The first confirmed victim of the NSA's PRISM program has been identified

The first confirmed victim of the NSA's PRISM program has been identified.

Who's next, Sup Forums?

>I don't give a fuck. I don't live in the US.

Neither did Fullman.

Other urls found in this thread:

He should've taken his opsec seriously

I don't give a fuck because it never happened.

>muh he goo boi he dindu nuffin

He's a fucking traitor. An enemy of the United States of America.
He should be hanged like every other terrorist.


This. Sup Forums is full of cucks who defend terrorists. The NSA is protecting america

No, if anything, he proved the NSA is a traitor to the US by spying on people through social media infiltration, violating the 14th Amendment.


Fuck the 14th amendment. Cucks like you are the reason why durkas keep committing terrorist attacks.


When due process fails us, we really do live in a world of terror.

Did we not have terrorist attacks BEFORE PRISM? Or did you forget about a little thing called 9/11?

Fucking terrorist deserved it

Looks like the NSA shills found out that "cuck" is the new trendy word around newfags on this site

why worry about this if you aren't a criminal?

Where's the full story?

torrented doom 4

7/11 was only a part time job. Trump said so himself.

Please share links

Cuck is a pretty good insult, you gotta admit. Although, it is being overused and losing its value.


The NSA are criminals who fear nothing and use everything for their goal.

Here is one source guys


Despite whatever Sup Forums thinks, it is still more politically correct than -fag. It's like their own version of "shitlord"


Im commiting terror attacks on ur mom cuck

shut up you cuck

I want the NSA & CIA to combine and make the KGB look like they were very nice people.

Too bad they're incompetent.

Unlikely, it uses Denuvo and it hasn't been cracked, or I'd be playing it right now.

>14th amendment
Retards like you shouldn't vote