Is this our new Sup Forums queen?

Is this our new Sup Forums queen?
She fits perfectly for the role.

Other urls found in this thread:

>technologically impaired
>adding meme word after every sentence

Yeah, pretty much.

Post more you cuckfaggot

She might be as skilled with computers as the typical Sup Forums user but she's not the biggest meme girl.

The Queen of Sup Forums has always and will always be Snail aka Mayoi.

Why is love live normiebait?

Maki is current and only queen. Long live maki!

Maki is way better


yeah no


Then why Maki threads are deleted so fast?

Maki is a slut.

They aren't?

It wasn't always like this.

Kill yourself subhuman straightshit

This, maki is our queen. She's a lesbian and isn't Fedora tier trash like lain is.

God I hate lain. Lain is a shit

Because people are in self denial and jelous like

Fag redditors kept whining

Get the fuck off my board you piece of shit

Only the first and third statements are true.

This, maki is our queen. Go back to installing Gentoo if you hate maki, fags

fuck off

Kill yourself redditor. I bet you like lain.

Why can't we all just love Lain?

Sup Forumsqueens


Kpop kys
Can we all agree jpop is best?

>Why can't we all just love Lain?
I don't like fedora tier trash. It's babbies first pretentious pseudo intellectual anime.