Why do you block ads Sup Forums?

why do you block ads Sup Forums?

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Because I don't want to look at them.

Some are annoying, some are malware. Other are irrelevant.


This, along with the fact that they're known for being malicious

Because I don't want to see them.

They don't respect my freedom.

To avoid giving money to sites and content creators I dislike if I happen to need to read or see their stuff for some reason.

Because they're invasive and shit and malicious.

Because I can

bandwidth every byte counts

Why do you not?

Do you also buy dvds?

This, unironically
Ain't gonna waste from my precious 12gb monthly cap

I'm not blocking them. I'm simply not requesting them from the servers as suggested by various sites I browse.

>try to download something on random site
>500 download buttons on a single page

The facebook anti-adblocking is interesting. Fuckerberg must have been losing too many shekels.

funny how abp already blocks it

all ads are malware


Ads make the web suck. The servers hang, adding load latency, and the poorly coded Javascript causes CPU spikes.

My secondary reason is that written content sites now use content marketing, where they produce paid articles. Given that this can occur, it will occur, therefore unblocking traditional ads only adds to the revenue stream for the site at no benefit to me. They have already compromised their ethics and are at best neutral to the consumer so to hell with them.

Before monthly caps were a thing, it was due to their often malicious and obtrusive nature. Now it's why waste bandwidth on garbage.

Lots of ads are blocks the ui what is frustrating.

Is there any adblocker on Firefox with the "youtube channel whitelist" function?

I block ads because I don't want to see ads.
I don't want to see ads because I load pages knowing what I want to find - I don't want any suggestions.
If I do need suggestions, I go to places where those making suggestions do not stand to profit from suggesting things to me.

because i believe i have the right to choose which pieces of code run on my machine, and i have made the choice that pieces of code that load visually distracting, frequently malware-ridden images are pieces of code i don't want run on my machine

underrated post

YouTube plus lets you do that.

This. If ads were just statically linked images I'd have no problem with letting them load.

I block ads because:

1. I don't want to see ads
2. They're a huge vector for malware
3. They're annoying and waste my time
4. They track my browsing habits and gather my personal data

Because they're annoying, take up space on the screen, irrelevant and I don't want to see them.

I have never once in my life seen an ad and thought "gee, that looks pretty good, I'm going to click that and buy that product".

>waste bandwidth
>prolong the loading of webpages
>delay videos
>get in the way
>fake download buttons
>fake search results
>often lead to trojans and other malware
>drive-by downloads without user interaction
>connect to a hundred ad company servers
>more data for ad companies to exploit and sell at my expense

Not gonna put up with this shit

Thread should have ended right here

They slow down the loading of the page and they're ugly; they make webpages look cluttered.

Mostly this, as well as performance. I honestly don't mind ads, but I live in a country where data caps are ridiculous, and letting the flash ads run on Twitch slows my stream down to a silky smooth 0.3 fps.

Because I can.

They waste bandwidth, are frequently malicious, and are annoying.

Advertisers abused their position, so I revoked their privilege to serve me ads.


Because they are annoying and either take up too much screen real estate or take time out of my day that could be spent watching the video I just clicked on. No, I cannot be bothered to spend 5 seconds on an ad, because those 5 seconds add up.

Because I can. I whitelist sites I do actually care to support, however, but in general I block everything possible whenever possible.

Performance & Security.

The internet is a pull medium, not a push medium. I do not block ads; I merely choose not to download them.

first post best post

I actually get annoyed when the occasional ad makes it through my filters and manually block it before I do anything else.

Ads are pointless, deprecated technology
>they're annoying and offputting
>they create negative product associations
>they doesn't benefit the customer financially
>they give life support to bad online content
>they bloat up the web, making fat & clunky
>they're a security risk, due to javascript
>they waste resources on mobile devices


I would be fine with 99% of ads if they were simple banners, but they are tracking-ridden pieces of JS.

If I had the choice between banning all advertising and ending world hunger, I would ban advertising.
Have any of you tried to watch a TV broadcast from a station who interrupts with ads?
Watching that for an hour is severe torture.
Russia was right all along.
Ban advertising, ban religion and jail people who promote their sexuality in public.

Jewgle tracking

You could just whitelist youtube on most adblockers though

I don't think you can on Adblock plus. Or at least I never found a way. The instructions found where for regular adblock on Chrome.

get privacy badger. it's ethical ad-blocking.

In life I already have barely any control. Having more control over what I consume on the internet means I can allocate more time doing the thing that I want to do.

I've only got 15 gigabytes per month. One dumbshit website can cram 2-3 autoplay videos, and even more banners, into one page. I can't be using 20 megabytes just to look at one shitty page. They are also full of malware.


So people keep paying you to post this shit every day Pajeet. I would hate to see your wife and 13 children go hungry.

some sites are ~10MB without adblock but ~2MB with it.

Because fuck you, that's why.

I do not believe in marketing, in fact I believe the economy would be much better off without it.

People should get a real job, hosting a website or making stupid videos isnt.

Because I don't want Jews selling me shit that I don't need!


>open website
>get smothered with shitty SWF commercials
>CPU usage is at 100%
>try to click anything on the webpage
>3 windows pop up telling me I won a yearly supply of Viagra
>try to close them
>can't because a JavaScript alert won't let me
>2 more windows pop up about a "GET RICH QUICK" pyramid scheme

>mfw this is the ad-supported internet
I'd rather pay for a subscription than deal with this shit

Speaking of this...

How many of you would honestly pay a monthly subscription for a site? Or if that's too forced, a monthly donation. And what would be your limit? $10 a month? Less? What would you expect from the site in return?

Nice generalization.

Final planet did this 15 years ago. People got exclusive betas , extremely fast download speed, and no advertising. Now all that shit can be had for free.

I usually don't block ads.

I only enable adblocker on websites with shitty performance.

>living in a third world country

I've gotten my share of malware even when I didn't click on the ads and am not taking that chance again.

Just donate 10 cents to them, it'll probably be more than they get from the ads you'd see.

winbabby detected

i'm literally lmaoing @ getting malware from ads

For the same reason I steal everything else. Just because someone creates something that I use does not entitle them to any money from me.

This. How does it even happen?
I'll admit I've mostly used Linux but I've also used Windows a lot and Mac OS a little and it has never happened to me.

Short version: yes

It's not even comparable to stealing, though.
A more accurate analogy would be someone offering you three pamphlets and you only taking one, or taking all of them and throwing away two.

Long version: Combination of script control, object control, cookie control etc.

On cetrain sites that i visit the ads still show up, but they are not large, blinking etc.
They also can be called legit ads because a lot of them are companies i know. They are targeted by IP and aren't retarded.

Example of the ads dna.fi - Oh hey it's my local teleoperator and also my ISP

There is no such thing as ‘ad blocking’. The web is a pull medium, not a push medium. I merely decline to request ads.

Because I can.

How is ad-blocking unethical?

Because ad companies dont know when to stop. If it were just ads and the occasional pop up I wouldnt even block them. But its 50 banners per page, a truckload of malware, a pop up every seconds with all the shit that actually is being loaded slowing down your system by like 500%. If theres an option to avoid that then I'll take it.

Both of these adblockers are shit.
I use ublock origin.


Its not theft because everything is being offered for free. Youre not committing theft if you skip ads on television either. Theres a break? Well, take a piss and make something to eat until its over. Are your a thief now?

Faster loading times, no annoying popups, no redirects, saves data (useful on phones). also I never even pay attention to the ads. No ad will convince me to go to the site, if anything I instantly put the product I see on a black list as a "never to install" (if it's an ad for an app/video game), there's no need to install bloatware when I already know what I need/want to install. If I need something I'm not retarded enough not to know how to search for it. Also
>hey you, you want to earn $400 per hour from your home?
>install this malware in disguise to improve your PC/phone
>go to this site to buy stuff 50% off
>meet girls in your area now
Who even takes this shit seriously?
It's not ad companies, it isn't their fault. The people who made the page are the ones who decide how many ads there will be on it, how often they refresh and pop-up.

1. I hate them
2. I have shitty connection
3. They are security risk

Most adds are fucking disgusting
>Your dick won't be able to resist these hot slav girls
>Doctors hate this old lady for discovering a cure for cancer
>Get in on this one easy trick to millions

Ive had adblock for so long, now whenever i see them they irritate me.
Just idiotic commands for you about disgusting, stupid things.
How do they even profit? Who the hell clicks on that shit?

This, I have 1GB/Week and that shit eats half of it in a day.

Thats this shitty ads you see on porn sites. Legit websites have ads that are personalized depending on your browsing history. If I turn of my ad block I see Mrporter, Okini and Lanecrawford ads left and right, virtually anywhere.

Because I'm better than everyone else

>do you want to fuck not girls tonight?


>Go to website like 6 years ago
>Open another tab, do other things
>Previous tab "cycles" ads based on time or something
>Hour later, ad on non active tab starts playing loud audio
>Get adblock
>Never again

All adblocking is ethical. My computer, I choose what to run on it.

It's a security measure
>Finally, the safest way for users to protect themselves against malvertisements is to utilize solutions like Adblock Plus [1] to prevent advertisements from being delivered to their browsers.

Fuck capitalism

what facebook anti-adblocking?

Ads are everywhere else in life. Everywhere.

I can cancel most of them out in my browser. So I do. Because I can. And fuck your revenue.

They consume too much cpuv

Because they're ugly, annoying and invasive most of the time. To top it all off, they also attempt to track my browsing habits.

Ads are way too profitable because of how unethical they are, how good they are at targeting just who might be interested in what the ad is selling.

That's just why I block it, and will block it for as long as I can.

I wouldn't and don't mind ads related to the site i'm visiting. Ads youtubers edit into their own videos for instance, tend to be relevant and in line with the content of their videos, I don't give two shits about the product most of the times, but at least they're advertising it to me cause I went to it, not cause it found me.

I visit some terrible sites sometimes. The shitty ones ruin it for the okay ones. Easier just to block them all.

visual pollution

I used to have it turned off for Sup Forums because the ads didn't bother me, but now there's Flash popup ads that bog down my browser if I have several threads open.

Ads today aren't just banner ads that are easily blocked i.e. Sup Forums's ads. They are flash, javascript, and cookie ridden trash that do nothing but try to force telemetry onto the user for tracking and selling data. Not just to sell you bad products.

Then there is of course metered internet connections (all you fags on cellular in the USA know what I mean, exception being T-Mobile, Sprint, and lucky grandfathered Verizon lines that aren't already cut off). When advertisers pay for our internet I would let them spend my resources I paid for myself. (can't due to net neutrality laws forbidding preferred treatment via "bribes")