Install Linux Mint

>install Linux Mint
>everything instantly just werks
>every program I need preinstalled
>comfy as fuck
>don't have to deal with unnecessary bullshit issues like all the Arch/Debian/Gentoo cucks
>don't have to deal with security issues like Windows cucks
>don't have to swallow semen like Macfags
Life is good

Other urls found in this thread:

>don't have to deal with security issues like Windows cucks

Lel top meme

>Install Debian Stable
>Installer works without a hitch and gives me very verbose and effective information on what's going on
>Select a desktop
>Debian downloads and updates the whole system
>Reboot to a fully configured and functioning desktop
>Packages are a bit old
>enable backports ppa
>Backport kernel and GPU drivers
>no crashes anywhere
>Most needed software installed by default
>Firefox ESR default brower
Life is better

>install gentoo

>mfw I had the exact same experience as OP
fist me, bro!

>buy super cheap Dankpad off eBay with Mint installed
>use it more than my Windows desktop because it's so much better, faster, and easier

I never knew comfy until now.

>fist me

>I never knew comfy until now.
Then you haven't used xubuntu yet.

>don't have to deal with security issues
That isn't true thanks to Clem. But your system is ultra stable so, it is sort of a great tradeoff.

>install arch
>it just werks
>yaourt -Syyua once a day
>never broke anything

>linux mint


I am not using Mint myself but good for you.

I despise all the memers talking shit about Mint.

So I installed Ubuntu (first ever attempt at Linux), and I found drivers for my USB network card, but I can't figure out how to install them. According to the download page I have to compile it myself, but according to those resources i need a whole bunch of other resources. Basically I'm lost.

Connect your computer to the internet (ethernet or cellphone tether) and then run
>sudo apt install build-essential
in a terminal and then you can compile the driver.

Yes, that's right, you need non-broken internet in order to fix your broken internet.

Welcome to Ubuntu, enjoy your stay but leave as fast as you can.

>Welcome to Ubuntu, enjoy your stay but leave as fast as you can.

what are the meme reasons for not liking mint?

>install antergos
>everything works
>mate is comfy

Which is better: Ubuntu lr Mint?

No Devuan?

Depends if you like Unity, MATE or Cinnamon.

Isn't that just Debian without systemd in the repositories?

And less bugs just for that. Not memeing.

Bugs like what?
I've never had any bugs in Debian stable shits rock hard.

Devs hijack maintenance on packages that are not for systemd.

That's why Devuan is a fork, not a Debian project.

>you need non-broken internet in order to fix your broken internet
This happened to me with Windows every single fucking time.

Doesn't systemd have full sysvinit support though whats the problem with incompatible programs?

>linux mint
>the company that got hacked and had installers replaced with malware-laden ones
>trusting them


when you have a system that doesn't just werlk
It happens randomly and prevents a lot of people from sticking with linux
likely hardware issues


I can never trust them again

Devs don't add the patches, see

>inb4 leddit

>Linux mint
>no debian issues

In all honesty debian isn't the main cause of the issues in linux mint it's Ubuntu's shitty repos that are filled mostly with packages grabbed directly from debian unstable.
LMDE is a really good desktop kinda makes normal Linux Mint look like shit.

What is this faggy color scheme I keep seeing?


lolcat its a package you just pipe stuff into it i.e command/ | lolcat

macOS masterrace

Well shit 14 packages later, and now I get to work on config I guess.


what operating system do you use?

What font is that?

what operating system do you use?

how did you make notifications display on the right?

I use Debian, Windows and OS X

are you gonna give me that pape if I say OSX?

>I use [...] Windows
Not going to tell you then, inbred.

Are you looking for this, buddy?

I no longer need you. Thanks for nothing fag.

Next time use google image search sooner instead of shitting up the thread, Hodor.

Tried that, didn't work without the name ;^)

Was that so hard? I knew you weren't an OS X user since you were so retarded.

It worked for me without the name. As a matter of fact, the goole search immediately shows her name on the first two results at least. Are you sure you aren't just retarded, user?

obvious butthurt, better luck next time macfag


I'm not even using a mac, but you're mentally challenged

Same thing for my dev box

Mint is ok. It's prob the best transition from windows into linux. It's the first install of linux I got to work then I learned a bit more about it and got interested in lighter weight for fun but I was amazed at stable and easy and usable it was. I've used the live cd to diagnose a windows machine since then and booted up no problem. Pretty handy tool to have around. People hating mint are looking at the whole thing too closely probably. For a newcomer, the linux scene is a nightmare from a user prospective trying to get something up and running to use. This is probably why a lot of windows users look at it like it's just a toy. And it is a toy too. Just a like vehicle can be a toy as well as transportation.

>dealing today almost 2 hours today cause yaourt fucked mime-types and the error had nothing to do with mime types

this desu. t420 with xubuntu is pretty damn comfy

get a terminal with 256 colors

does any linux distro have a spider solitaire, a decent graphical normie-compatible mail client and does it allow for remote login into other w7 machines with vmware*?
might switch my mom if the answer to all of these is yes.
* she needs to login into the hospital from time to time.

Ubuntu Gnome should have all that. A built in remote desktop and plenty of games, not that I've checked specifically.

>instal gentoo

life is good

>tfw even my ethernet was borked
>tfw had to download each and every dependency manually from and install because piece of shit Kubuntu (14.04 I think) didn't even have gcc installed
Fuck KDE

But mint is based on Debian though...

enjoy your shitty security cuck