If they can shit down Silk Road why does TPB still exist?
If they can shit down Silk Road why does TPB still exist?
honey pot
post more gril faggot
For years? What are they waiting for?
That's a lot of leg.
Remember how TPB changed ownership.
eat shit and die
drugs and murders are higher priority than 20 year olds torrenting game of thrones
> implying drugs are bad
He's right though. Dumb kids smoking pot dropping pills doesn't contribute to real crime in any way.
Hello summer
how about trafficking and the violence that comes with having a business culture that operates completely outside of the law???
just another reason for legality desu
That wouldn't be a problem if it were legal
They're bad long term which is why the feds give people such long prison sentences for possession/distribution.
Drugs cause cancer, brain damage, organ damage, and psychological damage over time or even after one use. Not only that but they cause family problems as well which is a bitch to deal with.
Anyway we can't control or collect much tax from a population filled with a fuckton brain damaged druggies which is why we go after people becoming druggies so much. Contrary to popular belief we DO NOt want a population of stupid dumbed down people as they are very hard to control (see Africa).
t. Family member who lost many family members to drugs (grave or prison) that now works with the DEA.
They work with statistics and they need TPB data flow.
If it was legal the population would become retarded and the country would suffer from it.
good goy
>we can't collect much tax
tell that to colorado, you're naive as fuck
That may be true but is it moral to legalise drugs?
>Alcohol causes cancer, brain damage, organ damage, and psychological damage over time or even after one use. Not only that but it causes family problems as well which is a bitch to deal with cause it's legal
>Tobacco causes cancer, brain damage, organ damage, and psychological damage over time
Impressive arguments.
I would stab you to death if you were in front of me right now.
You're the summer, they just collect a list of peers. Look it up senpai
Thats one hot poo princess.
This to prove drugs didn't damage your brains to the point of attacking a federal officer?
I hope you find peace but what you're doing is hurting many people in vain.
>spot the junkie
the real threats are on private trackers, the commies that leak capitalist movies and musics are on private trackers.
what.cd down when? What the fuck are they waiting for?
The thing you might be too high to understand is that alcohol is temporary.
You can get black out drunk, to the point of near death, and it still only takes a day to sleep it off.
Our society is build to handle this.
People get the weekend off where they can do what they want.
If a person takes heroin on a friday, they won't be fit to work on the following monday.
If a person smokes weed on a friday, he is not allowed to drive a car the next monday.
We can't have this.
>b-but black lives matter.
Shut the fuck up. Drug dealers gets killed all the time. If you don't want to die, get out of the slum, make something of yourself and stay away from drugs.
>federal officer
Please kill yourself.
>Drugs cause cancer, brain damage, organ damage, and psychological damage over time or even after one use. Not only that but they cause family problems as well which is a bitch to deal with.
Literally alcohol and cigarettes, why aren't they outlawed then?
Yeah like in all those first world countries with a higher HDI than the US but where weed is legal.
>mfw honeypots are illegal in my country
Drug lords have cash. You bust a drug lord, you get to confiscate the cash. The FBI likes busting drug lords.
Pirates have no money. If they had a reasonable amount worth confiscating, they probably wouldn't be pirating. Instead they'd just be wasting space in jail that could be spent on drug lords.
>spot the straight edge fedora nigger
>alcohol is temporary.
Tell this to your dad once he dies of cirrhosis or pancreatitis.
>life is temporary.
These people need help.
Throwing people in jail is a bad idea, as then they are less likely to recover, at least in america, some countries have better prisons.
In countries with a justice system, I think it is moral to have laws against drugs.
In america, every law can get the death penalty.
So there, I don't think it is moral to make laws against things that shouldn't carry the death penalty.
Let's take an example:
You have a broken tail light on your car, yet you choose to drive it rather than towing it away to get it fixed.
When you drive, the police sees you, tells you to pull over.
If you do comply, the police draws weapons as they approach you.
If you try to run, the police has the right to shoot you, if you make, what they perceive to be, sudden movement, they have the right to shoot you.
This must mean that if you have a broken taillight, it is okay for them to shoot you.
So I don't think it is immoral to remove laws, as then there would be less situations where the police has the right to kill you.
What country, I don't believe such a place exists
do you actually believe this?
who is this dick thickener?
You do realise that alcohol and cigarettes are drugs too you know?
Do you have any idea how expensive they are where I am?
The government is reeling in heaps of dosh from the taxes.
you seriously underestimate the dangers of alcohol abuse
Yeah because our legal system in Sweden isnt fucked up. Police are not allowed to trick/lie you into admitting to, or committing a crime.
Alcohol use has been a part of human culture for thousands of years and is enjoyed in moderation by the overwhelmingly vast majority of people that ever decided to imbibe. Is it harmless? No. Do we have a better social lubricant alternative? No, so it's here to stay.
Tobacco smoking is also physically harmful, but unlike alcohol doesn't even have the potential to put anyone in immediate danger from the effects of the drug in question (nicotine.) You can't really say the same for any of the scheduled drugs. They are all potentially dangerous to innocent bystanders.
>numbs his brain
>expects to be in control until he sleeps
enjoy cancer/getting raped/suffering a horrible accident
the war against drugs has absolutely fuck all to do with concern for peoples' health, and absolutely everything to do with people making money tax free.
Why are alcohol and tobacco legal? Have a good think.
Drugs were decriminalized in Portugal a few years ago and their population now has some of the lowest figures for drug addiction in the world.
>Alcohol use has been a part of human culture for thousands of years
Just like drugs and murder.
If you can't hold a conversation while sober, you deserve a fart in the mouth.
You're right, we must continue with our war on drugs, it's working so well so far
>social lubricant
We need a cure for autism. One that doesn't increase aggression and ruin families
>They are all potentially dangerous to innocent bystanders.
Marijuana isn't, mescaline isn't either. Meanwhile alcohol can make you aggressive.
It's unfortunate that you didn't set an example for others.
no, thats silly thinking
the current laws dont have any effect on the number of poeple who use drugs, its just makes them into criminals
The key word is abuse.
A lot of people can have a drink, even drink heavily every weekend without any repercussion.
I live in denmark, everyone I know has consumed alcohol, most of them excessively.
I only know one who became an addict, and that was because he also did drugs.
Sure you can get sick if you drink heavily all the time throughout your life, but most people tend to realize that getting a job is worth it, so they stop.
I have not seen anyone who only takes heroin casually.
They are legal because most people can't live without their drugs. The only reason modern drugs are illegal is due to the fact that the general populace didn't develop an addiction to them.
Plenty of people that I personally know can get through a bottle of wine a night and function perfectly fine and go to work the next morning, but it's ridiculous to act like this doesn't have severe health impacts on the long term, even if it seems like in the short immediate term you're completely fine
post-birth abortion
You guys should be retroactively aborted for having an IQ that matches Room Temperature.
>hurr why don't we ban alcohol
We did less than 100 years ago and guess what happened, dumb fucks.
>Created nigger music like Jazz
>created the mafia
>Destroyed Chicago to the point where it still hasn't recovered
>started liberalism
So instead of questioning why we haven't banned alcohol again, how about you put a bullet through your head because you love breaking the law so much.
Hello Tyrone, having fun killing whitey in Milwaukee? Don't worry, your time will come.
a bottle of wine every night serves a health risk?
Okay kid.
>Weed is the only drug that's illegal
Are you fucking retarded? Legit question, please answer.
don't be a patronising dense fucking retard, of course a bottle of wine a night is a health risk, edgy cunt
Come here and I'll make it happen, you dumb unfunny cunt.
>without any repercussion
You'll see in a few decades. They're not the first nor the last to go through the cycle.
>We did less than 100 years ago and guess what happened, dumb fucks.
And they could've continued with it and all the negative aspects would be suppressed over time as people would grow less and less dependant on the ethanol jew for social interaction
You the one who want it to be illegal, and you are calling me edgy?
please quote exactly where I said i thought it should be illegal, I never once said that
protip: multiple people responded to your retarded post
all I'm saying is you're a moron who grossly underestimates the danger of alcohol, especially in the long term
>And they could've continued with it and all the negative aspects would be suppressed over time as people would grow less and less dependant on the ethanol jew for social interaction
Except that's not what was happening, dumb fuck. Alcohol consumption rose to record levels during prohibition.
It can take up to a year for alcohol to be completely cleared from your system, and the long term effects of constant abuse can take even longer. Someone who consistently abuses alcohol on a day to day basis will take at least 5 months to normalize after sobering up. You don't know fuck all about what you speak of.
everything is dangerous in the long term.
If you drink cola every day, you can see the repercussions within a year.
If you drink wine every day for a year, you might see discolored teeth, but that's about it.
If you want me to drink heavily every day and see if I get sick in my 60's, just to see if that is true, then you are ridicules.
You do realize the same thing is happening right now but with a different substance, right?
Actually, it didn't. Check your sources.
>So instead of questioning why we haven't banned alcohol again, how about you put a bullet through your head because you love breaking the law so much.
>suicide is illegal
dude what
>caring about what other people (aka, people who are not you) do with their own bodies
Legalize everything, enforce the fuck out of selling it to children, tax the hell out of it, let the crackwhores and useless addicts die of overdose.
Neck yourself buddy. This has nothing to do with being any sort of officer. It's because you think you're some superior human being because of that. A few knives in you should bring you back down to earth you colossal faggot.
I really meant dangerous in the sense of someone under the influence operating a vehicle.
*teleports behind you*
*injects lethal dose of mariuana into your bloodstream*
nothing personel kid
How high are you right now?
t. degenerate druggie
It you kill me I win.
>people still think TPB is a honeypot
holy shit
More like Chapo and Colt LLC win
>tfw pirating for 6 years and got my first copyright strike today after using tpb
>didnt use a VPN
Same, but now I use some shitty vpn that takes days to download instead of hours
Those drugs are still pretty bad but one gives you cancer over decades of use and the other one is still somewhat regulated.
Anyway legalizing drugs like marijuana and cocaine for recreational use is more dangerous to people and the government.
There it is, I appreciate your honesty, you statist fuck.
Get on a private tracker
You have to understand the government is basically a giant private business. People want laws in place and someone to come help them when they dial 911. Nobody will do those things for free.
Anyway user there has a point, a population filled with people who snort 40 KG of cocaine, meth, and PCP every day are pretty hard to control and not likely to make you much money. The government doesn't thrive in that kind of environment (see Africa).
Its been shut down plenty but it costs nothing to bring it back up.
>implying that TOR isn't a honeypot
who is julian assange?
>implying we're not in the matrix
They literally burn that money. It does not go into any agencies pocket, except for maybe the crooked cops that might steal a small amount of cash before burn it.
I smoked Heroin but only with a certain group of friends. Never got addicted and I haven't done it in 2 years.
>This guy doesn't like Jazz
Not really, they mostly use it for infiltration Ops/rewards where a part of it can embezzled.
Other countries use it for clinics and other services to the community, the DEA are a bunch of jews like any other murrikan agency.
How about you look it up and post it here.