Cheaper and better. Why wouldn't you buy this shit?

Cheaper and better. Why wouldn't you buy this shit?

Other urls found in this thread:

Because I can do more with a Redmi

>4" screen

Still waiting for a Micro SD card slot.

I did get an SE and it's a very good phone though this is the first smartphone I ever use.

>streaming your porn

you must look more like a blimp than a human bean

At least I can access my 30GB+ image/gif/webm folders anytime I want.

Because it is just what you said, shit.

Because my 32GB Nexus 5X was $240 brand new and iOS sucks.

I tried an iPhone 5S for a few days. The performance was good but the screen was too small for my tastes and I've grown used to Android's back button. 6/10 would recommend for normies and people too busy/lazy to set up their phone. But considering I got a lightly used M9 for 200 USD there can be great deals on smartphones if you're not loyal to any platform.

Oh but I did. It's adorable.

I already have a phone

Because I can't download over 100MB files without jailbreaking.

looks sexy but

>no mSD slot
>no ps1/snes emulators
>no torrenting
>smaller battery=less life
>cant use as flash drive

they are so super sexy thought and i like last gen phone size better than this gen. basically get the SE if you like hot bitches who are horrible people on the inside

Can you really not emulate Playstation games? My contract is up and was thinking about iphone SE but that is a fucking deal breaker.

>using a literally inferior piece of hardware because an apple teabagged it
Go away iCuck

>>smaller battery=less life

Not entirely true because it's driving a smaller screen at a lower resolution.

I already have a phone, why would I fall for a consumerist gimmick?

>pay for data plan with several gigabytes of allowance, if not unlimited
>can't download files greater than 100mb
iCucks, everyone

>still have to rely on jailbreaks to make it useful because there are no official developer options or a way to mount the system partition as rw without fucking up OTA updates
>only customization you can do without a jailbreak is changing wallpapers (icon packs and custom fonts when?)
>can't replace certain components like the home button myself and have them work properly and if I do Apple won't recalibrate them for me even if I paid because they're greedy jews
>no simple device management tools built in like a terminal emulator or a file explorer
>two spotlight menu things that can't be turned off
>annoying breadcrumbs bullshit that doesn't fucking help, just annoys me
>400 dollary doos for dinky hardware and a crippled OS when a fully customizable Moto X Pure is 300 and has a bettery everything
Fuck off shill.

I would buy it if it was 6 inch, i love the 5s looks but i dont want any phone under 6 inch

is this real?

Yes. People with shitty plans that caused them to rack up huge bills ruined everything for everyone else.

While I do think that's quite odd, large file downloads do put a lot of strain on the networks, maybe not from a single phone alone but many at the same time when it takes longer than a faster Wi-Fi connection to download. Perhaps they wish to curb the congestion by promoting Wi-Fi for such downloads.

But does it happen with every iPhone or just some specific carriers/models?


Well that's just utterly retarded beyond words then.

What the fuck, seriously.


You right they did

Why would I? Redmi 3 does all I need from a smartphone, it's fast and it costs just about $100, so I don't worry about its glass and whatnot.

One of the main appeals of iPhones is that they get (security) updates, for years after release.
On the Android side, that's more of an exception that the rule. Sure, you might get something like CM for a popular phone, but it will be of questionable quality.

That and a good fingerprint scanner and good camera and sound quality.

It's a shame that the OS is so limited, though.

Bought a brand new iphone 5s for 35$ from her carrier for my mom the other day. Pretty good deal. I doubt she would notice a different from the SE.


>Bought a brand new iphone 5s for 35$
>for 35$

iPhone user, ladies and gents.

>iPhone SE
>£359 to £439

No thanks. No phone is worth more than £50 in my eyes.

iOS doesn't have different features based on carrier.

>buying shit
Thats why

Does this fucking phone have stereo speakers ON THE FUCKING BOTTOM?

Did a complete retard design it or it only looks like it has two speakers on the bottom and the second grill is for some sensor or a microphone or something?

>faster than S7 and better multitasking performance
>one handed use
>better camera in daylight than the S7
>gets updates faster
>better build, less fragile
>battery like an average Android flagship
>goat video editing/performance
>several hundreds cheaper than S7 unlocked

I'm not even an iFag, but that's the best position for speakers.
You don't want the speakers covered when the phone is laying flat on the table.

>Did a complete retard design it

>Better DAC, better speaker

Still Nexus 5x is a champ fo 200-300$, but its not even comparable in speed and performance, though the camera is better.

What even the fuck is the point of having both speakers on the bottom? You are going to take advantage of stereo speakers when using the phone landscape mode (ie when watching a movie). What the fuck is the point of having both of them on one side? Literally the most retarded design choice I've ever seen. A complete waste of stereo speakers.

The best position for speakers is having both on the front like on Sony phones, Nexus 6P, ZTE Axon 7, etc. Even for single speaker phones that's not a good position because you're going to cover it when holding the phone landscape.

>Shit selfie camera

Why the fuck do you care about stereo sound on a fucking phone?
Why would you watch movies with stereo sound on a fucking phone?

It's a fucking phone not a fucking theater.

Learn your priorities. Speakers at the bottom make more sense on a FUCKING PHONE.

Ideally you'd place duplicate speakers on the sides and fronts and whatever the fuck, but that's not practical now is it.

>>better camera in daylight than the S7
If the S7 is better at night, which you are suggesting, then I severely doubt the camera is worse during the day.
It just doesn't make sense.

This just shows how little you know about cameras...

Because it is shit. Come on, who actually enjoys iPhails? I swear that the only reason people buy them is simply because they don't know anything about technology.

Redmi, you fucking retard.

what should people buy instead?

see Xiaomi is currently unbeatable in the smartphone industry.

see pic related

I own an iPhone 6s btw but I'm about to get an S7 next month. Fuck apple, I'm done with their shitty unusable phones. I paid premium for a golden colored turd. You can't do shit without jailbreaking these pieces of shit and I updated before I knew what jailbreaking was so I'm fucked until I get my new Android phone.

>wasting money on flagships
Get the Note 3 Pro or get the fuck out of Sup Forums you fucking retard.

Anyway I'm getting the exynos S7 specifically, I heard there are overheating issues with most SD 820 phones.

>not buying cheap from the chink and rather get hard cucked by Jewish middle hand prices

>Why would you watch movies with stereo sound on a fucking phone?

Why the fuck not?

Speakers on the bottom make no fucking sense for consuming media.

Sorry, I like my shit not breaking after a week of use.

Then why the fuck are you considering samshit?

But battery ramps up better than power consumption with the footprint. Notice how bigger phones have almost all better battery life than smaller phones, and the top battery life ones are all >=5".

Because it's not chinkshit.

Xiaomi is a proven brand, they make better shit than the big brands yet costs fuck all.
You're literally cucking yourself by buying samshit garbage.

>Xiaomi is a proven brand, they make better shit than the big brands yet costs fuck all.
It's still chinkshit.

>You're literally cucking yourself by buying samshit garbage.

You can either build for the 5% use case (watching movies with stereo sound) or the 95% use case (hearing sound at all times and saving valuable space on the front side).
You can't have both.

It's too small for my manly hands

>hurr chink shit durr
Xiaomi is a top brand and guess where your S7 is manufactured.

shoo shoo stinky chinky

Nice try Pajeet. How does it feel to have an S7 that's slower than even a fucking OP3 and that's bloated to shit?

because it's an iphone fucking faggot omg lol kys