Do programmers contribute anything to the world?

do programmers contribute anything to the world?

fuck off

Spot the jew/muslim/nigger/SJW.

Get back to your fucking shithole, cuck.

A programmer programs the drones that blow up hospitals and shit

Durr Hurr retards with guns do a more important job than the guys maintaining and securing our digital infrastructure hurrrr


Is OP a complete and utter retard?

Information Security is the most important thing to America. We have secrets that cannot leave this country

Spotted the boot kissing redneck. Go bomb a school.

What about me? I served in the Army on active duty for 4 years. Was a platoon medic in an infantry company most of that time.

Now I'm out and really thinking about studying computer science and getting into programming.

Like what?
Military intelligence. Two words combined that can't make sense.

>information security
is that like encryption? are you a terrorist?

no, he's just an inbred moron

To pretty much everything. Either directly to the devices around you, or to machines that built them/delivered them to you.

American Soldier
>kills innocent people because their skin color implies they could be dangerous

Silicon Valley Programmer
>has created all the toys you idiots can't live without


It's even simpler actually.
American Soldier
>consumes tax money
Silicon Valley Programmer
>creates tax money

>kills innocent people
No-one in the middle east is innocent.
They're all violent savages. The ones that aren't already emigrated.

Why not both?
I plan on being a software engineer as well as a national reservist for the navy.

What is "mslms"?

vowels are haram

>yfw soldiers are all paid from tax dollars and therefore they are welfare queens funded by socialism
I'll leave you to ponder that for a while, Cleetus.

By that definition anyone employed by the government is receiving welfare.

>do programmers contribute anything to the world?
They created the programs that allow you to shitpost on Sup Forums.

>American soldier
>welfare queen that carries out the Jews orders while killing innocent children in the process


>play wargames of the rich for little money


>do something that makes bank with no effort


Ever met a libertarian?

Let's just stop all government services. That will go well, right?

>welfare queen

This is your last warning. If you do not rectify your behavior immediately, I will be forced to notify the authorities.

but I'm Spanish


There's a lot of programmers in the military. Just because a lot of CS students are faggots doesn't mean all of them are.


Programmer in the military here.

Half of you fucks don't even do what's on the left.

Not to mention I could fuck your shit up with drones while sitting on my ass all day.

>Soldiers fight freedom
Murica yeah! Freedom yeah!
>Freedom and free market make regular workers earn more
Why wont't somebody please think of the soldiers!

Leave it to america to complain about how soldiers have it bad and then go bash communism

"contributing to the world" is inherently subjective to the point of meaninglessness.

Also. Is this a cuck b8 thread or a Sup Forums b8 thread? It seems to work both ways.

Reminder that OP is a troll and by replying you're taking the bait.



Are you a 1B?

All of Sup Forums is bait. We're all here only to waste our time.

No, I'm 46/M/SoCal.

U wan sum fuk?

Not every programmer works on nonsense. Programmers build everything that makes computers "do stuff" including the computer systems that soldier depends on.

more than the us military

U first lol

You said you were a programmer in the military. Assumed you were USAF.

>American soldier
>Posts Marine


Not him but why do you ask?

As a software developer I understand the comparison of risk to salary.
But developers that are on good money aren't on it for no reason, they are on it because the have a knowledgeable skill set and aren't just dumped on the line like soldiers.
Yes being a soldier is harder work, but you're being trained to perform physical activities. Decent developers are the ones who understand data structures, dependency injection, cross platform integration and so on. These skills might look like something you can pick up after an hours reading, but it takes time and mental capacity to implement these in a business.

I'm 20 and working for Sky in the UK, I bring in ~£60k where my daily expectation of development is about 5 - 20 lines a day. This is due to the quality and security of the code, it has to pass standards, test and ensure it can't be broken. I can code a lot more than that in hour and make more interesting stuff, but I'm being paid for my experience and knowledge.

I was wondering about cross training.


Baby I can storm your beaches all night long ;;;;^)

>welfare leeches earn less than people that contribute to the economy

USAF has more desk jobs than other branches. It's the one you choose if you want to be a part of the military but don't want to get shot.

>I could fuck your ass up with drones
>Can't make a single move aside from what his OIC told him to do or he'll end up in Leavenworth

Ok m8

No one cares

Former Green Weenie victim here. Boots don't need a raise, but most programmers aren't worth anywhere near what they currently command. The tech bubble is entirely blown up by wall st. banks who have nowhere else to go since subprime is already maxed out again and the rest of the global economy is sliding.

That said, I hope the bubble stays afloat at least 9 more years so I can retire.

Ok Ron Swanson.

Point is I do more shit while sitting scratching my ass all day than you ever contributed. Mr. infantryman

The picture on the left is of a U.S. Marine, not a soldier, unfuck yourself.

OP has it wrong, not all military is like in his pic.

Say that to my face POG


I believe the technical term is "GI Joe with kung fu grip" if I'm not mistaken


>According to OP drones, radio comms, netsec, infosec, surveillance and intel, manpower forecasting, and etc. were not at all developed by software engineers.

The DoD spends a fuck load on software and hardware to keep the armed forces alive and efficient.

Funnily enough this probably was written by a NEET or someone who works at McDonalds and can't get their life together.

Saying the Marines are the Army makes you sound like a retard. If you want to piss off a Marine say he's in the Navy... Or don't tip him for the pizza.

>americans don't realize they'd be a third world country without their army.
>literally the only thing of value they have
>literally bully the rest of the world into not fucking them up.
>americunts still take the time to make fun of their army.

You sure love to make fun of Sweden for a nation so close to them in the cucking scale.

>taking the bait

lol are you serious

>implying this wasn't the musings of a struggling poor / neet envious shit



>Tfw want to join military

> I heard it's shit tho during peacetime

>le soldier face :d
