Google's Fuchsia Kernel set to replace Linux on phones and other devices

Google's Fuchsia Kernel set to replace Linux on phones and other devices.

Holy fuck. That's it for you freetards. All you had to show off was the big market share from Android, even though Google absolutely raped the Kernel and created the most privacy invading OS on the Planet. Now even this is going away, and you poor fucks are left with 2% Desktop market share and Linux running on some fridges an servers.

Not a good day to be a freetard I suppose.

Other urls found in this thread:

>he thinks we actually care about botnet phones

freetards on suicide watch
lagdroid finished and bankrupt


If anything this would make android lagg less since Google could rewrite it in C or something. Also Linux is just a kernel, there are no GNU components in Android. Comparing them with desktops does not make any sense

You don't have a smartphone then, user?

>Not a good day to be a freetard I suppose.

It is actually.
A cancerous company, SJW devs and faggots you will leave Linux alone. The sooner /trash/ like you and Google feck off, is the better for loonix.

Linux is an insecure piece of shit anyways.
I can't blame them to be fed up with waiting for one fix after another.
They can at least do it themselves if they control the kernel.

I'm not giving views to that, so is it going to be closed source?

Cyanogenmod remains a thing.

Now if only Google would fucking release the Android zip-update master key.

Is it not possible to make a smartphone that's not OS-dependent? In the end' it's just a computer, couldn't companies ship them with just a BIOS that enables you to install your OS of choice, or some barebones free system that you're free to replace without begging for unlock codes and basically hacking your device?

It's kinda open, but who knows if they don't sneak in some binary blobs.

I wish the same user.

>current year
>using any phone other than one you built yourself out of a raspberry pi and some buttons
enjoy big brother knowing your every position

>current year
>using any phone whatsoever
Reminder that cell service providers actively sell the location data that they collect on you based on the towers you connect to:

Also, the Raspberry Pi requires proprietary blobs to boot and is shit.

>using this as a freetard BTFO post

You're fucking retarded. This is bad news because if this kernel isn't open source, then android is obviously on the way to being closed source.

And you know what that means? Your phone is now completely at the mercy of carriers and manufacturers for updates.

I understand this board has been infested by hardware babies who have no problem shelling out dosh every year for the latest and greatest, but I don't think that's a fate you should wish upon everyone.

This is also possible bad news because switching to an original kernel is pretty pointless if no improvements come with it, and can also fuck up a LOT of compatability.

Fuck I hate this board now.

Pajeet detected.
Back to your containment site and take your shitty ROMs with you

Not only do they sell it to the highest bidder, they give it to the NSA for the American government to track you (no matter what country you're in).

You're an idiot that PAID MONEY to have a fucking tracking device on you at all times. Don't you feel dumb?


But what if it's a foss micro-kernel?
They could fill their os' userspace with blobs and keep the kernel foss.

>tfw GNU/Fuchsia on the desktop

>Sup Forums in charge of not being fucking retarded

Not an argument

If that's the case, then I'll take back what I said. Frankly I wouldn't mind it because I think the Linux kernel might have been limiting Android, but knowing Google I don't have my hopes up.

I kinda want a phone like this, too, user.

Let's say you get a brand new phone. It already has a recovery (ala Android) installed. The moment you start up the phone, you're met with a tiny scrollable app with a list of OS-es (Just like did for browsers).

It should list the pros and the cons of each, as well as the approximate battery life you're gonna get on each. After you select your OS, the phone will restart, and ask you to set a password to the recovery (It's not necessary to set one, but you probably should)

That's the kinda phone I want.

Wow it's you again you faggot. Enjoy nogames.

Fuchsia will be an entirely new OS. The kernel is actually called Magenta. It will replace chrome os and android completely, it's not just a new kernel.

Huh, those guys weren't far from the truth.
