Favorite distro

What is your favorite distro and why?

Arch. Lightweight.


It's pronounced "GNU/Linux".


Fuck off faggot.

>Arch compiles its binaries against every dependency the devs build in

install gentoo

Windows 10 is pretty balling.

I can smell the shit from your hands already.

Ubuntu LTS base + Cinnamon and Arch

I like Cinnamon, it's the only modern gtk DE that looks good except from the GNOME 3 faggotry.

Arch has AUR and Pacman is clean and efficient.

Fedora for everyday usage because I barely have to install anything and it works right out of the box, LFS for tinkering, because barely anything works and you have to set up everything manually, therefore good for educational purposes.

Xubuntu, perfect balance

I will tomorrow.

get the fuck out

Qubes OS, tails, Kali Linux 2.0 and Windows 8

Gentoo users are not lightweight


Debian. Boring, simple, easy enough without being too bloated, totally free if that's how you like it but doesn't complain if you need to add some firmware or whatever.

Debian at home. Ubuntu at work. Everything else is a meme.

Poorfag :^)

Fedora, its really stable

At least my hands aren't covered in shit Rajeesh.


openSUSE and its excellent implementation of KDE

Manjaro = Windows killer

This is just silly.

Is this a joke or are you serious? I've had huge problems with 42.1 and KDE, so I switched to gnome instead.

I think it works great. But, I don't rice my DE

I like ubuntu variants. Mint for my desktop, Xubuntu for my laptop. Never tried fedora, or opensuse... not too curious to be honest. I managed to install arch but it just seemed like too much work

Don't listen to Novell and Red Hat shills. Don't use OpenSUSE and Fedora.

Hm, I didn't rice my DE either, but it crashed a lot. Really sucks and made me start using tmux.

Yeah, it's lightweight.

A base arch install is bigger than a base ubuntu install.

You'll grow out the Arch phase, though. Don't worry.


Who /devuan/ here?

kde neon desu

Ubuntu. Just werks.


muh freedumbs
also because it's got heavy leanings with ubuntu, the documentation is pretty much already written for everything before the distro existed.

It's portage+fun


I like mint, but I've only used that and Ubuntu.

Manjaro XFCE

Ubuntu MATE. It's easy to use.

Windows 7 with classic desktop

Will go to Zorin 9 later desu

Base ubuntu comes installed with over 1000 packages.

Windows Update is a pain in the ass.

And that should baffle you even more as to how it's smaller than Arch.

Debian for when you don't know what distro to use

Archfags BTFO!


My system is not even a base install.

>green on black
heh are you hacking the fbi there big guy

So shouldn't this contest be measured in size instead of package count since they split packages differently?

Of course not. That wouldn't benefit the archfags.

But what about facts though, they count, right?

No, only my green text/black terminal, bleeding edge memery, and """""""minimalism""""""" matter, user.

wtf I hate bloat now!

7GB for my current installation with a lot of crap installed on it. I don't know how big is a Ubuntu installation.

prove your claims, idiot.

Ubuntu cause it works. And since 16.04 release its kernel is updated enough that I dont give a fuck.

> no bloat, no sysmemed, simple installation, superior pm, responsive community that not a bunch of leet hqxor autists, and finally just werks

Mint because I'm not a tryhard faggot who tries to impress kids in bst threads



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