Sup Forums humor thread?

Sup Forums humor thread.

Other urls found in this thread:

I definitely was waiting for one of these threads. It's almost been like ten hours since the last time I saw all those images we have been posting since 2010.

>vlcfags will defend this









3 4




go away reddit

damn Lewis... vegangains would be proud


is oneechan a futa?

>Sup Forums"""""humour"""""""

Isn't this the arc where he and his gf ( are they married at this point? Idr) expect a baby and it ends up dying in the womb?

I remember him putting away his baby-sized Xbox controller sadly into Hus dresser afterwards.

Nice pic sempai AoE is so good



>licensing a recipe

The reason Coke and Pepsi guard their recipes is because recipes aren't considered copyrightable.

wtf am I watching?
it looks like a repair shop

Wow took me too long to realise that

Fuck, getting flashbacks from 'nam

Thats Vegan Gains. Hes a youtuber.

ayy that's my pic

no I'm pretty sure that's Alex Trebek

I'm the one that took that pic in the first place tho
didn't think it'd spread

oh, not sure if it really ever did famalam, i just saw someone post it and saved it to my pics
i saved it on may 3, if you want to check if it was your post where I saved it from


fuck you bubbleman is eternal

I didn't get it the first time I saw it, without the numbers.
I thought it was some unfunny reddit meme.


wrong file






>VLC India Edition




















where did this blob mhey mhey come from?

This was the first one I saw, its only in the last couple days I have seen a bunch more pop up.

this is a Sup Forums humor thread so...

this is the least funny shit I've ever seen you should probably consider killing yourself


Nice, thanks for the context user

It's okay user, we know you don't get the jokes

Dubs checked.

Probably couldn't publish that today

This triggers me.

come on user, at least they're creative. Sup Forums humor has been the same "lol, normie put a magnet on his hdd" for ages

Some user said in a humor thread that this was his/her OC, idk if that includes the drawing itself

but they're so cute ^_^


ikr? binary genders? hello, it's 2016



would be better if it was /dev/fb0

Better not let females see that, it will be Eggplant-gate all over again.

did they change it?


now try doing that on a thinkpad

You are too dumb to understand



best blobs

Wonder what the fuck could they be possibly talking about there

so... can we just address the whale in the room?

why are they in there panties?

I do understand that the parent directory of "/" is "/" himself , but I dont get the fourth panel.
Why is the blob over a desk holding up a toaster?

To show that they are free, independent women.

>complains about what others post while not contributing to the thread

Post something or stfu faggot

What is this, bad CSS?

>hey Sam do you want to go to the park today?

That's not a desk that's a mobo and he's not holding a toaster that's the cooler of CPU. When blob got out of / he transcended and got out of the computer.

iPhones are better than all Android phones because they cost more. Check mate Android fags.