What went wrong?

What went wrong?

Other urls found in this thread:


Mismanagement of money. If I was them I would open a subsidiary and sell normie shit with emphasis on design rather than specs

Nothing really, except in Yurop... shit's overpriced

Sells out too fast. Not enough supply

Not worth the upgarde. I can get a 980 for the same price as 480, or I can get a 970 for cheaper.

>designed for low cost and high yield
>stale architecture because of it
>notoriously high failure rate
AMD has designed a jew chip to maximize profits from their hapless drones while burning their pcs.

Too much poo

Why do shills on Sup Forums need to make a new AMD thread every 20 minutes?

Not a low enough price and why 4gb and not 6gb? 8gb is overkill.

£240 for a Nitro 480 8gb, or £200 for 4gb. But then £180 for a 470. It's too granular a decision.

Nothing. AMD are selling them by the bucketload. It's only Sup Forumsamers who are being stupido about it.

They already gave up on competing with Intel core vs core with the same general design after Deneb (which was actually really competitive idk why they chose to dig their own graves with half-cores and bulldozer.)

People realized they can get paid to spew other people's opinions, and then this board was never the same.

designated shills on image boards.

Pajeet shat in the gou.

>Not worth the upgarde. I can get a legacy 980 not full dx12 compliant for the same price as 480, or I can get a legacy 970 not full dx12 compliant for cheaper.

You were born.

Poolaris in loo.

>not geepoo(gpu) in loo

Pajeet partied too hard

Got the DJ part covered.

If there was a petition for getting RX 470 units on the shelf for 200 USD, Id sign it in a heartbeat.

>Believing the DX12 meme from AyyMD
Enjoy Windows 10, I guess.

They didn't anticipate the huge demand for the 480 and lost sales because of low availability and some inexplicable desire to thrust 470s onto the same market segment despite making no sense. They should have made sure there were plenty of 480s to go around before the 1060 finally came to market. Nonetheless AMD's still sold a boatload of them.

980 just as compliant as the 480..
and it supports a feature level above the 480

>AMD are selling them by the bucketload

Yeah, maybe a 5 gallon bucket worth of them.

nothing now


amd has better yeilds than nvidia and is selling out faster than nvidia, just face it, no one wants nvidias outdated shit

>and it supports a feature level above the 480
lol just lol

My life


>shit performance
>shit power consumption compared to the competition (better for peasant tier builds and poorfag builds)
>can't overclock for shit unless you do some time consuming undervolting or paying a fuckload more for an aib card
and finally
>significantly more expensive than the 1060 to the point where REFERENCE 480 are the same price as AIB 1060, whilst AIB 480 are much more expensive than AIB 1060.

they basically fucked it all up.

calm the autism nvidiot cuck

it does. there are different feature support levels in dx12. you do not have to support a lower feature level to support a higher one because they're consisted of different things. if you weren't such a retard you'd know this.


Sauce user?

>Remember when AMD had a hand over Nvidia in Tessellation?


yet somehow it performs worse in dx12, bravo nvidia, garbage as always

>worse in DX12

>not even reading your cherry picked benchmark
utter fucking mongoloid

that screenshot was from a big argument in some youtube comments section somewhere and the youtuber finally came out to address the claims some people were making about nvidia not supporting dx12 and async. at the end he talks about conservative rasterization which, like he said, is a key feature of dx12 and is part of dx12_1 which nvidia supports and amd doesn't hence why its an actual fact nvidia supports a higher feature level than amd.

sources from the info mentioned in the pic:

>async and it's overestimated impact

>hitman dev & aots dev

>dx12 feature sets

not him but please kill yourself.

>testing at medium
>FXAA on

Nice try.

>RotTR is a valid benchmark
its a DX12 wrapper and loaded full of gameworks shit

nvidia shills


not its not you fucking idiot. it was patched and amd gets bigger gains compared to nvidia in the game but is still way behind in terms of average fps.

Damage control

its still a shit game that no one plays

what 1060 should i buy

still played way more than your meme games like ashes of the singularity and hitman.

zotac mini. it's only £230 in the uk (same price as reference 480 8gb) and comes with a 5 year warranty.

My Top 3
1. EVGA 1060 SC
2. KFA2 1060 EXOC
3. MSI 1060 Gaming X

Jokes on you shills i don't want to buy a 1060


baited pajeets

no one wants your garbage cards now fuck off back to Sup Forums shills

kfa2? lol mate, they're shit. stay away from them.

it should be
1. evga
2. zotac
3. msi

>Shitty Nvidia drivers/ $$$
>AMD baking my PC

Shit road either way

stop shilling, user already said he doesnt want one you cuck pajeet

Out of stock RX 480s and prioritization of RX 470s over the 480 for fuck knows why, resulting in a dumb paper launch and/or stupidly overpriced 470s.

That's about it I believe.

>Probably said the same thing about DX10 and Windows 7 while still using XP.

Listen , guys ive been long time AMD fan and ive been contemplating suicide lately

i thought things would get better after 6000 series i had 6990 and cooked poptarts on the backplate and was laughing at nvidia puccibois with their ferni 480 housefire edition cards then come the next gen and i was so hyper and i got the 7870 and i was so stoked but the burns were there and i felt the heat i couldnt bear summer it was so hot like a kitchen and i was at my breaking point so i took a long break and visited hawaii with my wifes son and my wife and itit was great then i fell over in hot fire on the beach and had 3rd degree burns spent a week in hospital right so i get home and get back into gaming since i was off from work from the burny burns so AMD announces the 200 series and i hear about the 290x and im hyped and i see everyone hyped right and i get my 290x and im playing skyrim then my pc shuts off so i try open it right and the side is really warm so i touch the back of the gpu and im immediately surface burned right so this brought flashbacks of the hawaii burning i received in hawaii and i could just see roy taylor laughing at me so i get in my e90 corolla right and i just drive to the next state then spent a month in a hotel reading threads on reddit and Sup Forums about the 200 series so i finally come home and spend 6 months with a therapist then i get my life all back on track then i decide to play games again and i see the 300 series so I'm hyper right i pre order my 390x and im waiting then some smug guy on reddit shows its actually a 290x renamed so im instantly triggered and traumatized by this so i went to my uncles up north to find myself spending time with the dahlia llama himself healing me and im lifting weights and getting fit through the winter months and i hear of this polaris and it gets me you know so i grab me coat and close the door and walk the dinosaur


Nvidia's exactly the same
unless you believe in the Founders Edition bullshit, in which they'll be glad to charge you more for a GPU that "wont fail" and a totally new architecture and not a die shrink

nothing went wrong?

Nvidia just BTFO everything AMD comes out with. They have no chance to compete anymore, pic related.

Your face when a 12% difference is actually just like 4 fps

yes nothing went wrong

Nothing went wrong.
Their open source stack with linux 4.7 is amazing.

Is there any reason to purchase a RX 480 vs. a GTX 970 if they're the same price?

>GPUbenchmarks shows GTX 970 is higher performing
>most specifics show the GTX 970 slightly better

Is there any redeeming factor for the 480 if price isn't?


>hardware unboxed

>What went wrong?

Combination of GCN architecture and Samsung/GloFo 14nm LPP process limiting clock rates.