This question is for Linux/BSD users. Whisch distro are you using on your PC?

This question is for Linux/BSD users. Whisch distro are you using on your PC?

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Ubuntu LTS with Xfce desktop environment


stopped there lol

I use Linux Mint 18 and I want to say a bit about Linux Alternatives. I think the only Blender and Lightworks(maybe GIMP ? but I hate its interface) are worthwhile to use as alternatives,rest are shit compared to native windows apps. Besides they aren't industrial standards and nobody knows about it.


I use KDE Neon myself. Comfy af.

Just use Xubuntu.

Ubuntu MATE at the moment. I can never settle though so probably putting something else on soon.


It perfectly potrays the cons of open source.

Arch Linux

I don't recommend it unless you're a Linux wizard or unemployed. I got it set up on my PC when I was in the latter category. I worked my way into the former category before getting a job, so it's still pretty awesome for me.

That said, there are very few people I'd recommend it to in real life. I use Fedora at work, and that's what I'd usually recommend for people.

Same lol

This is true.

Arch is a hobbyist distro, you will have to tinker with it, it may break, everything may not work, but I enjoy all of that.

For real life, Fedora, Debian, or Ubuntu are good choices.

>Using a server OS on the desktop

Unironically Gentoo

Lightworks is closed source software with a proprietary license.

Most of the time GIMP is good enough. Editing images is not my profession though.

There's literally no benefit from using Xubuntu unless you have deep hatred for Unity or run 10 years old hardware.

>not sandboxing botnet OS

>Arch is a hobbyist distro, you will have to tinker with it, it may break, everything may not work

I've been using Arch for a year now and have yet to have anything break that wasn't my fault or easily fixed. Maybe it's a case of pic related.

Even so, I'd be 100% comfortable using Arch on my work computer. The only reason I don't is because my coworkers all use Fedora, and I need to make sure the tools I write work for them.


Yeah I had to set aside like six hours to get arch linux usable. I'm still on the neetbucks though. Some days I spend all day messing around with linux on various machines I have.

I unironically use Gentoo. I also use it on my laptop and my raspberry pi (compiling shit with distcc though). It's fun.

>Don't make special effects
>Photoshop CS2 on WINE
>I do basic video editing and title cards on the command line with imagemagick and FFmpeg
>Darktable also I'm not a pro photographer so I barely ever use it
>Ghostscript, inkscape, yEd
>Don't do 3d modelling
>libreoffice 5 with plugins, LaTeX, Google docs
>I use solidworks on Windows on my Uni's computers

I use kali as my main cause I am a b0ss.

I lived on neetbux for a while, but now I'm working in an R&D lab on a linux-based network switch OS.

I'm doing pretty much the same exact thing I did as a NEET except I get a nicer computer, as many screens as I want, and free snacks. It's pretty great.

>wanting to actually use Mac OS

Lubuntu 16.04 LTS

Supposedly, 16.10 is migrating to LXQt, but that is a rumour.

I have this windows 7 pc literally just to use my pirated adobe produx and vegas. Not a youtuber but I make my own media.

Thinking about getting a L Thinkpad and another machine both just for ganoopluslinux.

>implying there's any reason not to
Hating something just because it's commonly hated is extremely fucking retarded

Xubuntu and FreeBSD

>saving that picture as jpg

Hurrr durrr

Debian boi

Arch with Openbox. Suits my needs.

isn't that 2D?

Arch Linux. It's overhyped, hard to install the first time, but once you get the hang of it, it's pretty simple.



for 2d librecad is good, I've never heard of openscad but from the screenshots looks pretty lacking.

>"GIMP is good" meme
Can we stop this? Any option is better than gimp.
Krita, Wine and Photoshop, a box of old crayons.

OpenScad is actually pretty good but only fits a niche. It's more of a programming language than a regular cad tool. I created a 3D keyboard prototype with it and I liked it. Lets you use your favorite text editor and everything. Pretty cool for programmers who don't wnt to learn a complex GUI.

People who use osx why not just use darwin

Anons!, i had been using Mint for some months now, but i want to get deeper. Which distro should i use if i want stability, hardware compatibility and to learn more about Linux?, i had been thinking about getting Fedora or Arch. I will use it in a VM for a couple of months first.

>not wanting to use the Unix OS that ACTUALLY WORKS

Fedora is good for being productive in, it gets regular kernel updates and package updates. It's also used by torvalds and is supported by a real company

>stability, hardware compatibility and to learn more about Linux
Debian or Gentoo.

For adobe light room I recommending darktable, it's look alike old lightroom version 2 & 3.

Ubuntu works just fine, unless your a dumb faggot.

I use neon on my laptop and can confirm that it's pretty good.


LFS and Gentoo on my thinkpad, Fedora on my Desktop

You know, I was looking at Gimp as alternative to Photoshop and it made me realize that the people who program GIMP probably never use it.
It's so fucking annoying to use for basic tasks that had to give up in like 10 minutes and now I'm using photoshop 7 instead. A copy of which I've had for over a decade. It surprisingly still works in Windows 10 although it errors out if you try to save to a drive bigger than 1 TB.

I've always heard people complain about gimp but whenever I use it it seems just fine. What does Photoshop do that gimp doesn't?

Like for example, if you copy some thing and open a new image it'll be exactly the size of what you just copied
maybe GIMP has a setting for that, but that seems a no-brainer setting to be on by default.

It's not that photoshop does anything that Gimp doesn't do, it's that GIMP is PAINFUL to use. The user interface is fucking trash.

arch with gnome pretty comfy :^)

>DAE hate le OS X
I'm sorry you hate an OS that has both a fuckton of useful features and software ubiquity.

Notice how all the alternatives in that image are vastly inferior to the proprietary software they imitate. Sad.

Arch on both of my Laptop and Home Server

1. not unix (pedantic i know)
2. not enough proprietary software

The UI is horrible. Absolutely dreadful.
And on top of not having some of the advanced features Photoshop has, some of the features it does have actively make it more frustrating to use and can't be turned off.
For example, there's a thing called "Layer boundaries" where you can't draw outside of. Let's say I start drawing something, but then I want to move everything over to have more room on the side. This moves the layer boundary, and now I have even less space to draw until I manually resize the boundary.
In Photoshop there are no issues anywhere near this stupid.

We don't describe free software as an “alternative” to proprietary, because that word presumes all the “alternatives” are legitimate and each additional one makes users better off. In effect, it assumes that free software ought to coexist with software that does not respect users' freedom.

We believe that distribution as free software is the only ethical way to make software available for others to use. The other methods, nonfree software and Service as a Software Substitute subjugate their users. We do not think it is good to offer users those “alternatives” to free software.

This absurd obsession with freedom is extremely infantile.

>not wanting to use the one Unix that can run AutoCAD, FL Studio, Office and Photoshop

OpenSUSE master race!

>hardware accelerated rendering
>proper CMYK support
>lots of third-party plugins

FreeCAD is better anyway

Ubuntu minimal with i3

Once you learn GIMP's disastrous GUI, it works well enough for non-professional work.

Slow as fuck to start up though. I generally use ImageMagick if I just need to change encoding or scale images, because of the startup time.
I certainly developed a deep hatred for Unity after I noticed fucking ads in my start menu

Lightweights is shit

Natron is just what the fuck



Linux sucks. Everyone knows that something offered for free can never be as good as something that costs money. Why? If if truly is good, why would it be free?

They removed the "ads" by default.

>capitalistic scum at it's best

if you've ever had sex with someone who you like, then go fuck a whore. and make honest comparison.

>if you've ever had sex
Did you forget where you are? :^)

Fuck off commie faggot

Fuck off capitalist faggot

are people unironically using dream weaver?

I changed my toaster and now use vanilla Ubuntu with Unity.

It's fine and I was a long time user of Ubuntu with LXDE.

>le professional Photoshop™ artisans

> he thinks romantic sex is free
Ever wonder why poor fat asses don't get laid?

Gentoo at the moment, Debian on my server.

Do people really still use Adobe stuff aside from Photoshop/AE/Premiere now? Dreamweaver is hilariously bad.

Arch with bspwm

Dreamweaver was never good, it became even shittier after webpages stopped being static html files.

>spend countless hours troubleshooting basic shit
Shave your beard and just use mint

If it's basic shit and you're spending hours troubleshooting it, that's a (you) issue.

>le linux is only good for servers meme


Fedora on my desktop, openSUSE on the Thinkpad.

Any alternatives to solidworks?

This lmao

>implying something being a meme makes it wrong

Linux is a fucking horrible desktop OS.

I'd like to advocate free software, but lets be honest, most of those Linux alternatives are shit compared to their Windows counterparts. LibreOffice, Inkscape and Gimp are all fucking awful.

I think it depends what you're doing with it. A variation of Ubuntu or Mint is probably a great choice for a netbook OS or something for older people and/or normies to read email, browse the internet, go on facebook and print out important shit. It does all those things just as well and just as easily as Windows does, only its free and might work better on older hardware, depending on the DE.

Of course, it's also good as a server OS, and is a competent OS for software development.

But as a daily desktop OS for more than just light usage and/or development, yeah, it's pretty bad.

I have Xubuntu and Windows 7 but I'll usually be on Windows 7 because I can get work done there better. Xubuntu is comfy and I have no issues with it, but when I'm on Linux I get distracted seeing what I can do with it and trying to make things work juuuust right for my purposes that I never actually get any real work done.

Same, but I'm really liking it so far.

If I change it will only be because I like trying new things, not because I didn't like Ubuntu MATE

You forgot to mention the worst of the lot.


Holy shit is it bad.

>comparing autoscat to autocad

Friendly reminder that GIMP in 2016 is actually good

does it have pantone colors yet?

Holy shit you are retarded

"Pantone asserts that their lists of color numbers and pigment values are the intellectual property of Pantone, and free use of the list is not allowed."


Pretty sure I can't use it then. Some of us are professionals, you know :^)

How are you liking zypper? Just installed openSUSE myself on my T420