New Nexus (Sailfish) confirmed garbage

new Nexus (Sailfish) confirmed garbage

> HUGE BEZELS with no front-facing speakers
> glossy, fragile glass on a third of the back for no apparent reason
> thicker than you're dad's dick, yet only has a 2770 mAh battery

conclusion: HTC a shit.

>Huge bezels
>muh 3.5850% larger screen-to-body ratio


nigga that thing looks larger than the Nexus 5X, and that one has a 5.2" screen.

The only bezels that matter are the side ones. Having bezels on top and bottom is good and it doesn't really affect how big it 'feels'.

If you are worried about unused empty space you shouldn't be using android in the fist place.

> glossy, fragile glass on a third of the back for no apparent reason

As soon as it was leaked that HTC was making the next Nexus device I already knew I was skipping a gen.

How big is the battery on the 6s+? It can last almost 2 days. Pure android should be the same.

I'm reserving judgment.

>take picture of object against poorly contrasting background
>poorly cut out the object so the actual edges cannot be distinguished from the scraps of background

I hope for your own good you didn't make that image, user.

Bezels are fine. Glass allows for better reception compared to a metal case. It's also unique. Battery is fine.

Absolutely disgusting!


>there are people who defend this phone because it has nexus written on it

what the fuck are we doing wrong?
why is this shit so laughably bad?
what in the twisted circumcised cock?

>judging an unreleased phone

5 inches, full HD, 300 mah less than a S7 with a 2K, I think the battery is not the problem

i think they did this to put wireless charging in the lower part and to hide laser in the upper part

Wireless charging and antennas. It's a good workaround to aluminium body limitations.

Mine only lasts a day from med-heavy use. 7 hours SOT.

you mean the upper part, wireless charging doesn't work well through metal

Jesus fuck what are they doing

They had the front design down to perfection with the Nexus 6.

>amazing screen to body ratio
>front waterproof stereo speakers
>smooth curved edges feels great

Blame HTC. They're the ones making the Nexus this time round.

One Plus Three master race. Happy I left when they were still on the last good phone in that line, the Nexus 4.

All I know is i like the finger print scanner at the back of the phone