I don't block ads because I want to support the content creators

>I don't block ads because I want to support the content creators

I wonder if a guy like that thinks he's handsome or elegant.

After the damn things slow your computer down to a crawl...

>I block ads because I don't care about the content characters

whats the best adblocker that i wont have to tweak much ?


Ublock origin.


>tweaking adblockers
end your life

Why don't people just use AdBlock? I literally see no ads, anywhere. Where the fuck are people going that ads still slip through?

is this a meme?
what makes this the best?

>Sit on random computer without adblock
>Can't concentrate on what I'm doing at all

Sup Forums doesn't create the content they put their ads on.

it hides ads instead of blocking them

>I care about the content creators.

>>I don't block ads because I want to support the content creators
>I don't block ads because the content creators made a fuss about people blocking them

I don't visit any pages where its just owned by 1 person who relies on the website to eat.

I would allow adds, if they weren't extremely obnoxious or loud


No ads have sound anymore, this isn't 2005

I'm friends with this person.

>he actually believes this
Turn your volume up.

Nice thread, Pablo

Which one of you anons is doing this shit?

Who the fuck stolen my post and put it on reddit?

Wtf I hate reddit now

go back to.


>I say woof because it's gentlemen like

If you block ads on Sup Forums, you're the type of person to browse Sup Forums or Sup Forums and shit on everything because being contrarian gets your rocks off.

>shady new ad provider known for causing redirects and other problems
I will continue blocking them.

>Going on Sup Forums and Sup Forums