My dad is a tech guy and I was trying to root his S3 (SCH-R530) and It failed...

my dad is a tech guy and I was trying to root his S3 (SCH-R530) and It failed, there is no back up on kies and I don't know what to do cause he found out, and now he thinks I can fix it but I AM FUCKED he's gonna kill me, pls help if you can. I basicly need a way to Install the base firmware back onto it without kies.

Im at the "Firmware upgrade encountered an issue. Please select recovery mode in Kies & try again." screen right now

pop his eye out and fuck the socket after twirling around a few times praising ron paul and chanting "Ron to the Paul 2010" 64 times

why were you trying to root it in the first place?

I wanted to change the skin

You need a stock fw image and a program called ODIN. No other hint, if you can't get there with that info you should not have been screwing around with rooting it; particularly with a device that isn't yours.

Inb4 telling Jamal to give it back, who the fuck would steal an s3.

I have odin what is a fw image?

What part of no other hint was difficult to understand?

Haha fucking retard.


have this one too

and also the sticky
>Sup Forums is NOT your personal tech support team or personal consumer review site.
>For tech support/issues with computers, use /wsr/ - Worksafe Requests

I tried to install with the wrong device version I didn't know what It would do at the time does this mean the phone is fucked?

Lmaoing at your life familia

KEK but I am dead on the inside

Just so you know, this thread already has all the information you need to recover the phone that isn't yours, all you need is the knowledge to do so (which I learned on the fly with my S4 and flashed like 8 different ROMs in the span of like 3 days and I wasn't tech savvy at all at that time).


Is correct. On top of that, if you already had ODIN, your only real stop is that you're too stupid to figure out what to Google.

I just needed to be told about the fw image I think I got it now

You rooted someone else's phone to change the looks? Look on the bright side user, your eminent ass whooping will probably teach you something.

It's a bit more complicated but basicly YES i am a retard

What's the phone's model? Not just S3, the full model

> "I think"

Keep us updated.

I will tell you if I fix it if not I will post video of my dad breaking my spine

how about you get the fuck off this website and go back to trying to fix your brick, you underage piece of shit?
clock's ticking

>not already a paraplegic

can someone find the TWRP IMG file? (or do I have to do that myself again) these are the only ones I can find and the device is US Cellular
Samsung Galaxy S3 AT&T (d2att)
Samsung Galaxy S3 Canada (d2can)
Samsung Galaxy S3 Cricket (d2cri)
Samsung Galaxy S3 International Exynos (i9300)
Samsung Galaxy S3 International LTE (i9305)
Samsung Galaxy S3 Metro PCS (d2mtr)
Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini (golden)
Samsung Galaxy S3 Neo i9301i (s3ve3g)
Samsung Galaxy S3 Sprint (d2spr)
Samsung Galaxy S3 T-Mobile (d2tmo)

holy shit

Dear Sirs.,

I hear you have problems with your SAMSUNG Galaxy S3...

I can help you...pls install 'ODIN' softwares to flash factory images back on to the phone

Thank you very much

Please click 'THANKS' button if my post helped you out!

I love to see losers suffering

Just give it your dad already, m8. If he's actually tech support he'll spend more time whooping your ass than he will fixing his phone.

he is still too stupid to understand, i'll talk with your boss pajeeeet

This is low-quality bait.


You'll soon be dead on the outside to!

Fuck off shitcunt

O shit I found it kek

Hi, I think I know how to fix your problem with a few easy steps



Hello , Samsung costomer . Please give me the exact specifcations of your smartphone .

hey, I know how to fix your phone OP

LOL sorry OP but if we helped you then you wouldn't have learned anything.

This learning shit hurts m8

I'm a giant faggot sage sage sage

That's not all that going to hurt if you don't fix m,y shit.


Dad, can you come into my room tonight and fuck my boipussy like you do with my sister?
*purrrs ;))))*

Tell your dad you are gay. It will totally take his mind off the phone and when(if) you ever get a gf you can just say you were curious and confused. Don't break the poor guys phone anymore than you already have.

You could have been given a step-by-step guide and you still would have fucked it up


Not until my phone is fixed.

nvm... okay... I can't boot into recovery so its bricked right like, theres nothing I can do, Im fucked... :(

Man real shame you're too dumb to figure it out.

In a manner of speaking...

Soooo easy.... damn I wish you weren't retarded kiddo

nah I know its broke you're an idiot if you think it can be fixed at this point I tried to root with the wrong version and now I can't go into recovery mode.

yes you fucking dumbass
flashing shit not meant for your phone is a reliable way to brick it
don't fuck with other people's shit if you don't know what you're doing next time

maybe you can mow some lawns to earn back the money to replace daddy's phone

Original no hint guy here, just topping in to check on your progress. As it turns out, you are still hopelessly stupid.

Like literally it's like the second google result


This is incorrect.


>I'm not an idiot, I'll prove it! You fix it by ...

>Are you in 6th grade OP? Jesus Christ

just boot into recovery mode and reflash it with the stock firmware in odin

no no continue 9fag

tfw OP

You have to be older than 18 to post on this board

If I flash the firmware without wiping the data does it still work because thats the only way I see that this may work (those who say there is hope)

60 posts
no 'install gentoo'

have to be mentally retarded to not be able to fixed a bricked samsung phone.

just download odin tarball for literally whatever phone, put it into download mode and push the image

It's funny because if he went to the stupid questions thread like you should it probably would be fixed by now.

download mode does work but is what youre saying true?

Yes, just find the stock odin firmware for your carriers' s3 and flash it.

It says to download the lastest odin but I read elsewhere to use 3.09 which should I use?

Install cyanogenmod

>ruining fun and enabling idiots.


>o no I still can't Google

Im sorry if dumb things like that happen but I REALLY cant fuck this up m8 is true android reliable?

Nvm its not on that site either anyway

(as risky as asking this is) does anyone have a link to the firmware I've been on so many sites and it's either not there or not the right version

Nohints here, I give up trying to make you learn on you won. The file you want is on XDA, and can be found with a three word search. One of the words is in the OP, the other two are in the thread.

Also; son, I am incredibly disappoint.

*Your own

Fucking phone keyboard

srry dad