Pick one

Pick one

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AMD because anime or as I like to call it, anime micro devices.


Nvidia because I like drivers and I don't trust AMD to not gimp my video card again

Her name is amada

Anime Moe Devices


I'm with him

Holy shit. You reached back ten years to pick a character and don't even use an official mascot of AMD?

Can you be any more transparent of an AMDrone?

Sup Forums only endorses the most kawaii-est


nvidia looks like an obnoxious brodude and i don't think me and mr suit would find anything interesting to talk about or have anything in common.

So i have to go with amada, there's nothing like a bubbly girl in bed.

he's cute. would snuggle up to

AMD but I want Ruby.

Nvidia for gaming bro, Amanda for girlfriendo/waifu and Intel for best co-worker or something similar

>buying a brand because of a mascot the brand your buying refuses to acknowledge

oh this has nothing to do with the products, i thought it was about which mascot i'd rather hang out with. i guess intel is a close second because i'd probably be forming useful connections that could help later on in life in something like getting a job.

but since i'm shallow i'd rather just touch amada all over.

Brands? Nvidia thanks. I want my hardware to work properly.

Hopefully someday AMD will get their shit together, or Intel will get competitive.


Amada rocks my clock!

>I want my hardware to work properly.
Then why did you buy Nvidia
Unless having less Vram than advertised and no DX12 support is "proper working"

>gtx 10 series
>not enough ram

better version

you fucking trapped me with the anime.


AMD, or as I've recently taken to calling it, AMD plus Micro Devices

>anime shit ruining amd


hey its that man of modest intelligence who seems to be in the right place at the right time to profit again meme

AMD does the same shit

If I had to use just one probably Intel. I'd rather have a beefy CPU than a beefy video card, and to be honest the Intel integrated GPU's aren't too bad these days if you pair it with some high clock speed memory, I could do my little bit of Counter Strike and Dota with that.

One? Well AMD then, because nvidia only makes GPUs, and I'm not gonna use Intel HD

Armpits no doubt.

Armpit Micro Devices

I use a combination of Intel and nVidia. But if I had to choose one and only one, AMD, because CPU's and GPU's.

>buying a card based on rigged benchmarks

No question.


user, it's Amada/micro-devices.

> nVdia not the Dawn Fairy.

>What Sup Forums users want look like
>What Sup Forums users look like
>What Sup Forums users think they look like


AMD since Nvidia has no drivers for any OS I use.

maybe he is indeed of modest intelligence.

But he's been at the right place at the right time in a few different fields and times.

So either he's really lucky or he can use his modest intelligence better than most people.

Including the very intelligent denizens of Sup Forums.


anime meme devices*

I wish nvidia had animu mascots so I cold self insert as a cute anime lesbian girl when building my pc.

>Intel iGPU for laptop
>Nvidia for desktop

I'm not an anime watching degenerate, I learned from the alt right how impure and jewish it was encouraging neetdom and homosexuality. I still like AMD however.

Nvidia is for fags and dykes, don't use it.