Too many 'DUHH WOTS DA BEST DISTO' threads

In future, create a strawpoll and just link it to /fglt/ or some other Linux related thread so we don't constantly get the same shit, I'm tired of seeing these same questions get asked with the same answers
The only way we can truly know what Sup Forums thinks is to have some sort of semi-permanent poll

I'm gonna keep linking this poll in your dumb threads so you stop making them and start referring to a more logical method i.e. polls

Other urls found in this thread:

Arch is best because you get the newest tech and can keep it as lite as you want. The biggest downside is you have to be good with computers and it takes time to take time to set it up.

I own, but I'm too busy to do anything with it. I've wanted to make it into a sort of interactive flow chart that helps users narrow down a distribution. It would be really nice to be able to close down those threads for good with a

> /thread

If you were to make a static site for it, I'd pay to get it hosted or point the DNS to you or something.

In fact, you know what? Make a Github if you don't already have one and want in on this. Not just OP, anyone interested. I'll put it on Heroku and add y'all as collaborators. Post usernames here.

Github to do what?

Ah sorry I read the 2nd post first, not realizing they were linked. Well yeah, that would be a straightforward thing to do. If you really wanted to keep shit simple (and you probably should) you could just do a very elaborate strawpoll and link the domain directly to it

To write something for me to put on

I'm honestly okay with anything but I'd prefer a dinky little webserver in node or python with a few multiple choice questions that narrow down a distro based on use-case, experience, willingness to put in effort, and some other stuff. Then a short blurb for each distro taken from distrowatch, and links to their home pages. It kind of sounds like an Angular sort of job.

I would do that, except I don't think that Sup Forums's favorite distro is necessarily the single best distro for everyone. Not to mention the potential for >install gentoo abuse.

I'm sceptical about the JS frameworks but that's purely my opinion, all I would suggest is that you only need a barest minimum of a framework and a little DB/NoSQL DB set up to hold the answers/replies.
Just go with what you understand/know, Python has some nice microframeworks that can do the job for you.

Ubuntu/Debian are kicking the shit out of everything in the poll, pretty surprised by this

Fedora got 2 votes

How about you add a link to the repo here instead of having me post my username?

Just make a throwaway account.
Also, no one really gives a shit who you are, user. People share their githubs here all the time and don't get v& or pizzas delivered.

I'm not clicking that shit I don't want a virus.

Gentoo is the best distro btw.

One vote away from 50 and the vast majority are with Ubuntu
Gentoo has a pathetic 5 people who voted for it

Smart people are too lazy to use your poll and there is no way to control for it.

So far looks like Ubuntu's the silent majority. Surprised by the small amount of Arch/Gentoo voters I figured there would be a lot more since they love talking their heads off about both.


Anyone familiar with flask? It seems like the right tool for the job.

>there is no way to control for it.
There is you dip. IP address checking. The results don't look abnormally skewed, this board has always been full of Ubuntu people.

>Arch is best because you get the newest tech
why would I want muh bleeding edge? let someone else find all the damn bugs.

>Gentoo has a pathetic 5 people who voted for it
Considering how much of a meme Gentoo actually is those 5 people were probably just 5 newfags trying to fit in.

>like Ubuntu's the silent majority
Makes sense. Winshit users outnumber Linux users by a lot on Sup Forums (at least they used to about a year or two ago), but the discussion is always heavily Linux-focused.
I'm also surprised by the low turnout of Fedoras and Archfags. Looks like they also just want something that werks.

That poll has no captcha so people can bot it

Your shitty poll just proofs the fact that the best distro is always: The one I'm using.

>implying popularity = quality
Kill yourself OP.

Pretty smart observation, user
Captchas are ass, we get enough captcha shit here to make us not want to use it anywhere else.
Same thing if you noticed the question I asked.

>There is you dip. IP address checking.
That isn't how you formulate a control for a group that doesn't participate. Its going to be grossly inaccurate no matter what and skewed towards the type of people dumb enough to think that a poll is interesting.

These valid reasons,

And uneducated people like this are why I don't want to leave it up to Sup Forums. There is no "best" distro, different people like different things. I want distropicker to offer the user multiple choice or yes/no questions and then narrow down a distro based on the typical use-case of each distro, i.e. Gentoo/Arch for advanced users, Fedora/RHEL for enterprise applications, Debian/Fedora for a server, Mint/Ubuntu for a first time desktop user, etc.

Typically most people on Sup Forums or anywhere just want to get shit done/a just-werks distro, and as you can see, that's why Ubuntu always always dominates these things.

Fedora, SuSE, Mint, Debian, and even some newcomers like Manjaro and Solus are all good at getting shit done. Different tools for different jobs. I'll draw the flowchart as soon as I'm out of bed.

Gentlemen can we get a Github going for this? I need to get some experience working in HTML/PHP/CSS anyways, and could contribute a simple radio button, vote, IP validation schema with a MySQL or MariaDB backend.

preference is CentOS or Debian for a base OS server.

Not true, at least not in my limited experience of going on /flt/fglt/ and seeing what people ask/talk about. Those distros you mentioned all have installer pain, and this is from my own experience. The best installer by far in any Linux is Ubuntus. By FAR.
I reinstalled about a week ago because I finally set up a drive to use GPT and it took about 15 minutes from start to finish on a SSD.

the guy already linked it, use ctrl+f "github"

>Too many 'DUHH WOTS DA BEST DISTO' threads

You should be glad that people still show interest in Lunix

There's already a github, see I'd prefer Python but if you want to do it in PHP I'll just stick to the front-end. And also, we're not going to host it on a dedicated server, we're going to Heroku it because it's a small project and I'm not buying a VPS for something that doesn't even really need a database.

I'm putting up an issue where we pick a server-side language and framework.

Heroku do free accounts now? Learned something useful through this thread at least.

Thanks! I apologize should have done a 'CTRL + F' first.

Sounds good. I haven't heard of Heroku before, so I look forward to doing some new RTFM.

I produce Python back-end and front-end .exe's for a windows environment now and have novice experience. I'll review the Github and see where I can best fit.

We don't need a dumb strawpoll we need a general.

Nobody is going to like your shit.

87 people have voted so far, dip

Nobody is going to agree.

enjoy your bot votes.

>bot votes
keep crying yourself to sleep, user owner here

I think something like this would be cool.

However, in an actual site, I think it would be better to ask a series of questions and then award or detract ranking points from each distro based on the answers, like iSideWith.

The real answer: Go with ubuntu unless you have a reason not to. If you're not going with ubuntu, find a distro that has a solution to the reason you're not using ubuntu

forgot image

Nigga you include fucking BSD and not Mint. Is doomed to fail.

The "No" from the triple-A games decision doesn't go anywhere.

it's not ideal but it only took 10 minutes. I didn't bother to proofread.

Mint is Debian-lite, I didn't include all the shitty mini-Linuxes because they're unnecessary and don't do much for Linux.
Think he meant for it to go to Ubuntu

People need to stop replying to those threads. The sticky says Sup Forums is not your tech support, but all the threads like that ("what laptop should I get", "what's the best distro", "what's the best pc build for my budget") always get replies and people answer their questions. So yeah, if you don't want to be everyone's tech support stop acting like it. Take a look at Sup Forums and how they treat people asking for anime recommendations. Do that.

Mods need to start deleting these threads as well, idk why they don't. It's exactly what stupid questions threads exist.

what hot fucking garbage
>doens't even have a "because I'm curious about what linux is all about" node
utter trash

would probably go to 'I want to learn more about computers' then Debian, he already said it wasn't ideal and it took him 10 minutes. He's not exactly going to cater for each specific question.

I'm not going to push this idea a ton but I am going to post this here, because I want to see it happen.

We have 2 people besides me interested so far. I'd like 5 or so but the more the better.

recommendations on technology is not tech support jesus christ

I do feel that guy a little bit though, the Sup Forums thing hit me a little close, this board actually used to be like Sup Forums so it's sad that we've moved away from that.


Here, OP
Now stop posting shit threads

The board was never like Sup Forums.

Sup Forums didn't have shit taste in anime even when there were loli manga dumps pre-captcha era.

Sup Forums was always full of little kids with shit taste.

I meant in how strict everyone was and how no one entertained faggots who came in asking the usual 'recommend me a distro/DE/programming language' bs

Void Linux.
It's a systemd-less arch linux minus the toxic community, with a better package manager.

Hey kevin, what's the best anime?

I have to pick debian for this one :/
I would pick gentoo if it wasn't so damn timesink. It's a shame, their package manager really is beautiful.

This season?
Re Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu

Nothing else comes close, "Hitori no Shita - The Outcast" is also a pretty enjoyable fighting anime.

The strawpoll is shit, the list is shit.

>Ubuntu highest voted
>no OpenSUSE option
fuck this board

>recommending literal botnet

OP, just in case you're looking for an actual answer.

The point of "what's the best distro" threads is for losers to be vocal about what obscure shit they use, because they think anyone else gives a shit.

The point of this is to not actually get more people converted over to your distro, but to keep them away, by silently throwing in reasons about how hard it is, how cool you are, etc.

Most of Sup Forums thinks linux is their secret club, and spends all of their time talking about it either directly or indirectly trying to keep people out.

Just in case you were actually curious why, and looking for a real answer.