and code without copypasting from stackoverflow. It's just a hobby anyway

I don't know what do you want to do but if it's simple stuff you don't have to worry about how fast a language is and you could try going for a scripting language like python they are easier to learn, it's faster to write code and have they have libraries for everything.

Kek, well memed

>it's slower than java

>that pale-skined almost naked beauty
