Is it worth it?

Is it worth it?

Holy fuck, bidding on this shit now.


Thanks for the tip, I'll pop in my bid!

Thanks for the ThinkPad OP!

way too high

>anything Lenovo

op you done goofed by showing this to us.

tfw op is the seller

Lmao no. Got mine for 200 flat, bunch of saps here

don't need i7, get an i5 or i3 for that battery life

That's why you reinstall the OS right after purchase

Wasn't the rootkit on the bios or something like that?

x220 is meme-tier now. When I first started browsing Sup Forums 8 years ago the x220 was a solid choice but now you can get chrome books that are better.


If someone has physical access it's all ogre anyway. No need for a bitch fight.

am i mistaken or do chromebooks run on arm

that sounds really useless

Some of them do. Most are x86 now and still just as shitty. If you only want to watch cat videos on jewtube and wank to traps then a chromebook is a fine choice.

I want this baby :( I'm a poorfag till my welfare drops on September 1st 2016

The point of it was that it was built into the bios, fresh install doesn't do shit because it will just installs again

And they recently got caught doing this shit again after the first time started to fade from public memory

Getting this for $75.

Did I do good?

Yea for 75 thats a decent machine as long as your not a gaymen faggot.