Try my project and help me load test (totally anonymous / no login required)

Hey guys,

I am a developing an open source chat system that can run on cheap hardware, Raspberry Pi, Banana Pi etc. Consider this post as invitation to drop by say hi and you will be contributing in load testing the system.
URL is

We already have a really small community of people from around the globe. Please be polite and don't misuse the system, it's totally opensource, your feedback, and contributions are appreciated.

Other urls found in this thread:',

What's the difference from IRC?

IRC? No?

Better than IRC believe me

Kinda yes but better, since it will be soon extend-able. Write now I am writing core that scales well




Not yet but something on my todo list

I can't log in

Seems like usernames are only text characters

keep us posted, kek

Very nice indeed

Not too shabby.

Yep only use alpha numeric characters

Nice website

leading space is know log in

Ok it crashed now

Still working

Cyherbullies pls leave :'^(

I wish there were no bullies

You need a /kick command

>posts shitty site on Sup Forums
>thinks people wont spam it
you sure are stupid or new


it should be free

pls flood this shit as much as you can

new, he said it in the chat
He's using us to test and that's it.

You are right I am new

It's opensource and free

I made a spambot for this in python, it can spam multiple rooms indefinetly if anybody wants the code

hook it up

Before using do sudo pip install websocket
#!/usr/bin/env python
channels = ['discuss', 'discuss2', 'lounge']
message = """ooo rubbies more on your bulgy wolgy it doesn't stop growing ·///· kisses you and lickies your necky daddy likies (; nuzzles wuzzles I hope daddy really likes $: wiggles butt and squirms I want to see your big daddy meat~ wiggles butt"""

import websocket
from threading import Thread
import time
import json
import random

def on_message(ws, message):

def on_error(ws, error):

def on_close(ws):
print("### closed ###")

def on_open(ws):
def run(*args):
ws.send(json.dumps( {'@': 'set-nick', 'to': 'SERVER', 'msg': 'ayylmao'} ))
for channel in channels:
ws.send(json.dumps( {'@': 'join-group', 'to': 'SERVER', 'msg': channel} ))

while True:
for channel in channels:
ws.send(json.dumps( {'@': 'send-msg', 'to': channel, 'msg': message} ))
Thread(target=run, args=()).start()

if __name__ == "__main__":
ws = websocket.WebSocketApp("ws://",
on_message = on_message,
on_error = on_error,
on_close = on_close,
header=['Sec-WebSocket-Extensions: x-webkit-deflate-frame'])
ws.on_open = on_open
ws.run_forever(origin='', host='')

Change the first variables accordingly, it should work

thanks man

No problem, make a thread again if you ever make it harder to spam, OP
It'll be a pleasure to try and overcome it

Ok we see the spambot worked. Please shut it down

Because you said please

OP how do you post images

Get rekt kid! See
man I love it when people make accusations that turn out to be false due to their ignorance.

i don't see why

irc works fine. irc has been raped as swedes blondies with the new cool "apps" like discord slack or whatever else is ripping it off

seems you are just jumping on the wagon

even tox had better purpose as it was p2p

good luck, tho. make a rule where one user can't spam gifs because that eats bw

save us op

i should stop spamming my babyfur fursona

> made a shitty heavy weight version of IRC

What is wrong with people? IRC or xmpp all work great and have RFCs

If you want something to do write a less shitty xmpp server.

This whole discord/slack/gitter meme needs to stop.

people that dont have anything better to do make these stupid web apps


the /gif thing is a nice idea, op
I'm pretty sure normies will love it

We fucked it

what am i doing wrong

roxychains4 python
[proxychains] config file found: /etc/proxychains.conf
[proxychains] preloading /usr/lib64/
[proxychains] DLL init: proxychains-ng 4.11
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 6, in
import websocket
ImportError: No module named websocket
and i did install websocket

sudo pip install websocket-client

ok so thats why. i thought that only websocket is needed.

please quit it with the spambots.

Godammit why is it down
I was writing a console script to mute the spambots


Suck ma dick SOB you are banned! You think you are the only one who knows Tor

It's called a BBS, you're about 35 years too late.


what does "unapologetically simple and lightweight" mean? isn't simplicity desirable?

>An unapologetically simple and lighweight chat server.

Does XMPP hide your real IP like discord does? How smooth are videocalls compared to Skype?

Yet its 2016 and there's no such thing yet. Irc is battletested, light, secure and works on everything.

Irc just works.

That being said, I deployed a rocketchat instance for our workplace as slack would've been too expensive, irc too crude looking for normies and fuck whatsapp.




> what is ssl

Lmao @ your life



come on, man, really? stooping to buzzfeed huffington post words?

really surprised to hear that nobody has made a normie-wrapper for IRC yet. I guess it also lacks chat history.

>mfw they believed i was op


Its called slack and its quite successful.


>Kinda yes but better, since it will be soon extend-able.

So... XMPP, the Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol.

Soon, it won't be anymore

>i still need type a nickname

Wtf is this, memes, avatars and emojis on my irc network? God no.

I've looked into xmpp every once in a while, are there any team chat applications for xmpp? I wanted to go with xmpp but went with rocketchat due to mobile app support among other things.


Come on ass hole let's play!

So set your nickname as Anonymous

Nice and clean UI

>a chat client that can run on a raspberry pi
wew, so what? Are you implying that a chat client is somehow hard to run on shit hardware? you could literally run an IRC server from a raspberry pi with thousands of connections

Yep really clean UI except the spammers. Seems like admin has some spam control now

Clicking the connect button does nothing m8

It's a server not a client, and yes it handles thousands. Given that IRC server only does text and this server is doing HTTP+what IRC does I don't think it's a shabby job


I like you user

>easy enough for muggles to deploy


Maybe tell the user they can't use a space in their name when they try to connect (if they use a space) .

won't let this fun little thing die yet

nothing fun there now. was for a while but then the faggot admin enabled cloudflare