Downloads Folder Thread

Anything Edition

>Using Git with a GUI


i tried the github client but didnt like it :/

Here is mine

Couldn't fit even half of it

>shit computer that cant support Aero



Its a netbook i use exclusively for shitposting so fuck you


rawr xD

i have it so every document type has its own folder, and each type gets auto moved to that folder.

so ie, downloaded torrents get moved to torrents, and from then on I decided where else i want to move it.

its so i dont have one huge clusterfuck of files like

How is the function to auto move triggered?


script checks if there's any files in the main downloads folder every x seconds, then moves them to the appropriate folders based on the file extension. files that don't have any group just stay in downloads.

really simple script

Gotta seed

But why PIA tho
>More like CIA

Bought a 2 year subscription when it was half price
Don't use it for privacy, more for Sup Forums flag faking

I love you, mommy

need to organize 2bh


>family guy
>epic porn
>XP theme


>he doesn't hand sort his mods
Pro-tip: Loot is fucking garbage and will break your install past like 20 mods.


Goes well with the porn.

it's empty, because i'm not a fucking savage. i file my shit away where it's supposed to go.


post screenfetch

Green Room was pretty brutal desu senpai

In a good way, plus dat Poots


fuck off

>post recycle bin


>Over +200 mods
>Using loot
>Nothing is broken

Ok, whatever


empty already. I only shift+delete.

>Windows 10
>Git on Windows
>Android Studio
>Reddit reaction images

I think I've just vomited.

I meant due the contens of the folder it looks like shit

I download it for a friend

My porn is almost done downloading.

Thats exactly how i imagine pajeet's download folder, eclipse, android studio and git for wangblows. You only lack some uml drawing "app" there




remove mlp

What distro or icon pack?


>blind chance
my nigga. thats one of my favourite films

>there are people that actually keep shit in their downloads folder
I'd post a picture, but it's empty. I have a task scheduled that deletes the contents of my downloads folder every day at 4am. It's just temporary storage.

Not him, but looks like the arc theme.

I really need to get more organized

im cleaning it up little by little.
the oldest file is only 3 years old by now



mine is still loading

>hiding file extensions
Fucking disgusting, dude

what the fuck

Is devuan stable enough for everyday use?

so many normies, you people are fucking disgusting.

particularly those without file extensions on. there is a special place in hell for you.

I usually always delete the shit in downloads

post p folder's content

She's SO HOT!

alot of future bottoms in this thread

I actually organise and categorise my downloads, so my actual "Downloads" folder is virtually empty.

This is what it has in it at the moment.




P for pictures?

your the one with the tortoise, what laptop you got, x60? or t60? couldnt really tell cause your tortoise was in the way.

>downloading non-scene p2p movie rips

imma throw up

enjoy your botnet






botnet alert

i paid for it

Nice no mans sky download, high tech shit.
Also I renamed my folder banana for obvious reasons.

It's legit desktop.ini
I just have "show hidden files" option enabled.

>paying for software when you can get superior software for free




meanwhile in RARlabs

I don't download much stuff and most stuff I save for keeping, I sort away into the folder where it belongs.

> Redmi Note 3 Pro
ayyy yay, CM13 with the prebuilt leaked miui8 kernel is perfect.




Danke für den Tipp, Deutschbro. Habe mir mal ein paar links gespeichert für später.

what the hell is the point of these threads?

>ayyy yay, CM13 with the prebuilt leaked miui8 kernel is perfect

Which one is that? I'm using Santosh's build from XDA. Don't know which kernel it is using, but it works pretty good so far. Just very minor bugs and everything works, plus battery life is better than on MIUI.

Where does one obtain the one with the leaked kernel?

thats the one with prebuilt miui8 leaked kernel, its the best one right now.

We have a winrar

>downloading scene rips


Jesus christ

I like you, will you be my friend?

I really needed to clean out this shitheap


Clean up your shit you lazy fucknozzles.