What are the big energy killers in your house, Sup Forums?

What are the big energy killers in your house, Sup Forums?

>computer processor, monitor, speakers
>wireless router
>electric oven and stove

>energy can be killed

The air conditioning that my parents keep turned up all summer, because they think 75 degrees fahrenheit is swelteringly hot.

Your mum

>you must be over 18 to browse this site

No shit energy can't be created or destroyed. Obviously I meant what electrical devices waste or burn electricity more than others. What is your electricity usage with computing like?

>electricity can be burned

>What are the big energy killers in your house, Sup Forums?

7200 rpm external hard drive is the biggest user of energy in my house.

>refrigerator + freezer
>wall vibrator stand

>>wireless router
That should draw like 5W.

Appearently they are one of the major phantom or vampire energy suckers though. You have to remember to switch them off when not in use.

Mandatory 1st world stuff like fridge and central AC uses most of the electricity. Computer+everything connected uses around 230W during normal use and

Worst I've had was an electric water heater

The only appliances that are on all day long in my house are the fridge, LED TV and my laptop. So I guess the fridge is the most consuming one.

I had one of those, moved away and my bill dropped like $30/mo
Worst fucking heating system ever

>>wireless router
Haha your garbage sucks up maybe 7W.

>millennial who can't spell millennial
every time

Actually it can be.

>water pump
>2 stoves
>water heater
>water pump
>3 crt tv's
Thats about it

Which would use more power, a 16" CRT or a 42" LED?

why dont you just check their power requirements?

It is though.

dual processor PowerMac G5 server