You have 10 seconds to explain why you're not using Mozilla Firefox for Android that allows Browser extensions and why...

You have 10 seconds to explain why you're not using Mozilla Firefox for Android that allows Browser extensions and why you're using that shitty browser called "Google Chrome" that doesn't allow you to add browser extensions

>Firefox for Android can have adblock
>Google Chrome can't

There's no excuse, user.

But I use it.

It's a laggy janky piece of shit made by SJWs. Installed it on my girlfriend's phone and she hated the choppy scrolling; for comparison Samsung Internet worked fine.

>You have 10 seconds to explain why you're not using Mozilla Firefox for Android
i have an iphone 5

Because I'm using Opera

>Firefox for Android
>Google Chrome
Indeed, it has become shit somewhere around 2014 when they botched the new tab page. When they disabled "accessibility tab switcher" flag I fucking ditched it.
Using Opera currently.

Why the fuck do you think I'm using Chrome?

I am using Lightning with constant beta WebView updates, and I have AdAway installed.
I have used Firefox in the past and it is simply very inefficient on mobile devices.

i'm using #nochromo

>You have 10 seconds to explain why you're not using Mozilla Firefox for Android
But I am?
I don't have any add ons though. My phone has slow data, so I don't want to slow it down even further by having a bunch of add-ons (e.g. https everywhere would enforce https which is slower than http).

Firefox lags like shit on Android.

They ported the lagging feature to Windows too.

Because my porn lags on it.

how do I simply into beta WebView releases?

too heavy on my device, chrome or stock CM browser works better.

or at least the animations give that impression

Go to the WebView page on the Play Store (app) and scroll down. There should be a prompt to become a beta tester somewhere beneath the comments.

Why not use system level adblocking?

Because it lags
Because it uses a lot of RAM
Because the text on pages is unreadable (either too small or too big or both)
Because no text wrap

Too small and too big?

I am, specifically because of Adblock (Rooting my phone is a massive pain, so no hostfile blocking)

Yes, Firefox suffers from inconsistent font sizes on many pages. This bug is 2 years old and still not resolved.

Because I already have AdAway and Chrome doesnt lag unlike firefag

there's firefox for ios

Firefox for iOS doesn't support JavaScript, which is what extensions for Firefox uses. Android supports this, not iOS.

I tried it and it was incredibly slow compared to Chrome and even the built in Android Browser.

You can use a localhost VPN based Adblock to do it without rooting.

I have to resort to that because my device is a Note 12 tablet and every rooting method people have has a bug where after rooting you will slowly start to get random device reboots more and more often until the device gets stuck in a boot loop.

Since it's a relatively uncommon tablet (Out of production, and most people don't like a 12" tablet) it never got much in the way of support from modding/rooting communities.

Videos seem to lag for me. Any idea how to fix?

I'm trying cyanogen browser with an adblocker but I think I'll go back to firefox. It's a lot better functionality-wise and performance-wise

I can only view 3 webms at a time on /gif/ before they stop loading and I have to refresh the page. Also it gets slow as fuck.

I feel like an old man stuck on old technology when I'm using ff as my android browser.


I do use it. It's shit but it's the best shit currently available.

Also r8 me.

I don't browse the web on my phone at all.

Looks smart and simple.

Because I use a Windows phone.

Lightning or Opera, really. Chrome is heavy as fuck.

Actually, I don't do it either (hell, I don't have a data plan). But who knows when you're gonna need to look something up when you're away from home. I'd rather be prepared.

In that veil, I also have an offline maps app downloaded as well. I do travel a lot around the local parts of the country, but I've never really needed to use a navigation app since I could always ask the villagers around to point me to said place..or I could just follow the signs around, basic stuff.

But what if I'm traveling at midnight? That happens quite often to me.

This is where the genius piece of programming called OSMAnd~ saved my butt twice. I usually navigate just fine during the night, but those two times I was very far away from the area I knew like my fingertips, and I was feeling quite tired. I had passed the signs which had pointed the location just like that.

You'd never expect you're gonna need it, but it can eventually save your ass.

Firefox is my porn browser tbf

i use the default browser no idea what its called

All my passwords are on chrome

what launcher and theme is this??

Because i use a much better browser that firesucks or chrome

Cuz laggy as shit

I haven't tired it for over a year, but it had a terrible tabs implementation.

>that paragraph of autism

gmaps literally has a fucking offline mode thats fully functional

I'm tempted to switch, but I kind of don't want to.

>slow and laggy when browsing
>videos stutter
>built in player is literal trash

Nightly fixes the video issues, but its still a lagfest and images don't load 90% of the time. I think I will stick to cyanogenmod browser.

yep same here only thing i use it for on my phone

only thing Firefox is good for is desktop downloading because its the only browser with a multi-threaded download extention with DTA, so far chrono on chrome is still only single threaded

i use icecat


>tfw I only use Firefox mobile for ONE site.

Because with a 5.5 display you cant browse with only one hand, opera instead let you have all the commands and the tabs down and in reach of your thumb

>mobile browser extensions

This is my only problem with Firefox. If the tabs were at the bottom, it would be fantastic. Also the video ui is bad.

I still use it, though. There's really no replacement. There are no good android browsers. In fact, the only one that I tried that's really really good is UC Browser, but it's Chinese with serious security holes.

My fork of Google Chrome has built in adblock


You mean YuBrowser? Or Tuna?

Because I like BB10OS's stock browser.

>has a smartphone with 8 cores and 4gb ram
>concerned about "efficiency"

i am but that thing eats battery life like a fat american on mcdonalds. it uses about 10% for every hour of usage. my phone's battery lasts like 7-10 days on standby

Chrome has all my passwords

You have 10 seconds to explain why you are not using TugaBrowser or similar on your Android phone.

Tuga doesn't let me set startpage as my default search engine

Because I rooted my phone and installed system-level adblock, you putz.

I would but it crashes all the goddamn time.

I need performance when browsing on my phone broseph.

Stuck on a priv and miss pretty much everything about bb10. Even discounting the speed differences, who thought URL bars/control items at the top of the phone was a good idea?

>who thought URL bars/control items at the top of the phone was a good idea?
Apparently everyone besides Opera as far as Android goes

>choppy scrolling

Your phone is just shit.



JumpGo just went live on Fdroid and it's really good (based on Lightning with ad blocking built in). The only red flag is that it came with a Jehovah's Witness bookmark by default, holy shit can devs not bring that shit into their apps?

not that guy. I use it, but the scrolling gets pretty bad if I'm trying to read a long Sup Forums thread. It'll randomly accelerate and I'll lose where I was

I'm using dolphin.
BTW, what add ons you need on mobile?
I use none

And what makes your Xiaomeme not shit?

>using chink botnet

Lightning already has AdBlocking tho. Get it from F-Droid if you're a poor fuck or buy Lightning+ on Play Store. JumpGo has nothing new AFAIK.

firefox scrolling is objectively shit

I don't use android

AdAway + Chrome is pretty comfy.
Firefox is slow as fuck.

>script is unresponsive

>Buying apps

it lags like shit and nothing compares to caf chromium based snapdragon optimized builds

>tfw can't adaway because no root
samsung + verizon
never again

Wait what?
Why couldn't you possibly root your phone? What model is your Samsung, and what Android version is it running?

Also, Europoor here, so I don't see why Verizon would prevent you from rooting your phone?

>No freedom on the land of the free

GS6 and it's past OE2/OC3 firmware it's not possible unless there's a method available that will unfortunately trigger knox.

Verizon is so anal about locking down every phone they carry because they don't want you to use features they lock behind a subscription to (i.e. hotspot/tethering) they'll do anything to prevent root/bootloader, and instantly patch any exploits found, unlike actually pushing important firmware updates. The best way around this would be to NOT get any phones directly from them. Which I failed to do last year. I plan to get either the new 2016 Nexus or OP3 sooner or later.

Why do people use Verizon then if they're this evil? The area coverage and the awesome LTE speed.

Jesus Christ that's terrible indeed.

But if you just get a phone from an OEM and not from your carrier, and then just use their SIM in it, there's nothing they can do. Right?

Reminder, google doesn't want to allow extensions on chrome because it would mean losing their ad revenue.

A perfect excuse would be "its not a priority" response.

Verizon and Sprint I believe use a different system outside of GSM called CDMA for their networks so it's not so easy to just slap the sim card into any phone and call it a day.

Or so I thought. Because I put my Verizon SIM card in my buddy's Nexus 6P and it worked flawlessly

They also don't want to have a platform competing with the Play store on Android. Google have turned extensions for Chrome into an app platform.

LTE requires a SIM card, so you can use a GSM SIM in a Verizon phone and a Verizon SIM in a GSM phone, but both will only work on 4G LTE networks.

I do use it, and I love it. However, it is a bit taxing on resources.

Not even once.

But the phone clearly is not shit since scrolling works fine in other browsers, dumbass

Nova with Easy Circle icon pack.
>turn off dock
>apply icon pack
>turn off labels
>set swipe up gesture to open app drawer so no need for icon
>set desktop grid to 7 across and 9 down
I chose that shape because it's easy to access all apps with one hand. If you don't know what I'm talking about take your phone, open my screenshot, and swipe your thumb over it.

because Google Chrome is stock

Unlike desktops, mobile hardware is quite limited, and those extensions will cause more noticeable lag. What's the point of increased functionality when everything you do will be in slow-mo?

My phone is rooted and I use AdAway. Why the fuck should I use FiyyFox?

>tfw adaway

AdAway doesn't block popups and javascript, where as something like uBlock does.

not really, so far it's much faster for me

But i do, ublock origin and https everywhere as addons.

Even on my shitty old phone it works fine. uBlock Origin is the only extension I use though.

But then again I don't spend all day web browsing on my phone, why would you do that when a desktop is 100 times comfier.

Cant save pictures, for some unknown reason.

because miui browser is a lot better

Are you trying to steal content, goy?

Nothing to steal, nothing to save.

Using firefox on android would mean using it on all my devices. I need tab/history/saved password syncing. I can just root my phone to have adblocking

Yes it doesn't block popups but it is system wide. The sites I usually browse don't have popups and such and I use firefox mobile with ublock for pron. The problem is that firefox lags on any site that doesn't have a special firefox mobile version.