How to track a ip address?
Hey Sup Forumsfag
Other urls found in this thread:
Wireshark. Never post again please
if you can communicate directly to them, then you should be able to see the traffic via some packet sniffer software like wireshark.
if they communicate through a central server, you will only see that server. wikipedia internet protocol and go from there, its very interesting stuff
Okay thanks.
Fuck off, Keem.
install gentoo
you have to be 18 in order to browse this site
traceroute on unix or tracert on windows from your command line.
Put a tracker on it
This faggot is like 4 feet tall isn't he
he looks he could be a good crossdresser
Everyday with this thread
Agreed, maybe that's where all repressed rage comes from?
By creating a GUI interface using Visual Basic.
fuck off leafy
you sound like you have a cold ffs
go cure that cold leafy hope you get well
Who's the qt?
This tbqh
aww, you must be retarded, its okay i'm sure they will find a cure soon.
Leafy is beefy is here?
I dislike things that are popular because I'm a hipster.
Look at how hip I am.
Why go through all that trouble when Leafy's dox has already been leaked.
Unless he moved out of his parent's house and got a new place, then w/e.
this right here
A daily reminder that keemstar did nothing wrong and leafy fanbase is even more cancerous than the bro fist army.
Haha that mother fucker lives in Utah what a fucking faggot bahaha
t...traceroute? TCP offpath? caller the ISP and ask?
Isn't he based somewhere in UK in the moment?
Do people buy these just for the joke? Or do that many people put things in their butts?
>posting leafy even if it is ironically
Go watch your minecraft videos, retard.