Mini ITX builds

Anyone got any experience with mini-ITX builds/cases? I am gonna do a new build in September and I've been really interested in getting a mini-ITX case.

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Enjoy your overheating and corrupted files.

i've used several, and inevitably they all suffer from the same 2 problems:
1: space efficiency does not equate to reasonable cooling
2: very loud cases, on average. there's not typically a great deal of panelling to affix sound dampening foam to.

combined, the problems create one annoying one;

small space&less fan mounting = needed higher rpm fans to keep the components to reasonable temps, but higher rpm = more noise, and the cases themselves don't help in the acoustics department

additionally, as a personal preference, i really hate the cube design meta of itx builds. there are definitely alternatives, such as the M1, but they're either horribly expensive or strictly inferior to their cube designs in terms of compatibility/functionality

itx sacrifices a lot of function just in favor of form

personally, after maybe 5-6 years of itx ff, i decided to migrate back to matx and really don't regret it, since my itx build is now my htpc/nas

Yeah. For a mini-ITX build, you choose the case first and build around it. Things like heatsink height, whether it supports AIO, number of hard disk supported etc, are affected by your case.
There is almost no reason to use mini-ITX if you cannot utilize its greatest strength - portability. i.e. if you never have thoughts of taking it anywhere, just go mATX or ATX.

Quite interesting actually, thanks for the input. Personally I probably won't be using the portability aspect of it, i moved house 2 weeks ago and i probably won't be leaving here for at least another year or two. Do you know of any decent mATX cases?

there's tons
check out Fractal Design's offerings
personally right now i'm using a aerocool DS cube (i don't care for cube design, but it fits very nicely on my shelf and has big side panels for sound dampening foam and it's able to house 2 240mm radiators, i think i could possible work in a slim 140 but it's fine for the moment)


why does ITX meme form factor get all the good looking cases?
I cant find a single matx case that looks good

NZXT Manta

Don't worry that it's as big as a mid tower

Feel the bubble

the problem i have with miniITX is that i don't want to use watercooling. as soon as there's a case big enough for a decent heatsink, it's bigger than a mATX.

>tfw don't even want an mITX build and am still building one because this case exists

Node 304 can fit a full size 120mm air cooler


That's because no one knows how to build an ITX box. You need higher negative pressure to exhaust as much of the heat out as possible. You also need shorter cables and better cable management.

As components get smaller and use leas energy, ITX is only going to grow.

aaand is fatter than a standard mATX case, thanks for the confirmation

Are there any relatively small, minimalist cases with plenty of drive space? I wanna be able to fit 4x 3.5" drives in this thing. I currently have a little mini itx build going on, but the case sucks and only really supports 1x 3.5" and 2x 2.5".

Node 304 is not the node 804

See pic

Node 304 is 9.8 x 8.3 x 14.8

>Tfw ncase is the sexiest case youve ever seen but its 200 fucking dollaroos for a hunk of metal

Best thing ever. Be sure to get a nice case such as the Noctua 304 or its successor. They are fucking perfect, small, non-expensive and have great airflow.

ATX and mATX builds are completely obsolete because multi-gpu is the biggest meme one can fall for. Go for it.

>2: very loud cases, on average. there's not typically a great deal of panelling to affix sound dampening foam to.

t. retard

There is no such thing as a "loud case". You want silence? You buy fucking silent parts. Cases aren't gonna magically make whatever amd POS housefire you shoved in there go from water to wine. I bet you stuffed some GPU with some shitty reference cooler in there and then blamed it on the case.

>not posting the greatest mini-itx case ever created

Are you stupid? It's about the same size of a coolermaster elite 130. It's small as fuck.

>Cases aren't gonna magically make whatever amd POS housefire you shoved in there go from water to wine.

And of course even a regular thread about cases has to become GPU shitposting

Get the floating kit and put it on top of a fish tank.

My thermaltake core v1 is hidden behind the portrait monitor in pic related. The trick with mini itx is to get really good air flow. While the reservoir you dump heat to might have a much have a lower heat capacity then in a watercooled build, it is almost infinitely big, so if you can get good airflow you can physically move the hot air out before it becomes too inefficient at removing heat

raijintek styx in black or silver
Thank me later

>tfw no fractal design define matx

I just want a swedenigger matx monolith

I'm building a mini ITX system for the first time in September too, the only problem is finding the right case. I need something quite small and preferably cubical, since I travel a lot and need to be able to take this thing easily. My budget for a case is small, and so far I've been looking at the Cooler Master Elite 110, but that doesn't support a fullsize gpu. Other options are Corsair 250D or Thermaltake Core V1... If anyone here knows better alternatives for a reasonable price, hit me up

Cube is bad for carrying. Flat is better. Like the Node 202 or the SilverStone ML08.

Fucking kys

One thing to remember about m-itx is that you're hands are going to fucking hurt. Also, the only heating/noise issue I've had is with my GPU, which is currently being RMA-ed thanks to No Man's Lie.

Your*, fucking autocorrect

>that cabling
Jesus christ.

Yeah, you have to compromise where you can lol.

Why all the m-itx hate?

I hate how those receiver-type cases look, and they seem impractical to me. The handle on the ML08 sure is practical but ugly as fuck imo (I know it's optional. There may not be an other option though

I used a Corsair 250D. I'm really happy with it. Large enough that building and cooling is no problem.

there is absolutely such a thing as 'loud cases' you mongoloid

a 'loud case' is one that can suffer from any of the following:
-poor riveting
-not 100% secure connections (for example those little tabs you slide in to hold case panels onto the chassis)
-cheap aluminum or steel cutouts or hole pressing which leads to warping or, in rare cases, flexible chassis
-flexible metal areas such as hexagonal/circular punched holes for fan mounts, leads to vibrations if they're not stiff enough
-cases which lack 'premium' features, such as rubber feet for hard drive mounting, or perhaps built-in cable ties, which allows for vibrations to flow unrestricted
-thin metal construction does not hinder any sound from exiting the case
-cases with high air flow generally do not have a great deal of solid surfaces, therefor let out a lot of noise

yes, there are loud cases on the market
and yes, that does absolutely matter when shopping for a new case, like OP is considering doing

some people generally may not care about the noise escaping the case but people who do care, it's a major selling point to have low-volume equipment

take a look at the company "Be Quiet!" for example, their entire MO is reducing the decibel output of computer components, for example they even sell cases designed to reduce the sound coming out

noctua and fractal have the same mindset

for you to be so blatantly ignorant of one of the most important factors in choosing hardware is astonishingly pathetic

good day

is this a good alternative to the ncase?
i dunno to trust rosewill

Where is your graphics card?

Chinese cases

Inside my CPU

what's the point of a quiet case when my gpu has an ideal operating temperature of about 80 degrees, and needs to be near a hole to enable good air flow, so it sounds like a helicopter?

I got a Fractal Core 2300 a couple weeks ago for $40 on ncixus. It's breddy gud.

Pic of R9 280x inside coming

GPU peaks at 70c, CPU stays >45c :)

>buy mesh case with tons of ventilation
>noise from parts easily audible from inside case

>buy solid heavy case with solid panels
>case runs hot inside and fans kick up making it even louder

Kill me.

Get a better GPU.

make a tiny case, and use a 360 for each component with 800-1000rpm fans, and a d5 vario on the lowest setting, or a 35x on the lowest setting

you'll have a quiet as fuck system

Why would you want your cpu to be over 45c all the time?

Are there any non-massive cases that can fit a full size graphics card and an ATX PSU? Only ones I can find are some of the bigger mATX ones, which are barely even smaller than normal atx towers.

Should I 250d or something from Silverstone? Maybe Micro-ATX, it just needs to be portable nothing to do with being a living room PC.

Put in an AIO next time.

depends on how long of a psu/how tall of a cpu cooler you want to use, 160mm psu the core 500 works
140mm-150mm the rvz01-e
if you're willing to use an AIO the cooler master elite 130, there might be more, but i'm too lazy to look, since i've settled between the core 500 and the nano s

Don't be fag.

980 is all you need. It's in this box.

"QUIET" until the pump on that shitty AIO starts to die

it'll sounds like a squirrel with it's tail stuck in fan belt

Likely easy to fix.

yea cut it out, put in a ddc and tee for bleeding and never look back

Thermaltake Suppressor F1
Cryorig i9 Sink and Fan
EVGA 550 G2

Case is not the smallest ITX, but it's okay for size for me. I wanted top mounted fan exaust set up, but not that many ITX case can facilitate this without going above $50. EVGA Hadron is a good alt w/ top mounted fans.

what psu? I got the core 500 instead of the Node 304 because the 304 seemed to have less leeway when it came to the PSU length... also the front 94 mm fans would be harder/more expensive to buy. It looks like installing the HDD/SSD would be much easier for you.

not him, but looks like the corsair sf600, an SFX psu

How hard would it be to shorten and re-sleeve PSU cables?

It is indeed the Corsair SF600. I really don't see the point in replacing the front fans, they're pretty quiet even on full blast. Plus, like I said previously, the only real temp/noise issue was the gpu. Everything else stayed the same as it would be at idle.

look up any sleeving/cable modding video on youtube

last i checked, 8.3 was more than 7. which does make it fatter than my current mATX.