Why did Blackberry go full retard? They are making a so called secure phone for normies...

Why did Blackberry go full retard? They are making a so called secure phone for normies. I don't get the idea behind this marketing strategy.

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>tfw I'm the only person in the world with a PRIV

I am single handedly keeping the Canadian economy afloat

>Tfw have BlackBerry Passport and I really like it
>there will never be a sequel to the silver passport
whatsapp is dropping support unfortunately

But the keyboard is ace

>it's a rebranded alcatel idol 4
Blackberry's dead.

I bought a Priv for less than half the price and so far I love it. The DTK50 is a cheaper android Blackberry for normies and companies. Yes it is a rebranded Alcatel, but it is actually a good phone with great speakers. Just wait for a price drop to $250.

I love the secure phone meme

would use for a work phone

>Steve Jobs coming for their asses
>one founder fucks off to rub dicks with Stephen Hawking
>other founder fucks off to buy an NHL team

It's actually a wonder BlackBerry is still around in some form.

They have a niche. Whether real or imagined, they are making the most of it to sell pocket computers.

if they focused on actually creating a secure corporate ready device instead of screwing around they could have stuck in a proper niche

I feel it's too late for Blackberry at this point

It's a bit more secure than an average stock Android phone. Normie-friendly.

But... it won't sell. Shipment has alreayd been delayed by 1 week, which I assume is due to poor pre-orders.

imagine if years ago they made a corporate/organization deployment ready device that easily integrates into corporate services and needs

make it sysadmin friendly, have an actual secure OS instead of skinned lagdroid

I know this is easier said than done but Blackberry was in the position to do this due to their earlier popularity in the cell phone market

>android passport never ever
Blackberry literally hates money

They could have been HUGE, if not for the lazy, cocky management of the past ~4-5 years, before Chen came in.

They had BBM, they had keyboard phones, they has their own OS, they has (and still do to a certain extent) governments and corporations eating out of their hand.

This was a humongous flop, and a very sad one, too. Now we only have iOS and Android to choose from. What a fucking shame.

>"most secure"
>visibly has GApps and Chrome installed

Well, no Google play store but you can download apps from amazon or third party sources

Clover works very well

>wanting a downgraded Passport
BB10OS >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Android

BB10 is a beautiful OS, but people demand apps, and without apps any OS is crippled. Look at WinPhone.

You realize BB10OS can run Android apps too, right? Hell, I even have the Play Store.

It's veeery smooth. I've had several android phones of all tier levels and this is probably the smoothest plus longest battery life I've had

do you need to install Google play services?

Sure it can, and me and you know how to do it, but does the average consumer? Nope. All they know is that BB has no apps.

NATIVE apps is what any OS needs. There, is that better?

>major apps ping your location thousands of times per week
Carriers also sell the location data from what towers your phone connects to to advertisers see: In what ways is this phone supposed to be more secure?

You can't even if you want to.

Sure you've worded it better but regardless it comes with the Amazon app store for Android apps and normies definitely know how to open an app store and how to use one.

>governments and corporations eating out of their hand.
this exactly
an enterprise grade phone with one stop shop for features would be greatly valued compared to the tedious setup of making a consumer line phone into something that can be used for a corp/gov

if they focused on sec and enterprise features they would still be a go to phone. It's too late in this market though. This needed to be done when the market was still immature


Literally who?

Spotted the underage

The phone that your gay daddies used for sexting.

>secure corporate ready device
BB got canned by big business for iPhone

>he actually believes the iPhone is secure


what ever happened to pic related?


Doesn't the Priv go for like $300? That's relatively cheap, especially for a flagship. Also iirc the Vienna's coming out at some point this year. If I ever give in and get an Android BlackBerry, It'll probably be this one.

Normie here.

I've owned two BBs and they were the best phones I ever had. I own an iPhone now but I plan to ditch this shit when they release a new BB (if it has physical keyboard).

Not the only person with a priv
Typing with one right now

Just watched the video.

>No keyboard
>Probably not iDEN
>Probably no BBM

I'm disappoint. It was good while it lasted, let it sink now...

Android and iOS both have BBM

write your own whatsapp application and rake in the dough.

Speaking of speakers, the priv is even worse than the Z10. Disappointing for the premium price.

100% this. Read the rest of the post and know how salty I am about having to use Android.
> apps? great. everything else? not so much

>notifications puke everywhere, even with the half finished hub. On BB10, they would have been put into a "general" bucket
>multitasking and determining app state is difficult and confusing with the "recent apps" screen
>no separate screen lock and encryption passwords until 6.0
>various permissions and privacy issues that don't need to be mentioned again (some fixes upstream in 7.0)
>"convenience key" does nothing but mutes; doesn't toggle playback globally; can't map it.
>volume keys get grabbed by apps when music is playing; though sometimes this is nice, like in connectbot.
>apps take events on a contention basis(?): run 2 background music apps and see which one starts playing audio first. It might end up being that both play audio.
>broken mediaplayer implementation on 6.0 prevents FLAC from playing past an initial buffer
>missing built-in file sharing and device data management abilities of BB10, i.e. smb/webdav shares for network mounting, nfc file transfer support across platforms (Android sends beam, receives everything else), plug in as usb only to charge or mount the SD card directly as a USB drive
>lower anecdotal call quality, worse stock dialer application (better search)

Tell me it gets better, priv bros.

I have a classic, I like it but the screen is too small and lack op app ecosystem makes it a bit hard sometimes (can still get android apps though). Other than that it's a really solid phone.

Will upgrade to the next premium blackberry android phone. Skipping the Priv for now

How nice of you to describe Symbian.

I hate the lack of a keyboard but your average Sup Forums autist should probably be happy that Blackberry is talking to normies about the importance of privacy and security in the digital era.

16:9 or 4:3 at 4.8-5" curved screen
trackpoint from the classic
blackberry keyboard
fingerprint reader
wireless charging
3500mAH battery
USB-C with micro USB adapter in box

wind up those wishlists user

Just install the Android version. It works, though it isn't as nice.

The bbm normie craze was fun. Getting nudes and shit with that screenmunch app was gureito

>Why did Blackberry go full retard?

Refused to go Android and kept its own OS that had fuck all apps and support, and normies don't want a phone that does nothing.

They also make their entire corporate identity as being a secure phone (aiming for business and government use) and then turn around during their bad times and brag about how they give user into to foreign entities and governments.
