Is there a technology related movie or TV show that is actually faithful to reality?

Is there a technology related movie or TV show that is actually faithful to reality?

Pic unrelated of course.

reality is boring

Mr. Robot comes close. Yeah, it's still way off, but it comes closer than anything else mainstream that I've seen.

Mr Robot is the most faithful to reality tech related TV show. Most of the stuff is accurate.

Haven't watched Silicon Valley so can't comment.

Damn, if a show where people use apt-get to hack the FBI is the most faithful tech related TV show I can't even imagine what's the least faithful one.

But I guess is right.

as stated, it's still way off. at least he wasn't typing random shit into notepad++ and then clicked a "hack" button.

>a show where people use apt-get to hack the FBI
Haha wat? Haven't seen the show, does this really happen?

I heard "Halt And Catch Fire" is good.

It doesn't, he makes stuff up
Mr. Robot is fairly realistic compared to other stuff

>mc types apt-get once
>lolololol this show is so unrealistic, into the trash, im the hacker master
>amiright guys?

Fuck off

Is Silicon Valley worth watching? I just saw the trailer

>least faithfull one
Arrow or CSI:Cyber

>Comic sans html = xbox hacking
>We're being hacked. quick, write a gui in virtual basic to stop the hackers!

>okay dude, if you want to hack wifi you should deploy a remote administration tool :)
>watchdogs style hacking speed
>xdd i'm gonna post this on hackerboards (hackforums reference, the forum with concentrated skids)
>the world would be a better place without student loans! Lets hack the DoE's firewall ;^)

Yeah, it's really good.

There's not really that much tech comedy though, it's just general geek comedy.

you are mad because even the best accurate tv show available on the subject doesn't show the need to use something else than debian-based distribution.
And all arch and gentoo users on this board are delusional for trying to find actual and real argument for using it.

She would decompile Mr Robot

He types it to update his programs before he hacks the FBI

It's good practice. OP is a fucking moron.

Ah ok, too bad, would be genuinely hilarious.

Gets repetitive after a while desu

Threat Vector never got too technical, but it was quite believable

This desu.

More of a drama about the business side of it, but is pretty accurate when it does get technical.

Except that one scene where Cameron is writing assembly on the mirror in lipstick. [spoiler]women engineers don't wear lipstick[/spoiler]

pic related has it's little faults, but i'd say it's probably the most faithful i've seen

ITT: 4chinners think they know shit about hacking.

First season had me constantly laughing until my sides hurt, second season had me blowing air out of my nose often and laughing sometimes, third season I just smile occasionally. Pity...
At least they didn't went full feminist like GOT

Will Lee finally be diagnosed with something?
Is Donna going to find another man in California?
Will Cameron get naked this season?
What is going on with Gordon's tache? Is the brain damage that bad already?

A qt like that would never be an engineer anyway

but i do.
Offensive Security is pretty based senpai.

>there are idiots on Sup Forums defending this piece of shit show
What happened? Is this a normie board now?

Is a show for normies, what did you expect?

Im not defending this show but I hate when people try to shit on because "Im le legit h4x0r and that doesnt work like that"

We get autistic boys, you know, we know, just enjoy a fucking show once in your pathetic life

Holy shit, is a show, if it were realistic it would be boring as fuck

Shit, im mad now and you made me mad

Show is shit anyways

Here's the thing about reality: it's fucking boring. That's why we read books/comics/watch tv/films/listen to music/play (video) games

The IT crowd

The big bang theory depicts Sup Forumseekyness pretty well I think.

I finally gave this show a shot since everyone was talking about it. it seemed just like a shitty sitcom to me.stopped watching after a few minutes.

Kek! Underated 10/10 post
Made me laugh

We all know Hackers is the most faithful.

Especially the fact that they're all successful scientists with girlfriends


Only inaccuracy here is that the genius hacker character is Chad and not a scrawny russian guy.

Well it's no Twin Peaks, but it doesn't mean it's bad.


God season 2 was so shit

Is this show any good?


better than robot

going to watch citizenfour today I think, about ed snowden and his gay hacker escapades

they write down some sql directly in a server-rack-terminal on Rubicon ...


No. Mr. Robot is faithful enough. And the stuff that is less accurate they obscure or make a point of not explaining. For instance if hes hacking into an android phone or something, they'll be vague about the actual exploit, but specific about the real details about how its potentially deployed

This, I work in compsec and I don't even understand the hate it gets. Just get over yourselves already you insecure neets.

Just the fact that hacking in that show is mostly social engineering was enough to sell it for me. So sick of "breaking into the mainframe" level hacking from TV and movies