Writing operating system programs in Python is an indicator that the individual writing it does not have the mental...

Writing operating system programs in Python is an indicator that the individual writing it does not have the mental capacity to learn and use C. Fact.

>implying there are operating systems written in Python

Or that they values their time and choose the right tool for the job.

>Implying there are not.

>Mint Updater
> wicd
> YaST
> Pyqt
> etc..

more like they are scared of using a hammer so instead they hammer a nail into the wall with a pillow
it will be 1000000 times slower but hey! you can say you did it 'safely'

What do you mean by an operating system program?

Totally depends on what you're doing. For a lot of tasks C is overkill and there would be no tangible difference using Python

Fuck you.

T. Portage

>I just import libraries until I have a shitty slow application, but at least it works!
Python is pretty much the most Pajeet programming language ever

You need to get into Java then...

Those aren't operating systems. Most of those are just package managers. Wicd is a network manager, and PyQt is just a library for building GUI shit in Python. For what it's worth, it's perfectly acceptable to make your package manager in Python. Package managers are not CPU-bound. Most of what they do could be made with a Bash script. Beyond that, GUI programs in Python can work as long as they are not particularly large. Most of your work is just Python calling into a C or C++ library, which is at least better than what the Javascript folks are doing with embedding an entire fucking web browser into a GUI application.

>t. unemployed basement dweller

portage, the package management system of gentoo is written in python btw.

This. When the web bubble bursts and all those unemployed JS devs will migrate to app development, everything will go the way of Atom. A hacked to shit browser acting as an application

Nice argument fagtron, you sure convinced me with those hot opinions.

>let's reinvent the wheel everytime
The mark of a terrible programmer

Python is relatively slow compared to most languages, but what OP used as examples to complain about aren't really affected too much by it's poor speed, since most of the time spent by those programs is going to be either waiting on a socket or writing to disk. If you have a completely I/O bound process, it's okay to use a slower language.

I could definitely see specialized OSes being written in python.

If you have some OS that runs on a surgical robot, for example, Python would be fine.

I'd rather the code be bug free and nanoseconds slower, than have a segmentation fault mid operation.

>If you have some OS that runs on a surgical robot,
You know, I'd prefer a surgical robot that doesn't freeze mid-operation due to a lousy tier GC.

are you a retard?

I use python to create magical speech


So, an OS not written in C?
>just malloc my shit up

>Python interpreter runs on top of the os?

If you want a surgical robot OS not written in C, try Ada or Rust. Interpreted languages are not intended for actual kernel work, and to get them to actually do that job, you still need a bit of assembly to kickstart that shit anyways.

>operating system
This is the second most retarded thing I've ever seen on Sup Forums