How good is the available CAD software (free of course, because I'm poor) for Linux? What's the best to use?
How good is the available CAD software (free of course, because I'm poor) for Linux? What's the best to use?
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It's not. It's absolute dog shit.
ey, bjarne was a professor at my school.
Stop being autistic and use a free cad on windows.
students license for Inventor
lol I actually made that picture in photoshop. i even remember the file name.
I use freecad, and I'm quite happy with it.
But I'm not a pro, I just make little things to 3D print for myself.
Never used commercial software so can't compare, but freecad does all I need it to do in a relatively understandable workflow
please do an even more ridiculous one, i want to re-post this with three iterations.
dassault systemes has a freeware one that is decent (draftsight) and works on linux
Turn this 90 degrees and split into 3 images for combos
Good job
OpenSCAD was mentioned once on Sup Forums.
I tried to use Freecad. I wanted to kill myself.
If somebody can ever explain to me why FOSStards insist on doing things their own way instead of just, you know... the way everybody else does it? They make it fucking impossible to transition back and forth between free and good software.
BricsCAD is pretty good, i use it, you can open .dwg files on it too, less expensive than AutoCAD and i think the devs even throw banter at autodesk, some videos end with "you get more for less"
Cad shit for 3d printing will all be open source eventually, the market is far too large for any one proprietary developer to maintain control.
Draftsight for 2D.
I guess you could find some Siemens NX torrents out there.
Librecad for 2d
Freecad has improved very much lately, it only crashes every 5 minutes now.
Onshape famalam.
Don't have to pay unless you want a lot of private documents, and works anywhere, even a halfway decent mobile app.
Like, legit CAD too. 11/10 would reccomend.
try qcad for 2d. it has plenty of features, easy install (just need to turn off the non-free features after installation with two [x] boxes) and i find it easier to use and performing better than librecad or draftsight (at least on linux, draftsight works fine on windows). Once you get used to the workflow its a really nice 2d cad that you can use with inkscape/libreoffice (svg support)