Which Desktop Environment are you using? And why?

Which Desktop Environment are you using? And why?

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easy peasy lemon squeezy

Unity. Does what I want with the limited amount of customization you can do and just werks™.

xfce because it's light and Linux will always look ugly anyway


Gnome. I really really like the Activities screen.
During normal use you have an uncluttered screen and a minimalistic top bar. Press the super key once and you have 1) an overview of all your open windows, 2) a dock for your favorite applications and 3) you can search for other applications or files by simply typing. Comfy/10.

Gnome 3 (currently on 3.20). It is simply the best DE Linux offers today. Stable, efficient, interesting usage paradigm. It doesn't get in your way once you understand how to use it (without shitty extensions, vanilla). Kinda like vim.


Aqua. I like the spotlight, launchpad and dock are ok. I also like how document-based applications stay open even when all windows are closed.

awesome wm


LXDE cause it's okay with numix and my computer a trash

Very low resources compared to the number of features.
Also has that old school feel I grew up with, and I still don't see a good reason to change it as most of the newer features are counter productive gimmicks. And the few features I do actually want I can add with a small program or some simple configuration changes.

Pls post wall

Nice AD, Gnome shill

Right now playing with xfce.

Before I liked kde a lot (with some tweaks).

Nice AD, Gnome Shill



And please stop doing these threads
In future just do a strawpoll so you can link it over and over again instead of getting the same old responses every time

is this the new desktop thread?

Nice SHITPOST, faggot


I assume you don't go out with your laptop.
I can't imagine how incredibly awkward the situation will be if you show this to sane people.

A genuine post doesn't list features of a product in such detail

I think it's safe to assume he doesn't go out at all

I just change the wallpaper when I go out if I bring my laptop.

OP wanted to know what I like about my favorite DE, so I described what for me is their killer feature. How is that shilling, fuckface? Take your paranoia back to

wtf is wrong with the clock?
Noone in the kde team finds this horribly wrong and poorly designed?
even default windows 10 is better.

Can't wait for the day you will forget to change and will have to turn on your laptop with people on the back.


Use this next time, faggot op
Seriuosly, these faggot threads need to be replaced with ongoing strawpolls, we get too much of this inane repetitive shit here and it's boring

Gnome for that professsional unified look and feel.

Ive been serving Gnome 3.20 on my family's PC and no one's been able to tell the difference.

No more Wangblows devices on my network feels really good.


>ctrl+f "cinnamon"
>0 results
fuck this board

Aero ;^))

[spoiler]Xfce on my Linuxox[/spoiler]

Where's Aqua?


also, you can choose something else (until your DE is important enough to care about)

1. Cinnamon
4. KDE
5. Unity

With the lower corner clock?

You can modify it user, I just like it better the other way


What distro is this?

not him but you can achieve this design on every distro with gnome, you should ask for theme and icons.
the theme is arc, don't know about icon set.

considering the bad font rendering, this might be fedora or any fucked up minimal install of whatever distro.

I still can't decide if I should go with GNOME OR XFCE 2bh

LXDE, because that is what comes with Lubuntu. With a theme, it looks great.

xfce with xfwm replaced by xmonad

openSUSE Leap 42.1 with Arc theme and Papyrus icons

On a small screen with no mouse, I prefer the gnome paradigm but Xfce is good if you're low on ressource and want something "standard".
To achieve the usability of gnome you will need to configure your desktop. If that's not a problem, you'd better go with xfce.

*easy peasy one two threesy

difficult difficult lemon difficult


xfce, but I replaced xfwm4 with i3
add arc theme and numix icons and it feels glorious

GNOME in fallback mode

MATE on Ubuntu 16.04 and I really, really like it. Tried Cinnamon on LM before and didn't get into at all.

Gnome, comfy as it gets


Screenshot pls


I'm going out so don't expect a reply soon if you ask for firefox configuration

Damage control, you can't convince people to use a product by insulting them

So no one else here /kde/? sad frog meme face


KDE was never good. I've tried various versions since last millenium and it's always been a bloated unstable laggy pile of crap.

How is it bloated? My desktop is pretty minimalistic as you can see. Granted I use arch so I didn't install 90% of the KDE apps just the ones I use and are necessary for plasma to work


In Neon, it isn't bloated, laggy, or unstable.

It's called Aqua, you dip.

way to ruin a perfectly good desktop with some shitty pedotoons.

I use Unity and admit it uses a lot of memory but it lets me get stuff and stays out of my way and has a simple set of shortcuts.
The last time I checked which was 15.10, KDE used more memory than Unity, kept locking up and had a laggy menu, and was generally very painful to use. The worst part was that everything lagged on a machine that was butter-smooth with Unity. (i5 laptop + Nvidia GPU)

DIdn't try this though, might check it out at some point

?? its OS X?

are you gay? their 1000 years old.

None right now but thinking of dual booting with gnome 3 or cinnamon. xfce is great but sort of done with it and prefer new shit

Would Antergos gnome 3 be best route for gnome?

Or actual ubuntu gnome ISO

Plasmashell is using 120 MB in my system right now, but I have 8GB and I really don't care much. I might try gnome again in the future

Seconding this, KDE is literally the best DE both technically and usability wise.



DE like Gnome change too often and it triggers me.

1. Cinnamon (I use it because its default in mint)
2. Gnome (Would be first but crashes for me)
3. KDE plasma
4. OpenBox
5. i3

oh look it's this faggot

Install these, configure the dash in the gnome-tweak-tool if you want, thank me later


can I see your desktop desu?


wasn't me

that's pretty swell

whatcha did there

w the background/topbar

XFCE, because Gnome does not work with AMD's drivers last time I checked, and if my computer can't look good without effort, it better be efficient as all hell, which Xfce is.

Only DE to come with Vala-panel precompiled.

Sorry I'm on mobile right now, if this thread is still here when I get home I'll post it


It has a proper file picker

ubuntu mate, it just werkz

Too bad the rest of it is unpolished and awful

what is best version of gnome in yalls opinion? ubuntu? antergos? debian? I guess scratch debian pointless these days

I'm eyeing Antergos but I can't say much.

gnome 3 had a long retarded struggle, it must have been 10 years or more? Now it's pretty good with extensions.

KDE, it lets me have thumbnails in my browser filepicker.

But user, the hot corner and the lack of a dock are pros, not cons. Also, get rid of Adwaita, get some decent theme and icons.

MATE, on Linux Mint

My x130e laptop can't handle how SHIT the Mint menu is, so I replaced it with the Debian menu

Sorry, but if your menu is so bloated that you need MORE than this simple hardware to open it in more than 2 seconds, it's shit. I feel like I'm opening a Java application

*was in v3


i messed around a bit with kde, unity, xfce, and cinnamon, i just like mate the most. kde is too ridiculous for me. if mate didn't exist i'd use xfce

What is that dock?

I made a short review of window managers ghostbin.com/paste/tfnhk

There is a great site for this too xwinman.org/

XFCE4 with compiz for those jiggly windows.

posr scrren

Unity because MATE is shitty on HiDPI laptop diplays.

Most comfy for me is XFCE or Cinnamon.

I like MATE because 2009-2010 was the high point of my life.
Honestly they're all good though.