Goodbye Linux... It was nice using you for a short while. I just can't handle everything breaking, compiling...

Goodbye Linux... It was nice using you for a short while. I just can't handle everything breaking, compiling, inconsistent theming, just everything. I wish you Linux users well, but I think I'm going down the closed-source road.

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nice blog post, do you have an RSS feed I can subscribe to?

>Windows 8.1
Good choice in Windows.

have fun OP. try again in a few years.

Wow a transmission user. That explains things.

At least go 7

Install OpenBSD.

7 is too old. 8.1 w/ Classic Shell is comfy af

The best choice actually.


> Classic Shell
Good luck with your MBR

>too old
So what? It's the best Windows version.

>I'm going down the closed-sourced road
with a botnet shoved up your ass?

>he can't fix an MBR
I don't think you should be on Sup Forums, user. This board is for technology enthusiasts.

If you enjoy your thumbnails vanishing every day, sure.

They don't host on FossHub anymore dumbass faggot. They host on Mediafire.

Besides, it's not hard to fix a MBR.

Please use a tripcode so I can filter you.

>tfw Start8


>Good luck with your MBR

Did Canonical hire shills to post on Sup Forums or something?

What distro were you using?

A few days ago, fosshub was compromised and Classic Shell was affected for ~1hr. The installer changed your MBR. Could be fixed with a simple command though. Nothing really harmful. It's quite nostalgic honestly, reminds me of those viruses from the 90s era of computing.

This is why I keep an old Classic Shell download from 2014 :^)

>everything breaking
Linux in general needs 80+ IQ users.
Stay in Windows please, never come back.


>willingly using outdated software

> Thinking I can't repair my MBR
The fact that you would have to repair it, because it got compromised is pretty stupid. Not that I am not using it.

> Official download hoster is temporarily MediaFire

> paying for a startmenu
wew lad

regards, mouth breathing alt-distro loser

I'm confused, what was "breaking"

I use Debian, which is pretty much Ubuntu minus the shitty parts

>Implying I'm vulnerable while hiding behind 7 proxies, a anti virus and no browser installed

If you were using Ubuntu what exactly was breaking and what compiling did you even have to do?
You might be retarded.

>everything but Ubuntu is alt-distro

After upgrading my distro, I'm getting system errors every 5-10 mins right now. Doesn't give me any info except close and report problem...

I used sudo apt dist-upgrade . It worked well until I rebooted. It probably has something to do with the upgraded kernel (from 3.16 to 4.40).

Actually I found that it was my Nvidia drivers. Switched to nouveau and it seems fine.

As for compiling, anything I couldn't find a .deb or was not available through my package manager.

It's fine now though. I'm on Windows now.

You tried it, and didn't like it, so why should you use it?
I personally prefer Linux but have fun with Windows.

or you could just filter the word comfy.
No one here uses it appropriately anyways

>using MBR instead GPT

Get out of my Sup Forums!

Been using Linux for 4 years, haven't compiled a thing yet.


Is classic shell worth on Windows 10?

Bon voyage, faggot.


Your Linux looks quite nice.

I'd show you a screenshot of what's actually ugly, but I can't, because Linux won't let me start up another DE while the current one is running.


How'd you know he's using a MacBook Retina?

Literally everyone said to do a fresh install for Xenial. It is good habit to fresh install for any new LTS.

You had /home on a dedicated partition, right? If not you should do that from now on (assuming you will still be using a Linux based OS)

The errors are benign but yes I experienced the same even after a fresh installation of Ubuntu 16.04. Ubuntu is user friendly and a good first distro but honestly just get a Debian image with non-free firmwares included for ease.

Almost everything is the same as Ubuntu but it doesn't have all of the the "ux sugar" that cononical provides, and what likely causes these errors.

If you are on Sup Forums because you are interested in learning new things about how computers work then you should try to stick with Linux. It is very rewarding and worth the effort that you have to put in at first. Soon enough you have no need to search for answers to these problems since you understand the whys,wheres, and hows of the system.

To each his own, and you should understand that the Xenial bug errors are basically a bug themselves, and I don't know why I replied to a bait thread, but good luck to you

Hey, at least you tried.

Enjoy whatever works best for you, man.

Only if its enterprise LTSB

>rushed OSX competition with app store shit
Any windows past XP is shit.

>using outdated, borderline deprecated tech
oh wait, you use windows 7.

what do you use ? I use Ktorrent (but not so often because i buy DVD-s, series and games )

you're a qbitstalled user, right?

yeah especially the lack of debs is a pain in the ass. its fucking annoying to add repos for everything, only to find out they don't support your ubuntu version. after ubuntu i was also ready to go back to windows

arch however, completely fixes that problem. trust me, it's really comfy. there's no distro upgrades either, and ive never had any major problems. also no breaking themes that arent easy to fix happened to me.

recommending arch to a guy that is having problems with xubuntu

kek, never change g

what is wrong with transmission?

I lasted like 3 minutes of linux yesterday then deleted. luckily windows 10 had a great repair option for MBR

not really. normal start is fine on windows 10. just remove the tile shit and all is well imo. not even shilling.


>inconsistent theming
>downloads windows 8
