What have you Sup Forumsuys done with your raspberry pis?

What have you Sup Forumsuys done with your raspberry pis?

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Both are sitting in a drawer.


mine is shutting down/getting unaccessible after some random time. How to diagnose it ? Already tried turning off power management for the wifi dongle.

otherwise, i'd like to make a small web app hosted on the home network a shared todo list. I'm doing a webdev bootcamp and this came up as an idea.

one is running kodi and the other ssh terminal

I want to get a third for a remote bittorent client

Stashed at an undisclosed location

built an emulator machine inside a gutted super nintendo I had laying around

I have two providing networking for relays connected to a fan and a lightswitch so I can turn them on/off from my computer, and one with a webcam hooked up to it as a security camera for no particular reason.


which relays exactly do you use, familia ?


You shouldn'tve gutted the front and hit a USB hub there. Would've been much more aesthetic with the original controllers and the original ports.

git/taskwarrior server



i thought about it, since it's what everybody is doing, but i had an 8bitdo SFC bluetooth pad already and USB provides better connectivity for the PI (keyboards)

well, i designed and 3D printed a couple parts for the different connectors, plus assembled all the internals while keeping the original power and reset buttons functional, so in a sense i'd say i built it yes

Could i make little cctv's with this and hide them around town?

Yeah but you need power and network connectivity.

I've got one running as a webserver, plex server, and deluge client, that grabs all my animes off RSS feeds and sticks them on a nice pretty web UI.

Another one is a dev machine, and I want a third for rancher + a private docker repo

Also, my friend has one doing some kind of VPN voodoo, I don't really understand that thing

You're awesome, nice work user!

I kept hitting mine with a hammer after I realized it couldn't do what I wanted. I then quit my job.

about to turn it into a surveillance camera, I'll put MotionEyeOS on it.

the noIR camera module is on its way

Made it into a HTPC because I was tired of using my laptop. Can't handle really high bitrates, but it does the job pretty well.

Openvpn server on orange pi. 70mbit/s for 14$ is not bad.

genetically engineering catgirls for domestic ownership

wtf are you doing with that weak ass cluster?
I guess it's a good school project as proof of concept / or proof of knowledge, but that's it.

Either way, that webm is ancient, it's probably not even yours

Is your power supply sufficient? Mine was freezing because of a too weak psu. It theoretically met the requirements but in reality it didn't.

using a Zero for the transmitter and an A+ (or a laptop PC) for the receiver...

home file server and btsync encrypted node.

Ive tried with different ones, I guess I can with others. Did your stay with lights on?

Power LED did stay on, SD activity LED did not. I don't rember what the ethernet leds did.

Media server connected to tv, is also connected to NAS.

thanks familia!

Overclocked it to dangerous levels, play quake 3 and n64 games

They're the very definition of a "tech meme".

>"I love to tinker with computers I'm kind of a hacker I just ordered a Raspberri Pi xD "

For your webapp, check out pouchdb, the tutorial and is exactly the app you would want to do.

I got mine at a school project in 11th grade (first year of electro or whatever you call it in the US), we made it into a fullt operational PLS with codesys

The same, thanks bro!
You mean PLC?

Thank you too, I will check it out, although it's foreseen as a personal project :)

FYI RPi3 is $36 right now on gearbest


Is my raspberry pi a ghost?

>fun fact: it can be powered though the USB A ports

mumble server with a music bot
web server
git server

a smart-tv with OSMC

MMO parser external display

nice heatsink user

Now it's on for couple of hours with an old ass netgear full-blow usb wifi stick... but I want to use a mini one...

and the gpio if you desire

I want to make a small nas server with usb drives and at least 10Mbps upload speed but as I understand pi has no usb3 and shitty performance

Is there a small ARM board that can pull this of Sup Forums?


I turned mine into a webserver. It works really well except it is apparently super vulnerable because someone or something hacked it days after I got it up and running.

Syncthing always on Node
Pretty handy if you want your own Dropbox like service.

Pretty sure the wife would have preferred a retron

fucking niggers

Can't blame the Pi for that one mate.
SSH password too weak?
Vulnerable XSS?
what stack did you have on it?

I'm planning to buy a rpi0 so I can make a car computer for my dad, it would be a nice gift since he always wanted one


The great thing about most raspi server setups is that they tell everyone what they are.
Perfect if you want to learn how to smash a webserver because you *know* nobody is going to care.

Turned it into a media center.
Works quite well.

pi-hole, ssh, ftp, web server, IoT hub (all LAN)

Phasing them out because the stupid network guys who wanted to use them to manage projectors couldn't handle the workload.

Instead we're using HDMIs that we had to hastily run during the school holidays, and the rush job is showing.

this... pls

nice to not have spotify ads on any device am I right?

mine's connected to speakers and runs volumio so me and my buds can use airplay

replaced 2 of these, which were workhorses
made another 1 headless
they're brilliant & I now consume ~ 2w

Custom DNS server whose only use is to have DNS tunnelling enabled and bypass airport/macdonalds/others wifi portal...

I use it as a media center with osmc. Comfy as fck

It sits with the rest of my retro gaming shit. The Pi does NES, SNES, PSX, and Genesis. For DC, PS2, XB, and Saturn I use the real consoles.

Got one on sale.
Loaded retropie on it. It's now constantly hooked up to my tv.
Works well, nes and snes works perfectly and so does mame. Using it with 2 $2 snes controllers i got from aliexpress that work perfectly (suprisingly).

All in all would recommend if you want a simple retro gaming setup.


AirPlay and Web server for pogo map.

Backup storage server, and torrent downloader

Let it collect dusk on my desk for months.

Pictures of your setups/hiding plsces!

maybe link a DIY guide?

Made a chat system on it :) it's opensource and it works out of the box github.com/maxpert/raspchat

ash tray

>MIT license

Ol' Max is out for himself, it seems

this was my first diy project, so I'm quite pleased with the result, even though there are rough edges. judge away!

there are plenty if you Google a bit, but none of them have the psu inside the enclosure or usb front ports, so I had to experiment a little

I followed the /diy/ guide and advice threads and shoved mine up my arsehole.

Now it keeps intermittently switching on and off. Maybe I should take it out and take a look.

Right now I'm using it as a small desktop pc. Sourcing the materials to turn it into a pocket pc (hopefully I'll be able to use an old DS shell).

Can I connect one to an external hard drive to use as a multipurpose server?

>Zohaib Sibte Hassan
He's a jew what do you expect :^)

is there something like raspberry pi with 1gigabit ethernet and some kind a way to run 3.5" sata drives?

SATA drives can't into 1gigabit

Had my pi 2 setup as a kodi box with smb serving my ps2 isos to play with opl. Replaced it with a latte panda doing the same but also running as a ci server with jenkins. Will be creating a home alarm system with the pi 2, debating using Windows 10 iot as I develop primarily in c#. My og pi will be backroom kodi box plus dreamlike for playing my dreamcast online

Fucking dreampi not dreamlike

beautiful, saved!

I can never get volumio to connect to the network

What are you on about?
Look up the Banana Pi, though be aware there's a hardware backdoor by the Chinese for that and the Orange Pi.

If you don't have to have SATA, look up the ODroid C2 as they're gigabit with ARMv8..

Is RPi really worth the dollarydoos or is the price higher because it's popular? If I wanted to be a stingy asshole, what alternatives do I have?

>I want to get a third for a remote bittorent client
u stole my pi idea. just kidding :-(

does rpi3 throttle much under heavy load? does it need radiators?

Same here

get an orange pi you can get them for less than $15 and they can do mostly the same

i think i f***** up my 1st pie cause i didnt know wtf i was doing. ordered 2 moar and hopefully build a Mobile Router, Access Point, Media Server to take with me on a 8 hour car ride. this way many users in the car can stream movies wo/paying verizon over data charges. wonder how many movies can fit on a 128g flash drive?

>taskwarrior server
you got a good tutorial for this?

kinda got lost in the middle with their docs.


top kek


I've been using it as a desktop replacement. Today I compared it with my old Netbook and guess what, the Netbook is faster...

>desktop replacement
No shit you stupid nigger

You're fucking retarded