Hi guys!
Jerk, here. I'm building a pc and would value some expert critiquing.
Is there anything in this build I can replace for something cheaper or remove entirely?
Hi guys!
Jerk, here. I'm building a pc and would value some expert critiquing.
Is there anything in this build I can replace for something cheaper or remove entirely?
Oh man dont buy the corsair H60. for a littlebit more you can get a artic liquid freezer 240 with a 30mil rad en 4 fans. the h60 is in no shape way or form worth the money your paying for it.
>corsair H60
He's not. If you would click on his link.
Oh shit, im a noob.
Yeah, i would advice him to get a higher wattage 80+ bronze rated powersupply instead of a 450w 80+ gold one. otherwise looks fine, micro atx boards scare me tho, no upgradability in the future.
I'd just drop the SSD and get a bigger HDD. I've got a 120gb SSD and it's so small you basically cant use it. It'll be full with program files and shit in no time, have fun trying to store games on it.
>$100 for that PSU
You can get better for cheaper. No case?
Bad advice. With the $$$ saved from getting a cheaper PSU, he can upgrade to a 256GB SSD.
that sounds like a downgrade. why should i do this?
You are not supposed to store gaymes on 128 SSD you manchild. As long as you keep it for OS and programs there is no problem.
Or keep the 120gig bootdrive and upgrade the HDD to 2tb.
>kingston SSD
Because 80+ bronze PSUs are considered "good enough" generally. so you can buy a better SSD or HDD as stated earlier or a higher wattage PSU. it really depends on your usage and if you want to upgrade in the future.
the psu is half the price where i am. (£45)
amazon has some nice cases for around the same price so ~100 for case/psu combo sounds reasonable to me. is it?
my intention.
100 for a case/psu is reasonable and fitting to your budget yes.
this is 30% more expensive than the included option.
whats wrong with putting my games on them?
Well you can do what you want but i'm never making this mistake again.
You have an existing 1150 mobo but no cpu? wot?
hahahaha you're a dumbass
Don't fall for the watercooling meme. Just don't.
I have no intention of throwing money at watercooling
I remember when Sup Forums was good and sent faggots like you back to the shithole you came from.
Everyone ITT: read the sticky
I'm sorry that i need to store things other than games and anime on my computer. I guess i should just spend $2000 on a shitty NAS like every other NEET on here.
Perfectly reasonable build to me, Jerk. Well done.
For the love of god, get 16gb of ram.
Don't listen to the memers, 16gb is veeeery cheap, and nowadays a lot of games can eat a lot of ram.
I built a pc last year and bought 8gigs only to buy 8gigs more in just 1 month, hated having to close programs to run games decently.
How much louder would a 240 be compared to a noctua fan cooler