What is the fastest Linux performance wise? Does anyone have any benchmarks or something that'd clarify that?
Looking to ditch Windows Sup Forums
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phoronix ?
>not using windows
enjoy nogames
Gentoo. Not even joking. Custom-compiled software for your system, adjusts for hardware and other software/libraries you already have installed.
You probably want mint or ubuntu to get your feet wet though.
There is a fglt up and you choose to create an entire thread for a shitty question you could have googled yourself anyway. Don't be an ass.
Sage goes in the options field.
I don't need games I'm an adult.
Actually there are tons of games on steam, not to mention Wine.
I always buy old laptops so I like to get low resource distros. Crunchbang is no longer maintained but there is apparently a successor to it, and while I haven't tried the new one, old Crunchbang was snappy on a very old laptop.
This assumes that your main resource hog is your desktop environment. If you have some specific cpu intensive task you plan to engage in, it probably matters more that you pick a distro with the right toolset for it, if applicable.
Your own JeOS
I actually have a decent desktop PC, so technically I could probably install anything but I plan on
A little bit, and I want the best performance. I know Sup Forums frowns upon it, but what can you do.
Then Linux in general isn't going to go well for you.
you will be fine if you are using nvidia gpu.
Becnharks don't matter. Get an easy distro to start with. Such as Ubuntu GNOME
I know a lot of Sup Forums doesn't like ubuntu, but I replaced windows 8 with it last night and feels fine.
Sup Forums = Ubuntu + Arch, trust me
I play tf2 and insurgency all the time on linux, works fine.
I don't know what games you play but you can check here if your games are supported by Wine.
If you know nothing about Linux, stick to one of the Ubuntus at first. Ubuntu's default desktop envrionment is Unity, but there's also GNOME and KDE (both feature-rich and powerful, but a bit heavier than the default Unity), MATE and XFCE (both somewhat lightweight and powerful), and then there's Fluxbox, Openbox, LXDE (very simple and lightweight).
Migrate to Gentoo or Arch after your have spent some time getting familiar with the environment. Personally, I've used Linux for almost 10 years, I've used Fedora, Sabayon (which was basically Gentoo for ricers), Spent a year on Slackware, spent a year on Crunchbang, but I mostly just keep coming back to Ubuntu because it Just Werks even if it's not bleeding edge.
Performance-wise, Gentoo would be good since compiling everything is kind of its schtick, but anything should be just as good if you know how to compile and optimize shit for your own hardware. You don't actually need to compile your entire operating system to enjoy good optimization, but it's an option if you absolutely have to save as many clock cycles as possible.
NVIDIA proprietary graphics/drivers is best for raw performance, but AMD graphics will give you more features and options since it's more open-source friendly.
For gaming, you'll probably be let down a bit. There are some games that actually work better on Linux than they do on Windows, but those games are few and far in between, and most linux ports are not well optimized, and quite a few aren't even native but rely on compatibility layers like eOn or Wine.
That being said, I still recommend giving it a try, because if you're like me, then you will find the small sacrifice in performance to be acceptable since you no longer have to run Windows.
Also, you can always dual-boot with Windows. If you do that, make sure you back up before partitioning.
Good luck, user.
CS:GO is the only game anyone needs. The only game thats stopping me from making the full switch is overwatch
>wants to ditch windows
>asks for distro with best performance
Is like you are asking to be memed with install gentoo. Just go for Ubuntu.
>Migrate to Gentoo or Arch after your have spent some time getting familiar with the environment
Why? Why make life unecessarily complicated? There are only very specific things these distributions do that *buntu doesnt.
Slackware, Arch, Gentoo and LFS (if you know how to optimize the compilation process without fucking everything up)
this if you can't follow simple instructions you probably shouldn't use a system based on GNU and Linux
>I watch anime btw
What a kissless, virgin, loser without STDs.
No, it's idiots like you that are scaring away Windows users wanting to switch. Installing Gentoo takes at least two hours, that's not easy instructions.