Upgrade to win10 because i wanted to have a non-pirated OS for once and i game so i need DX 12

>upgrade to win10 because i wanted to have a non-pirated OS for once and i game so i need DX 12

>disable most spy stuff at installation feeling somewhat optimistic

>finish installation, windows takes triple the time to boot, everything is laggy as fuck and HDD starts making loud scratching noises

Old Billy fucked me good, didn't he?

>upgrade to win10
>i wanted to have a non-pirated OS
>i game
this post is too retarded for me, i stopped reading there.

good i imagine now you waddle your obese body back to your stained bed to once again give yourself an anal orgasm with a horse dick shaped dildo while watching pics of stalman

>He hasn't ditched HDDs for SSDs yet

My W10 machine boots in 21 seconds with an HDD, probably it's just your drives fault

>install Linux
>licensed to distribute as wished
>doesn't spy on you because spyware is nonfree
>runs flawlessly even on dated hardware
>is also a server
What excuse do you have for being a gamer scum, OP?

>I game so I need dx12

But now dx12 "exclusives" like quantum break are being ported to w7

DX12 was just a meme to get people to upgrade during the free period and you fell for it

>upgrade to win10
>i wanted to have a non-pirated OS
>i game so i need DX 12
You really should kill yourself brother, not even kidding, this is for the best of you.

>spyware is nonfree
What is systemd?

You don't have a legal Windows 10 when you upgrade. You get a free upgrade, but your copy still is not genuine.

Systemd isn't spyware, the developers of Systemd just like to overstep their boundaries when it comes to functionality.
People don't like systemd because it started replacing other system services which did not need replaced, taking their job and then doing it worse.

You don't have to use systemd if you don't want to.

It's your HDD. Windows boots in around 15 seconds for me to boot up on a HDD

21 seconds is fucking abysmal m8, you dont think thats fast do you?

He fell for the dx12 meme

Boots 8 s on hdd here

Windows 10 has too much bloat which has to be preloaded. Stick to Windows 7 or 8, or see if an SSD will help.

boots 6-7 hdd

Not him but for an HDD? Sure as hell is.

>What excuse do you have for being a gamer scum
I dont see why anyone would need an excuse to justify his waste of time being any better than other peoples waste of time. And before you claim that gaming is 'useless': This only holds true if all you do is play with people who speak your native tongue. If youre European, playing online games is a pretty relaxed way to meet new people, learn about different culture and have conversations in foreign languages. Sure, you can also improve your English, German, French, Spanish, Danish, Russian etc by visiting classes, but doing so wouldnt even be remotely as enjoyable.

Install Linux.

I really love how every time a new version of Windows comes out, random hardware failure is immediately attributed to the new OS and not hardware fucking dying like it always has.

you are beyond retarded

I upgraded to Windows 95 and then that night my power went out and I couldn't watch The X-Files. Fuck Bill Gates.

>runs flawlessly

loll savage

We warned you, but you wouldnt listen. Now enjoy the computeral enrichment.

Autism - the post