/hpg/ - Headphone General


>Headphone purchase advice
pastebin.com/fYZLW7Ub (embed)

Freedom version, feel free to discuss whatever headphone related discussions without being judged or looked down upon by autistic audiophiles.

Noise isolation ≠ Noise cancellation
If you dislike a suggestion, try giving a better suggestion to whomever asked instead of going "hurr, x sucks"

>Sup Forums wiki headphone FAQ:

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Nice makeup.

Don't be a faggot and at least wait for the bump limit. Doing it before the bump limit just creates an incentive to make a new thread earlier and earlier if you are competing with someone who cares.

He made a way better thread and you're being a faggot about it?
Fuck the previous op and his shit thread.

>2 posts early
No one gives a shit

World's best dynamic headphones reporting in.

>an OP that isn't shit


>He made a way better thread and you're being a faggot about it?
I'm not the OP. I'm just an oldfag whose seen this turn to shit over anime before.

report & sage

This isn't about anime.

>autistic audiophiles.
I think you are creating the wrong thread if you don't want to get looked down on by audiophiles.

Fucking loving mine. They're the most natural, detailed and slightly warm headphone i've ever tried. I owned the o2+dac up until last week until I realized that the fiio e10k drives them exactly the same.

What dac/amps are everyone using to power their 600/650s?

What are the 600 owners here driving them with?

Good job demonstrating that you absolutely suck at reading comprehension.

/hpg/ shouldn't even contain audiophiles, there are better places for them to post (/r/headphones, Head-Fi, SBAF, etc.).

Audiophiles are cancer.

I'm just a guy who likes headphones.

Audiophile = a person who is enthusiastic about high quality audio reproduction. That's this thread.

>what are the 600 owners here driving them with
An iPhone.

>/hpg/ shouldn't even contain audiophiles
Why shouldn't those who have more experience or more interest in the hobby not post on Sup Forums? Are you simply trying to exclude people you don't like?

And the name of the thread isn't /apg/.

>What are the 600 owners here driving them with?
Often O2 amp/DAC or E10k.

Audiophiles don't have any real experience, they're just mindless drones that follow the groupthink.

>Audiophiles don't have any real experience
My "no true experience" fallacy. I'm sure you have far more experience than audiophiles, amirite?

Missing the point. This thread is full of regulars who classify as audiophiles. And no, an audiophile does not only include the likes of people you were probably referring to by Head-Fi/SBAF etc. It's a general term for people enthusiastic about audio, that's it.

>I'm sure you have far more experience than audiophiles, amirite?
Of course. I'd take a regular person's honest opinion of something over the opinion of a deluded audiophile.

There are some legit ones though

>calls audiophiles cancer

>says they shouldn't post in a hpg

>says he knows more than all of them.

You need to die

>Of course.
Perhaps you can explain to me how electrostimulus works on subjective audio perception on the average human?

Some people who lurk here have read (and perhaps even wrote) papers on audio engineering, testing equipment, and years of experience trying various headphones of all varieties.

Or are you merely a douche trying to justify your own self-importance?

>Some people who lurk here have read (and perhaps even wrote) papers on audio engineering, testing equipment

Audiophiles and engineers are not the same.

But an engineer can also be an audiophile and an audiophile can also be an engineer

>Audiophiles and engineers are not the same.
I did not claim that they were. Are you trying to avoid proving you have "far more experience than audiophiles" by erecting a straw man? Or are you retarded and believe audiophiles and people experienced in the field of personal audio wouldn't try to understand the field of their hobby and read papers written by audio engineers?

>Audiophiles and engineers are not the same.
Can be. These terms aren't mutually exclusive. This isn't even worthy of an argument. I just hate how much Sup Forums manages to misuse and mislead discussions this way.

>It's a general term for people enthusiastic about audio, that's it.
It has somewhat lost its original meaning, nowadays an audiophile is someone passionate about audio equipment.

It's similar to HiFi, as you probably already know HiFi means 'high fidelity' but now it's just a branding term for many things.

>Are you trying to avoid proving you have "far more experience than audiophiles" by erecting a straw man?

Audiophiles might be more experienced with equipment but their views and impressions may not be accurate and may be biased.

Or are you retarded and believe audiophiles and people experienced in the field of personal audio wouldn't try to understand the field of their hobby and read papers written by audio engineers?

Those are a minority. Look at Head-Fi's sound science board. Only a minority visit there.

D-do I order it?

>Audiophiles might be more experienced
You still haven't proved your own experience or understanding. Are you a douche who tries to insult everyone and bring them down to your own inexperienced level?


>$24 RCA cables

Just get the HD 600 and the Magni 2. Don't buy into literal memes.

Quality equipment and a good choice imo. If you feel like it.

Reminder to have good source audio components.

Not the uber version?
Might as well get them from schiits site

My experience is irrelevant.

Audiophile biases make them an unreliable source for data on equipment.

Please fuck off and kill yourself.

What do you hook this up to? Record player, ipod, computer?

Also take a look at this:


>mfw trying my first Bluetooth headphones since 2012

le frown

Not a lot of things.

>overpriced taiwanese garbage

Lol ok.

looking for recs on a piece less than $100 to be used for listening to my music recording. I'm plugging pic related into a $150 audio interface. a little flexible on price if it really is worth it.

music is not bass heavy, more guitar and vocals.

The difference z outputs are cool though.

Show me your setup. Now.

A piece of what? Headphones or DAC/amp?
Or maybe some shit to eat while your at it?

The 600 yes.

Otherwise just get the e10k as an amp+dac

E10K is not that great, volume pot is shit and HD600 could do with more headroom for equalization and low volume music.

The Magni as an amp is fine. DAC is unnecessary. If anyone purchases $24 RCA cables they should consider suicide.

>100 bucks or less monitor headphone for recording guitar and vocals.
MDR7506 is pretty damn good for that application.
Not bad at all imo.
>Skiping the case and showing the actual amp/dac
I like it.

>no more frowning on wireless

200$, flexible
Computer, HTC 10
>Preferred type of headphone
full sized
>Open or closed
>Comfort level
very comfy
>Preferred tonal balance
Bassy or warm
>Past headphones
E10, sennheiser 439 (didn't like them very much), some Fischer audio russian knock-off headphones I got cucked into buying.

>DAC is unnecessary
Yes, let's just plug the usb cable from the pc into the fucking amp.

That's a lot of gear just to offset his hearing loss. Why are so many """"audiophiles"""" half-deaf old faggots?

Why are so many people on Sup Forums edgy faggots?

This is the epicenter of edgelords

>My experience is irrelevant.
You are a lying douche.
>I'm more experienced than audiophiles
>But my experience doesn't matter
You're more experienced at being a lying douche for claiming shit and criticizing other simply because you don't like how you get prove to by a lying douche time and time again in /hpg/.

Why is the magni better than the e10k which sounds exactly the same as the o2+odac.
Does it sound warmer? what is it that makes it worth the money?.

>Why is the magni better than the e10k which sounds exactly the same as the o2+odac.
more output power.
>Does it sound warmer?
that would make it worse

I bought some Walmart brand junk on a whim because nothing else was open, and I can only hear music, not voices, when testing on YouTube videos. The company that makes them doesn't even have a website. That'll teach me.

>Preferred type of headphone
>Open or closed
>Comfort level
>Past headphones
This shit walmart.ca/en/ip/blackweb-over-ear-premium-series-headphones-blue/6000192736270


You sure are mad.

> g

If these are what people use to record and mix the albums we all know and love, what purpose is there to buy anything more expensive?

listening to music made by people who actually know what they are doing

I'm sorry if you confuse my nature of chasing a bullshit narrative as being mad. At least you didn't call me an autist.

Though I'm curious. Why did you post I am mad if you aren't going to defend your "experience better than audiophiles? Perhaps you are so emotionally attached to your posts that you cannot help but project your emotional investment on others? Either way it seems you've given up trying to lie to us that you have reasonable grounds to condemn audiophiles in /hpg/.

But the o2 already has insane output power compared to my e10k and they both sound exactly the same.

>that would make it worse

I know. So why do head fi etc love a 'smooth' sound

Why the fuck do people recommend the sheet stack. The o2 is supposed to be the most neutral and it sounds EXACTLY the same as the fiio e10k.

So what's the fucking point in any of it.

They're decent headphones but the average artist is pleb as fuck when it comes to audio. They care about how well the vocals are done and how well the song is formatted in terms of the verse and chorus etc. Beyond that it sounds the same to most of them.

>So why do head fi etc love a 'smooth' sound
i won't try to make sense of head-fier opinions
>Why the fuck do people recommend the sheet stack. The o2 is supposed to be the most neutral and it sounds EXACTLY the same as the fiio e10k.
the schiit stick and O2+ODAC have near identical performance. people sometimes go with the schiit stack because it's cheaper where they live and/or aesthetics.

Most don't use headphones except to test, most of the mastering is done on expensive monitor speakers.

>the schiit stick and O2+ODAC have near identical performance. people sometimes go with the schiit stack because it's cheaper where they live and/or aesthetics.

That's fair enough but the fact is that the o2 and shit owners both lose out when it comes to 99% of headphones because the fiio e10k s ounds exactly the same. I used to own the odac and learnt the hard way. It's a fucking waste of money unless you own headphones that...require much more.

You wouldn't happen to know where to find them, would you? I checked the sites of everything I could think of, but none had it listed. The ones I found that ship from the States have insane shipping fees.

>You wouldn't happen to know where to find them, would you
They're $80 on US Amazon. How much are they charging for shipping?

Because audiophiles' 'experience' hold no value.

>today I'm gonna listen to my silver cables.

But now you're gonna be a faggot and cherry pick the ones that are engineers just for the sake of arguing.

End your life already you 24/7 /hpg/ shitposting virgin scum.

Sonix will ship, but it'll cost twice the cost of the headphones. I'm open to other headphones.

>I'm going to quote retarded head-fiers "silver cables" and equate them with audiophiles and then be hypocritical and say others cannot cherry-pick
>muh experience is better than other's experience because of muh true experience fallacy.
Retarded douche who repeated the same bullshit he already got called on.

No wonder you keep advocating bluetooth headphones. Your honestly believe you are better than everyone else even when it is shown how ignorant you are.

Why don't you order them from US Amazon? It's $2/lb and at 2.2lbs with shipping it should cost less than $90.

>No wonder you keep advocating bluetooth headphones. Your honestly believe you are better than everyone else even when it is shown how ignorant you are.
I never got involved in the bluetooth discussion you retard. Nice try at personalizing anonymous posters.

But if you had to ask me, I haven't seen any quality evidence that bluetooth has inferior quality posted thus far.

>I never got involved in the bluetooth discussion you retard.
Cool story, bro.

> I haven't seen any quality evidence that bluetooth has inferior quality posted thus far.
You conduct yourself exactly like him and responded in the discussion started by the OP which is all but confirmed from the last thread.

To be fair the artists listen much more to the stage monitors than to studio monitors, giving their line of work, we can also consider that, while the MDR7506 is a great monitor headphone for the price, engineers usually reffer to studio monitors most of the time, headphones being used more in the recording process, editing (which is more about tunning and tempo) and to double check a mix/master done in the studio monitors.
(by the way, let's not forget that studio monitors are not necessarily neutral, many have some emphasys on certain frequencies to help engineers finding unwanted noises).
Third thing i consider important to note is that many times the artist is not even exposed to the same sound as the engineer, giving that many studios have far bigger, far more forgiving speakers to show the ending results to whomever they need to please with it, the artist might be a great musician, but if he is not tech-inclined there's a good chance that's the version he will be presented to.
Lastly it's worth poiting out that there is plethora of monitor headphones out there, i've lost count of how many times i've seen k240 being used as monitors, V6/7506 all well, a few DT770 and DT880, at least one K701, one DT990 and, belive me, a DT100 from the 70's (it doesn't even sound like the current version).

So i think it's safe to say that, even if you pic a very popular, very good studio headphone, there's no way to know what headphone, if any, was used during production or even if the artist would like how the music sounds through it.

150-200 USD
>Preferred type of headphone
Full sized
>Open or closed
>Comfort level
>Past headphones
Shitty walmart headphones

Dude, what's your problem with Bluetooth headphones? It's 2016, Bluetooth technology has improved massively.

There's no significant difference in audio quality anymore

Would if I could. They don't ship here.
> Sorry, this item can't be shipped to your selected address. Learn more. You may either change the shipping address or delete the item from your order.
The only other seller on .com has $40 shipping fees.

Best IEMs I can get from best buy? My Klipsch suck but they're outside return policy so im gonna geek squad em and buy something else. Was thinking Bose Soundtrue.

Well shit. That sucks.

Any other headphones come to mind?

Sennheiser HD598

they're under $150 but they perfectly fit your criteria.

>There's no significant difference in audio quality anymore
Yeah, you're not the same guy even though you say exactly the same thing.

I wouldn't suggest buying bluetooth headphones if only not to be associated with your lying douche ass.

But I'm not lying, I tried out my friends Bluetooth headphones and they sounded amazing.
Some Sony headphones, don't remember the model.

I'm even considering buying a more budget orientated set just for the convenience. Things like
>plug phone in to charge
>can still listen to music throughout most of the house with headphones

Plus the wire hanging usually bothers me and gets caught in the most annoying places, or gets caught in my arms, and feels like shit if I pass the wire uber9my shirt.

You're looking like the biggest idiot of this thread.

Not everybody that has an open mind wrt bluetooth audio is some dude you've personalized.

Get a life.

Under my shirt*

Dude. Give it up. He's just going to continue lying and already caught in a lie. Carrying this on is just shitting up the thread.

>Under $150
Where? I'm on the senneheiser website and it says 230 euro

amazon, senpai

Not the same user but it's less than $150 in the US.

>going to continue to lie
You're suggesting Bluetooth technology hasn't improved in the last 4 years?

Not the same user but you demonstrate how shit you are at reading comprehension again.

>This item does not ship to Argentina. Please check other sellers who may ship internationally

You're clearly the same user.
just give up, you can't even provide a coherent argument, you're just shitposting now