is this a homescreen thread
is this > a meme arrow or a less than sign?
that's a bigger than sign
so thats why my programs dont work
The crocodile always eats the larger one.
1366x768 or 1280x800?
> 2560x1080
>widescreen in general
Rocking a 980ti at 768p 300+ fps everything
I regret nothing.
lol poorfag
oh yes you do
Something I learned in grade school and use all the time.
>"dark as my soul" rice
>no consistent icon theme
>using Shutter
>even using the shit tier GTK client
>military wallpaper
You don't deserve to Linux.
>military wallpaper
It's a scene from "The Dark Knight" featuring a particularly large gentleman.
>military wallpaper
This is bait, yes?
>needing extra pixels to shitpost on Sup Forums
>military paper
My screen can do 1080 but it's feels too real so I am staying with 1360x768
>>military wallpaper
>tfw 1024x768
Your eyes can't see more than 30 pixels anyways.
trips confirm
I remember those days. Back when you had a monitor that could do 800x600, but no games could really go that high.
Fukc yes. Im so fucking old ffs.
>tfw running carmageddon on -hires for the first time after finding out
System Shock could. You'd just get 2 frames per minute.
>Every budget laptop still uses 1366x768
Fucking why.
Because it looks perfectly fine on a sub 13inch screen.
Nice meme
>using 1366x plasma from 2003 for keks
>get new mid range card
>try 1.5x Super resolution with FXAA
>looks better than my 4K Vizio in the other room
resolution is totally over hyped
This. I'd rather have higher settings than higher pixels.
>military wallpaper
>1334 x 750
>>military wallpaper
You fuckn' serious mate?
You mean 320x200
or just the way the arrow points on a number line.
>using ubuntu
Shutter is great, fuck you.
It's "the dark man extends himself", for you.
>Windows 10
1366x768 is perfectly fine. It's higher PPI than a 1080p desktop. Get your head out of your ass and stop falling for Apple marketing.
Nothing inherently wrong with 1366x768, only retarded when it's used with 14"+ displays.
Dumb drake poster
>Owning a sub 1080p display monitor/laptop/smartphone/tv in 2016
Literally 3rd world tier.
They use it on 15+ inch too.
Yes! Anything under 1440p is useless by modern standards. If you even consider anything less get ready to be mocked by your peers for being so poor.
>Owning a smartphone that was released more than 12 months ago