What does Sup Forums think of the new Razer Blade...

What does Sup Forums think of the new Razer Blade? I travel 2 weeks a month for work and need a laptop that can handle current games on good settings while I'm gone. Already have a nice desktop at home so this isn't going to be my sole computer. Budget is $2,000

might cut yourself with that thinness


Get a giant 17" one with better cooling for gaming and a ultrabook for your work.

calm down, Sup Forums

I have the 2014 model and it's fucking great. Really nice build quality, compact and just overall great.

Ignore all these other meme spouters who cannot accept that gaming laptops are now viable.


I'm caught between the razer and the auros 13

>>I travel 2 weeks a month for work
You don't.

>people with full-time jobs don't play video games

Not everybody works at McDonalds, user

gayest pc ive ever seen. i bet the fans is noisy as hell

>can't hear myself suckin this dick
Keep the dream alive op

bet it's gonna be overpriced as fuck just like the first blade


People don't suddenly pick up golf and quit gaming after getting a job


Display: 14.0" 3200x1800

Graphics: NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 970M w/ 6GB GDDR5 VRAM

Processor: Intel® Core™ i7–6700HQ Quad-Core Processor with Hyper-Threading 2.6GHz / 3.5GHz (Base/Turbo)

Memory: 16GB DDR4, 2133MHz

Operating System: Windows® 10 (64-Bit)

Storage: 512GB SSD (PCIe M.2)

You can buy a way better gaming pc, plus monitor/s, plus an excelent laptop for that price. You can play 95% of videogames with a $400-800 laptop, and the ones you can't will run better when you're not traveling.

That's the pasta that I copy when people normally ask about the blade. For you, well, if you reaaaally need to game four weeks a month, I guess it's justifiable, bleh.

It's actually very decent for the price.

But I would wait a couple of months for the new model with Pascal. 970 is pretty dead already.

>Display: 14.0" 3200x1800
Jesus that's bad. That kind of resolution on such a small screen.
>Graphics: NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 970M w/ 6GB GDDR5 VRAM
Old as fuck.

>>Display: 14.0" 3200x1800
>Jesus that's bad. That kind of resolution on such a small screen.

I legitimately cannot tell if troll.

Literally the only reason I haven't jumped on one of these is Razer is fucking infamous for QA issues and not standing behind their products. Say what you want about applel, but at least they've got decent support.

It's not /bad/ on its own, but it means that the GPU is going to be working overtime drawing pixels that you can't perceive anyways, --battery, ++cooling issues.

There is no need for anything over 2560×1440 until you start getting to desktop-tier displays.

970m is worse than the 960 and the 960 is a last gen, mid-range 1080p card.

games are gonna run like dick at 3200x1800


does the keyboard suck? can it run linux? otherwise these razor laptops dont seem too bad. build quality feels solid.

Oh sorry, I though you meant that the resolution was too small lol. Everyone's obsessed with retina shit these days

Damn. Don't know if I'd drop that kind of cash if they're gonna fuck me down the line

>Grown man

You have to be over 18 to use this site.

My old coworker has one and he was showing it to me and telling me all about the specs and whatnot.
It seemed really nice, and it is literally 4 times the price of my laptop, and I enjoy mine. So there must be something special about it to cost that much

I have one it's really nice, runs a little hot and the cpu fans can be pretty loud when gaming, not an issue if you wear headphones really though.

Overall for an ultrabook it's really good, nice being able to get some more power out of a such a slim form factor, user experience is great.

For gaming the only issue I've run into is it can't really run games at 1800p unless they're older (fallout new vegas, and csgo worked.) at playable fps, so for gaming you'll have to game at 1080p, using the desktop at 1800p is pretty sweet for me, other people have complained when I've handed them the laptop to use that the text is small, but you can change it in scaling options.

The can run linux, keyboard is very good for a laptop, the directional keys and lack of a numpad being the only failings( and I don't really mind the lack of numpad).

I'm using the 2015 14 inch model.

Seems like a solid computer if you've got the cash and need a thin and light that can keep up with games. The poor Linux support would keep me away though. I'm eyeing the Dell XPS 15 if I need to game on the go.

just buy thinkpad laptop, OP.

can handle csgo max settings over 1000 fps